Monday, February 28, 2011

2/28/11 Squats

265 x 5
275 x 5
285 x 5
305 x 5
315 x 5 (PR)

Band-lightened Squat:
335 x 3
365 x 3
385 x 3
405 x 3

Leg Perazas:
5 Plates x 10 x 4

PNF, Seated Box Jumps

Squat Day 2/28/2011

Suit Work (straps down)
365 x 5
395 x 5
405 x 5
425 x 4 AHHHHH!!! I think this would have been a PR. 405 felt easy even with the straps down.
405 x 5

Band Resisted Squats (w/ Greens)
225 x 3
245 x 3
235 x 3

Leg Press
6 Plates on each side x 12
7 Plates on each side x 12
8 Plates on each side x 8

Superset-Foam Roller Transversus & Calves
3 sets each

Box Vertical Jumps
3 sets of 20

So my scalene pain is getting better (and it fucking better be since I already turned in my stuff for collegiate nationals). Last week I couldn't even get under the bar when I tried good mornings. Today, the pain was still there but it didn't affect the lifts. I'm glad I was able to hit depth 70% of the time...I thought it'd be less than that.

Squat in a sUIT

Add Super Centurion Suit
Straps down
455x5@ 8.5
Straps up
455x5 @7.5

Banded Resisted Squats

Leg Pressezzz
6 plate per sidex10
7 plate per side x10
8 plate per side x10

Box Jumps, abs, food

pretty happy with today, first time ever even getting in my suit
everyone said my reps were at parallel too! even with straps up,
expected it to be much worse.

I like it RAW.

255 x 5 @8
265 x 5 @9
275 x 4+spotters took it on the 5th
275 x 4+spotters took it on the 5th+1
275 x 5
On the last rep of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th sets, for some reason I kept rolling the bar higher up on my back causing me to lose balance. The missed reps were due to this flaw in technique probably from doing so much suited squatting for the past couple months. Next week should hopefully go smoother.

Band-resisted squats (Wooden blues~ same as purples)
185 x 3
205 x 3
225 x 3
235 x 3
Before I started suited squats for the last meet I was having some issues with strength out of the hole. I tried to hit the hole hard and rebound quickly on these to work on this weakness.

Tried 1 set of pause squats at 235 but was gassed from the band-resisted squats.

Front squats
135 x 6, 8, 6
As Cheryl said, I have to focus on pushing the ass back and driving the elbows upwards at the bottom to help keep the chest up. Need to up the weight on these soon.

Finished with 3 sets of calves and 3 sets of transversus.

2/28 Squat


Leg Press;
560x10, 10


315x10, 10
385x10, 10

Face Pulls:


Start of the new cycle. Squats and back work on Monday and Thursday, Pressing work on Tuesday and Friday. 305 on squats didn't feel too difficult, and that's only 10lbs off my PR for a 5-rep set. Good stuff.

2/28/2010 Squat

1x5 at 225 lbs (84.9% max)
1x5 at 205 lbs (77.4% max)
3x5 at 185 lbs (69.8% max)

So I thought I could do more than I could and did not follow the routine at all. My mistake, and I definitely paid the price.

Leg Press
1x8 at 270 lbs
1x8 at 180 lbs
3x8 at 230 lbs

Definitely was dead from squats and the rest of the day.

I was feeling quite dizzy after squats so I decided to cut the day short after leg press. I did, however, hobble back to my apartment (in the good way). TERRIBLE TERRIBLE SQUAT DAY.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Luke 2-26-11 Arms and stuff

Seated Shoulder Press
95 x 8
105 x 5
115 x 5
125 x 5
125 x 5 didn't go all the way down on the heavy sets
95 x 8

Dumbbell Bench
50's x 10
60's x 10, 8
tried to go down far

Bent Over Rows
135 x 10
185 x 10 x 2
135 x 10

Cable Rows
180 x 8 x 3

Triceps Pushdowns

and some dips and abs

Bench Assistance 2/25/2011

Dumbbell Press
60's x 5
60's x 5
70's x 5
70's x 5
70's x 5
My neck hurt like a bitch when I actually tried to do Arnold Presses correctly

Bent Over Rows
205 x 8
225 x 8
225 x 8
225 x 6

Tricep Death-Tricep Extension drop set
3 sets of a shit ton of reps. Massive tricep pump

3 sets of 12. Massive chest pump

Cable Rows
4 sets of 8-10 reps

Friday, February 25, 2011

Pullups to warmup

Seated DB Military

Rotator Cuff & Static Side delt holdz
some sets x some reps

3 board press-
275x5,5 EZ
295x5 pretty easy

DB Shrugs
125's x 20,20,20


Volume work gave me a huge chest pump today. I feel like a teenage girl all over again.
Arnold press
45 x 5 x 3
50 x 5 x 2

Bent over row
145 x 8
165 x 8 x 2
175 x 8 x 2

Triceps death
115 x chest to 4 board x 2
135 x 1 board to 2 board

Cable flee yes
Cable ro wes

Bench Assistance

Seated Press
115 x 5
125 x 5
135 x 5, 5, 5 <---last one was a megagrinder

Dumbbell rows (w/ straps)
132 x 10
162 x 6, 6 Will be trying to increase reps at this weight over the next few weeks. UpperBax2ThaMax.

Tricep death (no board, 1 board, and yoga block ~ 0, 1, 2.5, 4, 5.5 board)
135 x success
145 x barely got 10 reps on various boards

Face pulls (mini band)
4 sets of 15-20


after 15 minutes of struggling to put my suit on, and walking in it a little before i went to bed...
woke up this morning with an intense burning on my shoulders, and my shoulders look like i'd been whipped by my slavemaster

Lower Back Day 2/24/2011

Leg Press
4 plates + Qtr per side x10
5 plates + Qtr per side x10
5 plates + Qtr per side x10
6 plates + Qtr per side x8
7 plates + Qtr per side x8
7 plates + Qtr per side x8
6 plates per side x 12
6 plates per side x 12
I couldn't clean nor due GMs due to the scalene muscle in my neck. I tried to a couple of sets of GM then did a set of front squats. This made things worse. Training in the suit next week should be fun.

Banded Hyperextension w/ 2 Blues & 2 Greens
3 sets of 20
I supersetted these with calves

Supersetted Banded Vertical Jumps w/ Abs

Luke 2-24-11 Legs and lower back

Light Good Mornings (unbelted)
45 x 10
95 x 10
135 x 10
185 x 10

Power Cleans
113 x 5
155 x 5
175 x 4 + high pull
175 x 4 + high pull. I felt really tired by the 4th rep of each. 175 x 4 is a PR.

135 x 12
185 x 12 x 2

Leg Presses
4 plates per side (478) x 12 x 3

Deadlifts n stuff


275, 315, 315, 335 (PR) x 5

135 x 7 x 4
there was a 155 in here for a couple of sets

135 x 7 x 4
there was also a couple 155's in here somewhere

Leg Press

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Deadlift Assistance

Good mornings
185 x 10
225 x 10
235 x 10
255 x 10
275 x 9

Power cleans
145 x 3
185 x 3
165 x 3

135 x 8 per leg
165 x 8
185 x 8

Finished with 3 sets of banded jumps, 3 sets of transversus, and 3 sets of banded hypers.

Dat dere sarcoplasmic hypertrophy

135 x 10 x 4
135 x 8

35 x 8 x 4
lat raises superset
20 x 8 x 4

Tricep pushdown,
120 x 8 x 2
130 x 8 x 2
lat pulldown,
180 x 8 x 4
preacher curl reallybig set
50 x 10 x 4

Good mornings
225 x 10
245 x 8
245 x 10 x 2

130-something x 5 x 5

135 x 8 x 3

Leg press, calf raise superset

2/24 Press

Standing Press:



Close-grip benching just felt too nasty on my wrists to keep doing. I did move my grip in a couple fingers though to get more tricep work in. Strength is coming back nicely.

Deadlift assistance

Low Box Squat-
slow,light for stretch


Weighted hypers

Ab Wheel

Bench 2/22/2011

155 x 10
165 x 10
185 x 10
165 x 10
175 x 10

Stability Bench
135 x 8
155 x 7
145 x 6

Skull Crushers
80 lbs x 10; 3 sets

Wide Grip Pull Ups
x15, x 11, x10

Finished with Dumbbell Reverse Flyes & Biceps

Then.....did car pushing

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Post-Meet Weakness: Squat


Front Squat:

Luke Bench 2-22-11

135 x 10
155 x 10
165 x 10
165 x 10
155 x 9 + fail I did this set paused and also went down super slow on every rep. I could barely lift the bar after.

Stability Bench
Bar+25's x 8
Bar+45's x 8 x 2
Bar with 5's + 45's x 8

Skull Crushers, Lat Pulldown, Curls superset
80 x 10, 180 x 8, 80 x 8, 3 sets each

Car Pushing
Got the course record for the long track with 4 people at 2:42

2.22.11 Bench

Bench Press:
I'm officially in a race to 200 with Ro.

Stability Bench:

Lat pullls supersetted with triceps overhead extensions and biceps

Car Pushing

GPP Car Pushing


Group 2: Vit, Danny, Kevin, Alex, (Luke)
Group 4: Dave, Darvin, Cheryl, Greg, (Scott)

Car Curb Weight: 2800 lbs

Short Circuit (roughly 100m)

Group 1: 1:03.9 s
Group 2: 56.1 s
Group 3: 1:09.7 s
Group 4: 58.1 s

Group 1: 1:03.2 s
Group 2: 58.0 s
Group 3: 1:07.1 s
Group 4: 1:04.3 s

Long Circuit (roughly 400m)

Group 1: 3:03.5 s
Group 2: 3:38.5 s
Group 3: 3:18.5 s
Group 4: 3:32.0 s

Group 1: 2:50.5 s
Group 2: 2:42.3 s
Group 4: 3:09.7 s

Overall Winner: Group 1!

2.19.11 Meet

Weight: 77.9 kg (171.74 lbs)
Class: 181 lb Men's Raw Junior

1st attempt 130 kg (286.5 lbs): good
2nd attempt 142.5 kg (314 lbs): good
3rd attempt 150 kg (330.5 lbs): good (15.5 lb PR)
I really wish someone had taken a picture of the faces I was making just because I want to see them. All attempts felt pretty good though, but this is around where I was peaking on my caffeine/endorphin high

1st attempt 85 kg (187.2 lbs): good
2nd attempt 92.5 kg (203.7 lbs): no good; uneven extension
3rd attempt 92.5 kg (203.7 lbs): good
Never noticed how strict judges were on extension until I watched the video again. The weight itself felt easy and I honestly probably should've gone for my original 209.2 kg but didn't want the same thing to happen and only be credited for 187.2.

1st attempt 182.5 kg (402.2 lbs): good
2nd attempt 192.5 kg (424.2 lbs): good
3rd attempt 195 kg (429.7 lbs): no good
Pretty gassed at this point (not to mention caffeine crashing) so 424.2 felt like my old PR attempt of 435. Watching the video my 429.7 might've been possible if I had started lower and didn't lock my knees out so fast.

435 kg (959 lbs)
Felt good about my lifts this meet, with a PR on squat and proof of over 200 in bench and 400 in deadlift for getting over mental blocks in training. My ideal meet would've resulted in 1000 total but I'm really starting to think I can next time. And after trying this meet without attempting to cut and with personal problems (sleep) beforehand, I think I'm ready to try to go back down to 165 for August's meet. As a final note, I fucking love caffeine.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Dave + Kyle Videos



ps Dave feel free to edit, can't get object tag working right now on Blogger.

Post Meet bench


Stability Bench-
145 lbs - 50 per side via bands

Lat pulldowns


Post-Meet Weakness: Press

95x6, 6
100x6, 6
95x6, 6

195x4 (bleggghhhh)

185x8, 8

Pressing felt extremely weak today - the post-meet fatigue is strong with this one.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Bench (Assistance?)


175 x 10
185 x 10, 10 (10 used to be a PR a year ago, now it's lightweight budday)
175 x 10

Stability Bench
45's x 10
35's + 25's x 6
45's + 25's x 3 (this was fun)

Lat Pulldowns
Skullcrushers + Curls superset
70lb EZ bar
next time I won't sandbag and I'll use 80lbs

Meet Writeup

You know, there really isn't much to say for me. I got what I thought I would get after slimming down 8 pounds, so I'm happy with that. I really want to work on my deadlift though because I feel like that is a) not increasing and b) incredibly weak.

~243 lbs
~259 lbs

~153 lbs
~159 lbs

~243 lbs
~268 lbs
~281 lbs

I think those are the values, I'm too lazy to look them up precisely right now.

2/21/10 Bench

Bench Press
2x10 at 95 lbs
1x10 at 105 lbs
1x10 at 115 lbs
1x10 at 105 lbs

Stability Bench
1x3 at 95 lbs
1x8 at 95 lbs
1x10 at 95 lbs

Wide Grip Pull-Ups

4x8 at 50 lbs

Tricep Pull-Downs
4x8 at 100 lbs

Meet Write-up

Bodyweight 89kg ~ 196

484 x 3 whites
502 x 3 whites
519 x 3 whites (+9 pound PR)

This went much better than when I hit my openers two weeks prior. 484 felt very easy. I think I had around 10 pounds left in the squat, but stayed conservative to break the total record.

314 x 3 whites
330 x fail
330 x fail

I was not happy about this. During warm ups it felt like my pecs were about to tear off, which was disconcerting. I think the slight weight loss really killed my bench. I hit 330 solidly just a week prior, so I'm disappointed not to have those extra 16 pounds.

633 x 3 whites (+4 meet PR)
672 x 3 whites (+22 PR)
705 x fail

I got the total record with 672 and was all amped up, so I just went for 705 at that point. Looking at the video, it got much higher than it felt like, but I couldn't lock it out. I think I was mildly gassed at this point anyway, but I need to work on my lockout more if I'm going to get that 705 raw deadlift. I'd say I was probably good for 684 that day had I not been overly ambitious, haha.

1504 (+127 meet PR (last time was @ 181)), which apparently gives me an elite raw total? (according to some definition of elite)

Overall, it was good meet. Having an entire meet before hand was a bit exhausting though. It felt like lifting in two meets the same day and by the end it was harder to keep my energy levels up. That said, the meet was well run and judging was fair. I didn't see very many questionable calls.

Big thanks to everyone who came and the team for cheering me on. And especially Ross for loading a lot of weight, haha.

Meet Writeup 2.19.11

Competed in the Raw Jr. 75kg (165lb) weight class

Weigh In:
74 kg (163.14 lbs)

1. 115 kg (253.5)--3 whites
2. 127.5 kg (281)--3 whites
3. 135 kg (297.6)--3 reds. I went big, went too deep and didn't have enough out of the hole. This is the one I wish I had a do-over on. Wish I would've used nose tork or gone a little lighter, but damn I feel like I can hit that.

Bench Press:
1. 75 kg (165.2)--3 whites, but back hurt throughout lift, so I went belted for next two attempts.
2. 82.5 kg (181.7)--3 whites
3. 85 kg (187.2)--3 whites. 2.2lb PR. I really didn't think I would get this, but I used nose tork and had the belt, which I believe made the difference. I'm gonna belt anything I do heavy from now on. Thanks for the lift off Vit!

1. 150 kg (330.5)--3 whites
2. 165 kg (363.7)--3 whites
3. 175 kg (385.8)--3 whites. 20 lb PR. I probably could've done more, I was so pumped for this (Thank you nose tork and Vit slap). My deadlift is horribly inconsistent, but not having grip issues was key to success here. I'm definitely glad I made the switch to conventional last year, it seems to be paying off.

387.5 kg (854.3). 57.5 kg (126.8) meet PR. I'm really happy with that progress in just 1 year. Now I'm really gunning for 200 bench, 300 squat, and 400 deadlift by the end of the year. Also excited to be in a race with a bunch of the guys on the team to 900. Should be a fun Spring Quarter!

Vids to come. Be patient please!

Light Bench

135 x 10
145 x 10
155 x 10, 9

3 light sets

BW x 26 <---the only up-side of my weight loss

Incline curls
30s x 10, 10

Meet Write-up

Division: 148 Raw Junior
Weigh-in: 144? I don't really remember.

1st Attempt: 137.5 kg (303 lbs) Easy opener.
2nd Attempt: 150 kg (330.5 lbs) Still light.
3rd Attempt: 157.5 kg (347 lbs) I don't remember struggling with this much at all. I stood up pretty quickly. 7 Pound PR.

1st Attempt: 75 kg (165.2 lbs) This was not as easy as I was hoping, it was like a hard warm-up.
2nd Attempt: 82.5 kg (181.7 lbs) Lifted this no problem.
3rd Attempt: 87.5 (192.7 lbs) Barely struggled with this weight. 12.7 Pound PR.

1st Attempt: 150 kg (330.5 lbs) Came up quickly.
2nd Attempt: 162.5 kg (358 lbs) My only failed lift. I'd attribute this to a shitty setup. I had my legs way far out, and I wasn't flexible enough to get good leverage for this lift. I am disappoint because this lift should've been way easy.
3rd Attempt: 162.5 kg (358 lbs) Ripped the bar off the floor. Much better setup and form. Hit the nose tork really hard before this and couldn't breathe through my nose or think clearly. I gave up on holding my breath for this and the bar shot up anyways. I could've done so much more weight, but I didn't know that I could change the weight for my 3rd attempt after failing a 2nd.

Goal: 900 lb total
Total: 407.5 kg (898.4 lbs)

Overall, this was an excellent first meet. I hit 8/9 lifts, and hit two good PRs in bench and squats. I didn't go over my goal, but I know I had it in me anyways. I can't describe how great it feels to lift weight on that platform. I loved the environment of friendly competition, everyone was there to show the fruits of their labor. You guys were all awesome, and I think the support I got helped me focus. For the future, I know my bench and deadlift need a lot of work. Sometimes I don't think I know what I'm doing for either, but I'm getting better.

Luke 2-19-11 USAPL CA State Championships

Weighed In at 66.9 kg (147.5 lbs)
Competed in the Raw Open 148 (67.5 kg) weight class, although I had signed up for junior

152.5 kg (336 lbs) 2 whites 1 red- easy but I got 1 red for depth
162.5 kg (358 lbs) 3 whites- made sure I sank this one, felt a groin stretch at the bottom, not too hard
170 kg (375 lbs) 2 whites 1 red- PR by 5 pounds, I nose torked this lift and it really helped. I could have gone a little heavier, but I did get 1 red for depth, so it was a good choice. Finally got that 2.5 x body weight squat.

90 kg (198.4 lbs) 3 whites- not as easy as planned, pause was longer than expected
95 kg (209.4 lbs) 3 reds- failed 2 inches off chest at former weak point. I just felt really weak in bench at the meet and I also wasn't focused at this point
95 kg (209.4 lbs) 3 reds- retry of second, same result. I nose torked this lift, but no improvement. This really pissed me off since I hit this weight a year ago at the meet and I've recently benched 220 and 210 x 2. Missing my second attempt and not getting a chance at 220 ruined my chances for a 1025 pound total which would qualify me for nationals, however I still had a shot at a 1000+ total. I blame my bench weakness partially on cutting weight, because bench strength is always the first to go. I'm gonna try to gain some weight and do some volume for bench.

177.5 kg (391 lbs) 3 whites- 2.5 kg lower than I initially planned for safety margin
190 kg (419 lbs) 3 whites- PR by 5 pounds. I nose torked this lift a little bit, and it was pretty hard. I was shaky on the way up.
195 kg (430 lbs) 3 whites- PR by 16 pounds. Nose torked. 2.9 x body weight. This one was really hard, I though I was gonna fail this one and it felt pretty slow. Vit's slap probably helped me get this, along with my roar. Really happy with this PR which brought my total to over 1000.

Total: 455 kg (1003 lbs) 70 kg (154 lbs) meet PR
I was very happy about my squat and bench PR's, but pretty pissed at my bench. This meet is strong evidence that powerlifting has done nothing for my bench since I officially am weaker than a year ago. I think I need to try my own thing for bench. I got drug tested after the meet. I was 22 pounds away from qualifying for nationals even though I competed raw. Good meet overall, great turnout from UCLA. Thank you everyone who was there and also to everyone who has helped me train for this.

7/9 overall
4 CA junior state records
1st place for 148 weight class
Class 1


Weighed in at 233, 18-19 Y/o Division. I turned 19 this week.

Squat Warmups Felt a little hard, 405 scared me.. they were rushed and out of the groove.

451- Good lift, Relatedly easy
484- Good lift,Matched PR from 2 weeks ago
501- Good lift, not a grinder, but close to max 15 LB PR

warmups went as plan
282- good lift,Easy
308- good lift,Alright, 5 LB PR
314- good lift,grinder 15 LB PR

496 - Good lift, basically a warmup
540 - good lift, Good Speed
572 - Good lift, close to grinder 22 LB PR

Total - 1387 ~ 60 lbs higher than in November

Thank you to everyone, it was so awesome to have so many people there, we definitely let our presence be known.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Meet Write-UP

Division: Jr 181 RAW
Weight-in: 81.6 (179.8lbs)

1st attempt 165kg (363.7 lbs) Good Lift 3 whites; slower than it should have been, forgot the elbows thru
2nd attempt
180kg (396.7 lbs) Good Lift 3 whites; felt hard as fuck
3rd attempt 185kg (407.7 lbs) Good Lift 3 whites; almost stepped forward because I lost my balance, had to grind through to get to the top PR

1st attempt
97.5kg (214.7 lbs) Good lift 3 whites; warm up
2nd attempt
105kg (231.2 lbs) Good Lift, 1 red light for sinking
3rd attempt
107.5kg (236.7 lbs) No lift 3 reds, I felt a cramp coming in my lower back and I lost all my tightness.

1st attempt
217.5kg (479 lbs) 3 whites, easy
2nd attempt 237.5kg (523.5lbs) 3 whites New CA State Record; Class I total
3rd attempt 245kg (540 lbs) 3 whites, I think I pulled the scalene muscle in my neck but it was worth the lift. New CA State Record PR

Total: 534.33kg (1,178lbs)
My last Raw total in July was 1,080 lbs

This was the best meet UCLA Powerlifting has ever seen. I don't think we've gotten close to having this many people show up. I can officially say I'm a Class I lifter (needed a 1,148lb total). The next step is becoming a Master and fixing the shit out of my bench. The highlight of the evening for me was my 3rd attempt deadlift. It was awesome having you guys there to pump me up in the back. I couldn't have done it without you. I'm looking forward to training in the suit again and giving sumo deadlifting a second chance. Thanks again to the spotters, the people that helped load the weight in the back and to everyone that came out. Good job to all of you !!! We fuckin' killed that shit !!!

USAPL California State Championships


BW: 73.3 kg
Weight Class: 75 kg

I had to clean up my diet a lot, but not cut significantly (no cardio involved).

363 3 whites
385 2 whites, my elbow hit my leg
402 3 whites

235 3 whites
242 3 whites
248 3 whites
all easy

402 3 whites
429 3 whites
I declined my last attempt cause I hit collegiate national total (1079.9 > 1075).

Pretty filthy meet overall. I hit exactly what I planned for.

Mad thanks to UCLA Powerlifters for backing me, clearly couldn't have done it without them.

2-19-11 Meet Writeup

Division: 181 Men's Junior (equipped)
Weight: 81.0 kg (178.2 lbs)
396 lbs - good/3 whites
418 - no lift/3 reds
418 - good/ 2 whites 1 red

253 - no lift/3 reds
253 - good/2 whites 1 red
265 - no lift/3 reds
(7 reds on bench - PR lol)

402 - good/3 whites
435 - good/3 whites
473 - no lift/3 reds

Total - 1107.5 lbs/502.5 kg (+49lb PR)

Well, I didn't reach the 1145 qualifying total that I was gunning for but I still think it was a good meet overall. Weight loss definitely made my gear fit less tight since even after eating/drinking during the day I was still about 10-12 lbs below the bodyweight that I trained at for the meet. I am glad I was able to grind out that last squat and basically all 3 bench presses despite the gear not fitting right. As for deadlifts, I was able to get 473 lb to my knees and had the same sticking point that I desperately need to work on. I look forward to focusing on raw strength for a while now since these past 6 months have been centered around geared lifting for me. Finally I'd like to thank everyone who came to support us/help out and send a congratulations out to all the guys who competed. Couldn't have not bombed out without you guys lol.

Rancid/Ramson/Ranson Meet Report

Weigh-in: 107kg

1st: 308 - 3 whites
2nd: 330 - 3 whites
3rd: 352 - 3 whites (7lb PR)

1st: 242 - 3 whites
2nd: 259 - 3 whites
3rd: 275 - 3 reds, no lift

1st: 424 - 3 whites
2nd: 474 - 3 whites (19lb PR)
3rd: 490 - 3 reds, no lift

TOTAL: 492.5kg/1,085lbs (~200lb PR)

A most excellent meet. Did not get the 500kg total that I wanted, but I came close enough to it to walk away satisfied. The squat and deadlift were both nice PR's to get at the meet, and I beat Vit's geared total from November just like I said I would haha. Excited to start my new training cycle focusing on my squat and shoulder strength.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Luke 2-10-11 Bench Assist

Arnold Press
40's x 5
50's x 5 x 3

Dumbbell Bench
75's x 8 x 3

Decline Bench
155 x 5
175 x 5
185 x 5
195 x 5 PR

Cable Flyes

Lat Pulldowns


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Christ I need a foam roller

Good mornings
275 x 5
295 x 5
305 x 5
315 x 5 (PR)

Low box squat
245 x 3
255 x 3 x 2 (first normal stance, second extra wide)
265 x 3 x 2 (first normal stance, second extra wide)
Since these were all unbelted, I legitimately think I might be better at these than normal squats at this point

Banded hyperextensions
gray x 12 x 4
Calves, hanging leg raises superset

Arnold press
45 x 5 x 5

Dumbbell bench
60 x 8 x 4

Decline bench
155 x 5
175 x 5
185 x 5
195 x 4+whoops

Chin ups
BW x 15 x 3
BW x 12


Friday, February 11, 2011

Last Pre-Meet Training...Now We Wait.

Incline dumbbell press
75s x 7, 6, 6, 6 <--last rep was a major grinder lol

Close grip cable press
40 x 4 sets of 15

Cable rows
250 x 6, 6, 7, 7

Neutral grip pullups
BW x 10, 10, 10

Cardio: 20 minutes on the stationary bike. Still need to lose about 4-5 lbs by meet day.

2/11/11 Bench Assistance

Standing Press:
100 x 3
110 x 3
125 x 3
140 x 3 (PR)

Board Press:
165 x 3 (3 Board)
175 x 3 (3 Board)
185 x 3 (3 Board)
175 x 3 (2 Board)
185 x 3 (2 Board)

I Still don't really know what my weak point is, I assume it's 2 board now since I have shorter arms than most people.

Dumbbell Bench:
60 x 8
65 x 8
70 x 8
70 x 8

18, 12, 7, 7

Cable Rows, Bridges, PNF

Bench Assistance 2/11/2011

Overhead Press
145 x 3
155 x 3
160 x 3 5lb PR
145 x 3

225 x 3
235 x 3
245 x 3
235 x 3

Incline Dumbbell Bench w/ 75's
3 sets of 10

Supersetted with Close Grip Pull Ups
x18, x15, x15

Chest Supported Rows
3 sets of 8 w/ 4 plates

Week 6 Press

Push Press:
135x3, 3
145x3, 3

235x5, 5

DB Bench

Last day of real lifting before the meet. Need to consume mass quantities this next week to make sure strength is not lost.

2/10/11 Deadlift Assistance

Good Mornings:
225 x 5
275 x 5
295 x 5
315 x 5

Low-box Squats:
225 x 3
275 x 3
295 x 3
315 x 3

Kettlebell Pull-throughs


dead assistance

low box squat

Seated GM's

banded hypers-

hamstring curls, hanging leg raises


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Deadlift Assistance 2/10/2011

Good Mornings
315 x 5
335 x 5
365 x 5

Low Box Squat
315 x 3
335 x 3
365 x 3
375 x 3 10lb PR

Dumbbell Pull Throughs w/60 lbs
3 sets of 15 per arm; 30 reps total per set


Abs w/ Cheryl & Ryan...OWWWWWWWW!!!

Cardio on treadmill

Ryan Deadlift 2/10/11

295 x5
315 x5x2
365 x5

185 x5
225 x5x2

Box Squats-
185 x3
225 x3x2
245 x3
255 x3

Various bands till failure x3

Biceps, Calvs, Abs

Week 6 Squat 2

310x1, 1 (~opener)
330x1 (~2nd Attempt)

and just for fun - No Handed Squats!

Squatting today took a while to warm up to (tight hips), but I was able to hit depth well according to Max, Ross, and Ro. Did not feel like front squats, so I just squatted 225 for a few sets.

The No Handed Squats were just me Kylin' around :D

Deadlift Assistance

Went early so I could catch the Lakers-Celtics game.
Good mornings
275 x 5
295 x 5
315 x 5, 5

Box squats
185 x 3
225 x 3
235 x 3
245 x 3, 3

BW x 50, 50, 50

Finished with 3 sets of ball rotations and stretching

Luke 2-9-11 Lower Back

Good Mornings
225 x 5
275 x 5
295 x 5
315 x 7 PR

Low Box Squat on low box plus plate
225 x 3
275 x 3
295 x 3
315 x 3

Hyper Extensions
BW + 45 x 20 x 3
BW x 10 x 3


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Bench Day 2/8/2011

215 x 1 1st attempt
215 x 1
230 x 1 2nd attempt

Pause Bench
185 x 3
195 x 3 hard
185 x 3 easy
195 x 3; easiest, I don't understand how my bench works sometimes

Skull crushers
80lbs x 10; 3 sets

Lat Pull Downs

Machine Shrugs w/ Pause at the top
3 sets of 15-20 w/ 5 plates on each side


Luke 2-8-11 Bench

Bench with full commands
195 x 1 @ 8.5
195 x 1 @ 8.5
210 x 1 @ 9.5

Pause Bench with 3 second Nick O count
175 x 3 @ 9
185 x 3 @ 10
185 x 3 @ 10

Triceps Pushdown
130 x 10
140 x 10
150 x 10 x 2

Barbell Shrugs
225 x 10
315 x 10
405 x 6
435 x 3

superset with wide grip pull ups
BW x 20, 16, 16

Cable Rows on the machine with 2 handles
160 x 10
180 x 10
200 x 10
140 x 10

The Gripper


Bench Press (with full commands):
165x1x2 (opener)
180 (2nd attempt) felt good. Whether I go for 185ish or 190ish will depend on how I'm feeling on meet day.

Pause Bench (brutal 3 second Nick Orton count):

Triceps Pushdowns

Shrugs (for grip) supersetted with Pull Ups

Gripper Machine

Cable Rows

Getting that sarcoplasmic hypertrophy

185 x 2
205 x 1
185 had pause calls, 205 was ugly and wouldn't have passed at all.

Pause bench (3 sec)
155 x 3
165 x 3 x 3

70 x 10
80 x 8 x 2
80 x 10
curls superset

Pull ups,
BW x 16
BW x 15 x 3
shrugs superset

cable abs
and more curls

2/8/11 Bench

165 x 1
165 x 1
180 x 1 (Cleanest/easiest 180 I've ever hit)

Pause Bench:
145 x 3
155 x 3
165 x 3
165 x 3

70 x 15
70 x 15
80 x 10

10, 9, 6

3 Plates x 15
4 Plates x 10
5 Plates x 10, held the last one

Bicepts, Bicepts, Bicepts

Puked after watching Vit's video.

Ryan Bench 2/9/11

Bench w/ calls-
225 x1
235 x1
245 x1 (that's a pr with the calls)

Pause Bench-
195 x3
205 x3x3

Skull Crushers-
80lbs x10x3

Pull Downs-
160 x10x2
170 x10

Shrugs, some other tris, abs

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

This is why shirted bench is so fun.

Bench (shirted)
(2 board) 225 x 1
(1 board) 225 x 1
(no board)
225 x 1 -came down too low on my chest
255 x 1 -too low again
255 x fail <--dumped the bar towards my neck on the way up, but luckily Dave set the pins at the height exactly half an inch above my neck. Thanks Dave <3
255 x 1 -came down a little higher, but came up slow
255 x 1 -probably my best rep of the day, hopefully would have passed in a meet

Banded pushdowns (purples)
25lbs x 3 sets of 15

Lat pulldowns
200 x 10
220 x 8
240 x 8
250 x 5+Ryan sabotaged the set by trying to make me stop swinging.

Machine shrugs
10 plates x 15
12 plates x 12
14 plates x 6

Finished with 3 sets of GHR abs and 3 sets of hammer curls.

Bench 1

315 x 1, 1

330 x 1

Pause Bench:
275 x 3, 3, 3, 3 @ 3 seconds

Skull crushers didn't feel so hot today, so I went with cable triceps for reps. Along with lat pull downs. While i was repping the stack some dude starts point at me to his friend keeps saying "now that's the shit," over and over until his friend replies, "ok, i see it. i know."

14 plates x some reps
16 plates x some reps

supersetted a few biceps in the mix

finished with ghr abs


Last bench before the meet.

3sec pause bench


Tricep Pushdowns
standing abs

vid of 305

Week 6 Bench

245x1, 1 @ 8, 8
260x1 @ 9.5 (this will be my second attempt)


Push Press:
135x3, 3



Bench is feeling strangely difficult, but there's not much I can do now other than rest up and gain a few more lbs. I'm weighting in at 233 pretty consistently, which gives me a 9lb window for the meet. Helloooooo bagels.

2/08/11 Squat

1x2 at 235 lbs
1x1 at 255 lbs

Pause Squat
3x3 at 185 lbs

Leg Press
4x8 at 225 lbs

Squat 1


485 x 1 @ 10

485 x 1 @ 9-

505 x 1 @ 9+

Not sure what happened on the first one. It was nasssty, especially considering that i tripled it last week. Maybe I need to warm up more, but I hit 445 x 1 as my last warm up, which I thought would be enough.

Pause Squat:
405 x 3, 3 second
415 x 3, 3 second
425 x 3, 3 second

Leg Perazas

some plates x some reps. All of these were high for some reason. (Hi Misael!)

Finsihed with plyos and foam roller abs

Squat Day 2/7/2011

365 x 1
365 x 1
395 x 1 felt easy

Pause Squat
295 x 3
315 x 3
315 x 3

Leg Press
8 plates on each side x 8
8 plates on each side x 8
8 plates on each side x 6 wtf?
8 plates on each side x 8

Treadmill-Ran 2 minutes at 4.3 mph, then 2minutes 8.5 mph. Switched back and forth for 20 minutes.

Foam Roller Transversus
3 sets of 20


Monday, February 7, 2011


Squat (suit on, straps up, knees wrapped)
395 x 1 @8
405 x 1 @9
425 x 1 @10 (10lb PR)
Thanks to Dave for wrapping my knees tight as shit. I might order a prosthetic leg to be safe in case one falls off at the meet. Need to hit 424 at the meet to be on pace to qualify for Collegiate Nationals. Most videos also taken by Dave's phone. Perhaps one day they'll be posted ;(

Pause squats (3 count)
245 x 3 x 3

Leg press
360 x 10
450 x 4+1fail <-- lol man I suck without a suit on
360 x 10

Finished with 3 sets of plyos, 3 sets of foam roller transversus, stretching, and 3 sets of calves.

2/7/11 Squat

305 x 2 (Didn't know we were supposed to do two sets)
335 x 1 (Not too bad, just kind of slow)

Pause Squat:
265 x 3
275 x 3
275 x 3

Leg Press:
4 plates x 8
4 plates + Quarter x 8
5 plates x 8
5 plates + Quarter x 8

Box Jumps, Transversus Abs, PNF

Puked on my way back to the dorm.

Ryan Squat 2/7/11

265 x1
285 x1
295 x1 (pr)

Pause Squat-
225 x3 x3

Leg Press-
6 plates on each side x 6
5 plates on each side x10
5 + quarter x10

Stack x15 x2



Last squat day before the meet.

455x1@9 this felt hard, I was mad
455x1@7.5 this felt much easier, deeper and quicker.
485x1@9- this felt easier than my first 455, happy with this

atg pause squats

Leg pressezzzz

Standing Abs, calves, stretching

This looks like it should've taken 30 minutes

285 x 2
315 x 1
Glad 315 is feeling a little more solid than shaky now, but pretty annoyed at how slow progress has been

Pause squat (3 sec)
235 x 3
245 x 3 x 2

Lag prass
some kinds of plyos

Luke Squat 2-7-11

340 x 2 @ 9 opener
365 x 1 @ 10- second attempt
365 was pretty slow and felt heavy, but I did not feel like I was gonna fail it. I think I will go for 374 on my third attempt unless this feels easy at the meet.

Pause Squat with 3 second scott count
275 x 3
285 x 3
295 x 3

Leg Press
530 x 10
570 x 10
620 x 10



Cardio: Bike machine for 240 calories

Weigh In: 149.5 lbs

I think depth was good but it is hard to tell from this angle. It definitely felt deep while I was squatting.


255 (opener) x2
285 (2nd attempt)

What do you guys think about that depth? White or red?

Pause Squat (3 second pause):

Leg Press:
2 plates on each side x8
2 plates and a quarter on each side x8x2

Plyos, Abs, Cardio

Weigh In:

Week 6 Squat 1

Front Squat:
245x1 @ 9


Rear Delts + Abs

More meet prep stuff. I can tell that my body is starting to get a little more fatigued here and there - things like sleeping through Classics in the morning.

Bench Assistance 2/5/2011

Overhead Press
145 x 3
155 x 3
145 x 3
145 x 3

Pin Press (around the 2 board area)
205 x 5
215 x 5
205 x 5
205 x 5

Dumbbell Press
75's x 10
75's x 10
75's x 8
75's x 7

Supersetted with
Close Grip Pull Ups
x19, x13, x12, x10

Chest Supported Rows
3 plates x 8
3 plates + Qtr x 8
4 plates x 6

Stuff I did last week

335 x 1
365 x 1

Good Mornings:
225 x 5
275 x 5
295 x 5

Box Squats:
275 x 3
295 x 3
305 x 3

Hyper extensions, Ball rotations, PNF

Standing Press:
95 x 3
105 x 3
115 x 3
125 x 3
135 x 3 (PR)

Floor Press:
155 x 3
165 x 3
170 x 3
175 x 3

Dumbbell Bench:
60 x 8
65 x 8
70 x 8
70 x 8

Pull-ups, Cable Rows, Bridges, PNF

1 trip w/no weight
5 trips w/ 50 lbs

Puked on my way up to De Neve.

Deadlift 1


595? 605? x 1
635 x 1

650 x 1

650 felt faster off the floor than 635. My lockout wasn't as smooth as I wanted it, but it never felt difficult. Perhaps more baby powder next time?

Box Squats:
low box + aeromat (usual setup)

365 x 3
385 x 3 @ 10
405 x 3 @ 10
415 x 3 @ 10+

These were abnormally hard, but I had to keep going up to stay ahead of Nick...

Finished with a bunch of heavy banded hypers and some floor sweepers.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Ryan Bench Assist + GPP

Overhead Press-
135 x5 x4

Dumbell Press-
75lb x6x4

15 x 3

Pull ups

4 runs

puked on the walk back to my car

Saturday, February 5, 2011

2/4 Week 5 Assistance & 2/5 GPP


125x3, 3

195x4+1 PR

Barbell Rows:


5 trips with Prowler + 50lbs on grass

1st to puke after 2 trips

Bench Assistance

Where was everybody??? Only Alex, Max, and I lifted at 4:30.
3.5 board press (yoga block)
185 x 4 sets of 6

Flat dumbbell press
60s x 12, 8
50s x 12

Cable rows
250 x 6, 6, 6, 6

Neutral grip pullups
BW x 12, 12, 12

Finished with 3 sets of ball rotations and 30 minutes on the stationary bike. Need to kick up the cardio since I'm consistently weighing 187-188 in the mornings.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Bench assistance

Standing strict ohp

Db bench

Cg pulldowns



Because I missed Tuesday's Bench due to midterm cramming, I did my Bench and Bench Accessory workouts combined today.

Bench Press:
165x3 (opener)

Pause Bench (3 second pause):

Standing Press:

Shrug Machine supersetted with Triceps Pushdowns:
shurgs primarily for grip, worked my way up to 4 plates on each side
triceps: 100x8x3

Lat Pulls and Pull Ups to finish up

Luke 2-4-11 Bench Assistance

Arnold Press
35's x 5
40's x 5
45's x 5
50's x 5 x 2

Dumbbell Bench
65's x 8
75's x 8 x 2

Decline Bench
185 x 5 x 4

Cable Flyes

Neutral Grip Pull Ups
BW x 20, 18, 11

and abs superset

Chest Supported Rows


405 x 1
420 x 1 lightweight budday
my second real-weight rep is always faster than my first, this hold for almost all of my lifts

225 x 5
275 x 5 x 2

Box Squats
185, 205, 225, 245 (PR) x 3

Banded-Hypers, Abs

Ryan Deadlift 2/3/11

375 x1
425 x1
455 x1 @8.5 (PR) (prob. could have gone up another 20lbs., but didn't want to get greedy)

Good mornings-
135 x5
185 x5
225 x3x2

Box Squat-
185 x3
225 x3
245 x3

Banded Hyper-
2 greens + purp.
12, 10, 10


495x1@8 opener
535x1@8.5 2nd attempt

Low Box squat
405x3@9, next week dave....

banded hypers-
a bunch of bands

Ball wiper Abs


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Deadlift Day 2/3/2011


485 x 1
510 x 1 YAY! Watch out 501, looks like there's gonna be a new Deadlift State Record for Jr RAW 181. The American record is 589...damn it !

Good Mornings

275 x 5
315 x 5
335 x 5

Low Box Squat

315 x 3
335 x 3
345 x 3

Hyper extensions
1 Blue, 2 Greens, 2 Purples; 3 sets of 9-21

Ball Rotations
3 sets of 20


2/03/11 Deadlift

1x1 at 245 lbs
2x1 at 265 lbs

Good Mornings
4x5 at 155 lbs

Box Squats
5x3 at 185 lbs

Luke 2-3-11 Deadlift

135 x 9
135 x 3
225 x 5
275 x 2
309 x 1
349 x 1
369 x 1
395 x 1 @ 9.5 opener
414 x 1 @ 9.5 PR

the following may be off by 2 or 4 pounds or maybe not due to use of 20kg plates

Good Mornings
235 x 5
255 x 5
275 x 5 PR
295 x 5 PR

Low Box Squat
235 x 3
275 x 3
295 x 3
305 x 3 PR
315 x 3 PR

Banded Hyperextensions with 2 blues
4 sets

windshield wipers abs
2 sets

Weigh In: 150.5 lbs




warmups included for reference for meet
359xf. Completely a grip issue, you can watch the video I uploaded. I ripped it off the gorund, but it slipped out of my left hand. Balls.

Good Mornings:

Low Box Squat:

Banded Hypers:
1 blue bandx10
2 blue bandsx10x2

Weigh In:


Deadlift (suit on straps up)
425 x 1 @9
439 x 1 @9 This felt better than the previous set, possibly because I switched bars.

Good mornings
275 x 5
295 x 5, 5, 5

Box squats
235 x 3
245 x 3, 3, 3
255 x 3

Banded hypers
2 blues x 8, 8, 10

video of 439:

I'm going to fuck up at the meet, aren't I

405 x 1
425 x no chalk
Or so I keep telling myself.

Good mornings
275 x 5
285 x 5
295 x 5 x 2

Low box squats
TEN PLATES x 3 x 5

Week 5 Squat 2

315x1x2 (w/commands)
325x1x2 (w/commands) @ 8, 9

3?? something x1
425x1 @ 8.5

Whole lotta Front Squats w/ 185

Hypers at Wooden

Bench Day 2/1/2011


215 x 2 WTF!
205 x 3
210 x 3

Pause Bench

185 x 3
195 x 3
195 x 3
185 x 3

Skull Crushers

80 x 10
80 x 10
90 x 10

Wide Grip Pull Ups

x12, x13, x10

Machine Shrugs w/ pause at the top
3 sets of 15 with 5 plates on each side

3 sets

10 burpees w/ 5kg medicine ball followed by 20 slams
3 sets, 1 min 15 sec break



My traps were SORE AS FUCK when I woke up on bench day. On squat day, the only thing that gets my traps are power cleans and I didn't even do them. 205 x 3 felt harder than 205 x 5 last week.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Week 5 Bench

245x1x3 (simulated calls)


Worked on my opener today on a shitty bench, no wrist wraps, and unracking by myself. 245 was still decently easy, so it will be a nice opener.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Bench (w/ Katana)
(3 board) 225 x 3
(2 board) 245 x 3
(1 board) 245 x 2
(no board) 255 x fail -lost tightness at the bottom
255 x 1, 1 -Both were brought down a little low on my chest.
Need to still work on bringing the bar down faster and in the right groove.

Banded pushdowns (mini)
15lbs x 50
20lbs x 30, 30, 30

Lat pulldowns
210 x 8
220 x 8
230 x 8
240 x 8

Machine shrugs
10 plates x 15
12 plates x 15 (w/ straps)
14 plates x 12 (w/ straps)

Finished with 3 sets of GHR abs, 3 sets of rotator cuff pushups, and 3 sets of concentration curls

Bench 3

295 x 3 @ 9
315 x 2 + 1f, ughasodjhashgagsf

That long press call kills me. Bagged it after 2 sets to work on pausing more.

Pause Bench:
275 x 1 + 3 @ 3 seconds (greg called out press right away on the first one, which was pretty funny)
285 x 3 @ 3 (+10 PR)
285 x 3 @ 3 harrrd
275 x 3 @ 3

I'm making progress on these, but man, i gotta get my off-chest strength up for the meet...

Däs SküllenKrüshürs:
130 x 12
160 x 10, 8, 8

Lat Pull Down:
stack x 15, 10, 15

Did some shrugs, hammer curls, and ghr abs

Ryan Bench 2/1/11

Bench w/ calls-
225 x2 +1fail
205 x3
215 x3
220 x2 + 15/16ths of a rep (fail)

Pause Bench-
185 x3
195 x3
205 x3
185 x4

Overhead Skull Crushers-
80lbs x 12,10,8,6

Pull Downs-
110 x12
140 x8
160 x6

Curls, Shrugs, Abs

Luke 2-1-11 Bench

190 x 3 @ 9.5
195 x 3 @ 10
195 x 3 @ 9.5
All reps were paused. There was no pad on the bench so I couldn't get great arch or leg drive. Everything felt really hard.

Pause Bench with 3 second Terence count
175 x 3 x 3

Skull Crushers
60 x 10
80 x 10 x 2


Shrugs on smith machine
worked up to 4 plates + 25 per side x 3 to work on deadlift grip, but not kill my grip for thursday

superset with wide grip pull ups on squat rack
BW x 12, 16, 16

Weigh In: 151.5 lbs


285x3@9 PR +10

3 sec Pause Bench

Wide Grip Pullups


Hammer Curls

2/1/11 Bench

160 x 3
170 x 3
180 x 2 (Second rep was a super grinder and probably at least 2 red lights, did not even try the third)
Pause Bench:
145 x 3
155x 3 x 4
Skull Crushers:
60 x 15
60 x 15
70 x 10
10, 9, 8
3 plates, 4 plates, 4 plates, 3 plates (to get a better range of motion)
Bicepts, Bicepts, Bicepts

I use bench workouts to wake me up on Tuesdays

175 x 3 x 2
185 x 3

Pause bench (3 sec)
155 x 3
165 x 3 x 2
I think I need to work on my warmups, since these felt easier than the unpaused 175s

every curl

sad x 4
pull ups superset
BW x 16
BW x 15 x 2
BW x 14

1/31/11 Squat

1x3 at 225 lbs (84.9% max) Raw
2x3 at 235 lbs (88.7% max) Belted

Pause Squat
1x3 at 195 lbs
2x3 at 185 lbs

Leg Press
4x8 at 225 lbs

Last week's lifts.

145 x 5
155 x 5
165 x 5
145 x 3
145 x 3
155 x 1 (Back cramped)
155 x 3
155 x 3
145 x 3
Skull Crushers:
70 x 8 x 3
Wide-Grip Pull-ups:

225 x5
275 x 5 (PR)
305 x 5 (PR)
315 x 5 (PR)
Low-box Squats:
275 x 3 (PR)
295 x 3 (PR)
315 x 3 (PR)

This was the day that I learned how much I've been sand-bagging.
Hyper-extensions, Ball rotations, PNF

Standing Press:
95 x 5
105 x 5
115 x 5
125 x 5 (PR)
Board Press:
165 x 3
175 x 2
155 x 3
165 x 3
170 x 2
Dumbell Bench:
60 x 8
65 x 8
65 x 8
70 x 7 + 1 F

Pull-ups, chest-supported rows, bridges, PNF

295 x 3
305 x 3
315 x 3
Pause Squat:
255 x 3
265 x 3
275 x 3 (PR)
Leg Press:
4 plates x 8
4 plates + 25 x 8
5 plates x 8
5 plates + 25 x 8

Plyo, PNF, Transversus

Luke 1-31-11 Squat

315 x 3 @ 8
325 x 3 @ 8.5
335 x 3 @ 9

Pause Squat with 3 second Scott count
275 x 3 x 3

Leg Press
478 x 10 x 3

Box Jumps

One Leg Step Up Box Jumps


Squat 1/31/2011


365 x 3
385 x 3 10lb PR
355 x 3

Pause Squat

295 x 3
315 x 3
295 x 3

Leg Press

7 Plates on each side x 8
8 Plates on each side x 8 PR
8 Plates on each side x 8
8 Plates + 25lbs on each side x 8 PR Thanks for pushing me Ryan

3 sets

Knee Driving Box Jumps
4 sets of 16

Foam Roller Transversus
3 sets


Ryan Squats 1/31/11

225 x3
245 x3
255 x3
265 x3

Pause Squats-
225 x3x3

Leg Press-
360 x10
450 x10
540 x8
590 x6

Plyos, Abs, Jump rope