Thursday, April 30, 2009


339 x 5 PR -hitch on the last couple
My deadlift form needs some serious work.

Good mornings
135 x 8, 8
145 x 8, 8

3 sets w/ banded hamstrings (greens), pull throughs (50lbs), and banded abs on the ghr (purples)


339 x 4 (hitched on the fourth, failed on fifth)

225 x 8 x 2
185 x 8

4 Set Circuit
GHR Abs (purples and reds)
Band-Resisted Hamstring Curls (greens)
Pull throughs (50lbs)

Lunge Day (formerly deadlift day)

315 x 8
415 x 3

Back didn't feel 100% so I stopped

(per leg)
225 x 5
275 x 5
315 x 4
335 x 2 (heavvvvy; going for 3)
225 x 8 (super easy)

Good Mornings:
135 x 10, 12, 12

Focused on keeping the back arched and stretching out my hamstrings.

Finished circuit of Pull thoughts (3 sets), Band-resisted abs on the GHR machine (3 sets; purples + minis), and band-resisted hamstring curls (4 sets; greens). Held the hamstring curls for 5-10 seconds with a full contraction, which felt great. I really like how they hit the muscle with.


1. 4/30/09 - Thu - SHEIKO #17 - TEST DAY

Weight: ?? -- too high. Time: 2:45.

  Smoke show. Since I'm doing DL only in the meet, I did DL, BE, SQ instead of the normal PL order. Worried that lower back might mess things up, but it wasn't a factor.

Deadlift 135x5x4, 225x3, 275x3 (50), 330x2 (60), 385x2 (70), add suit, 420x2 

(70), 480x2 (80), 540x1 (90), 570x1 (95)

Suit really tight for some reason? All reps easy and felt good. This is ~the weight I hit last August, and it felt really fast. All good signs for the meet.

Bench 150x3 (50), 180x3 (60), 210x2x2 (70), 240x2 (80), 270x1 (90), 285x1 


Rene was calling ridiculously long pauses on the 90 and 95 but they went up fast. "Like a knife through butter."

Squat 135x5, 225x3 (50), 275x3 (60), 320x2x2 (70), 370x2 (80), 415x1 (90), 

440x1 (95)

Was worried that doing DL and BE first would mess me up, but apparently not. I was wearing a large shirt (my Titan one) and it made the set up on my final rep very awkward. I came down with too much weight on my right leg and felt really terrible, but Danny and Rene said I shot up super fast and it looked easy anyway.

2. 4/29/09 - Wed - CARDIO/FLEXIBILITY

Cardio - bike ?? bpm x 30 mins

Flexibility - lower back, soleus, gastroc, hamstrings, seated groin, hip flexors

More Words from Bill Starr

From here:

ccrow said:
For a long time, at least twenty years, seems like shoulder injuries and lifting weights go pretty much hand in hand. The bench press usually gets the blame yet some authorities insist overhead lifting is harder on the shoulders than bench pressing. The lab coat types will doubtless argue this to a draw.

I just wonder if these injuries were more common, less common, or about the same back when people did less bench pressing and more standing pressing, as well as more of the snatch and clean and jerk. Any other insights into keeping healthy shoulders welcome.

The bench press per se is not a risky exercise. When done right, it can help improve upper body strength and size. It's only when form takes a back seat to numbers and when it's grossly overtrained that problems result. Injuries occur in the shoulders and elbows when the bench press is overtrained, poor technique is used, such as rebounding the bar off the chest and bridging, no other exercises for the upper body are included in the program, and there are no core exercises done for the upper back. Quite often, it's a combination all these factors.


I'm more curious about what went on back in the day when lifters did both. Did overhead work have a protective effect on the shoulders? I work out with a group of masters olympic lifters. The oldest has been competing for about fifty years, not kidding, seriously, since the 1950s. Most of these guys have zero shoulder problems and have never heard of their rotator cuff. By and large they are much more pain free than powerlifters of similar caliber twenty years younger.

When the overhead press was the primary upper body exercise, there were no such things as rotator cuff injuries, because that lift worked the small muscles that make up the rotator cuff and made them stronger. The bench press does not hit those groups. A great many athletes who give priority to flat benches do not bother to do anything for their upper backs. This results in a disproportionate strength in the shoulders and sooner or later will spell trouble. This problem can be rectified with some heavy work on the upper back: high pulls, shrugs, and bent-over rows.

Also, building variety into the upper body routine helps to prevent injuries. Once an athlete has graduated into the intermediate stage, I have him do: flat benches, inclines, overhead presses, and dips. He starts out with freehand dips, then when he is able to do 20, I have him do weighted dips. Working all the different angles of the upper body assure a more balanced development and all of the exercises help the others improve. I also make sure that the upper back receives plenty of attention. Of course, as always, using correct form is critical to safety. If an athlete learns to pause the bar on his chest on the flat bench from the very beginning, he will greatly reduce the risk of injury and be able to handle more weight in the long run.

I have written many times that I prefer the incline over the flat bench for young athletes. It is a pure shoulder exercise which is more suitable to sports such as baseball, basketball, and lacrosse. It is difficult to cheat on the incline, and this is a good thing. The reason the flat bench is part of The Big Three rather than the incline is because when Tommy Suggs and I devised this program, there simply weren't any inclines available in high school. There weren't even many in commercial gyms back then.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Losing my blog virginity

Alright, here goes nothing.

Bench Press with 2 second pause
275x4, failed 5th rep
Bench Press, 1 board
Bench Press, 2 board
Bench Press, 3 board
285x4, failed 5th rep like a weenie

TRICEPS DEATHHH!!!!! (I suck at these)
185, 3 reps into 5 board
155, 1 rep into 5 board...I think

Military Press had to stay light because my lower back is jacked up

There it is, my first post and it was on a day when I was a weenie

ME Bench

Rev. Light Band CG Bench: 275x3

Incline: 155x5
165x5, 5

Kaz Press: 25's x10
25+10x10, 10

HS High Row: 3px10x5

Smith Shrug: 3p+35x15x3

EzBar Curl: 80x12-6-3

Weight Today: 220lbs. Finally.


Bench (2 second pause)
135 x 5
145 x 5
155 x 5

Board presses (close grip)
1 board (regular grip) 165 x 5
2 board 165 x 5
3 board 175 x 3 + 1 fail

Tricep death (1-6 board)
125 x failed on the first rep of 5 board
115 x failed on the last rep of 6 board

Standing overhead press
95 x 6, 6, 6, 5


2 second pause each rep
175 x 5 x 2
185 x 5

1 Board Close-Grip
175 x 5
2 Board Close-Grip
175 x 5

Tricep Death
Finished first set of 135 (1 board to 6 boards)
Finished second set of 135 up to 5 boards

Military Press
85 x 7 x 3
95 x 6
105 x 1 (personal goal)

Training for the Club (Club-Effort Bench) ??

normal grip; 2 second pause

265 x 5
275 x 4 + 1 fail (half way)
275 x 4 + 1 fail (on chest)

I'm really happy with these sets. Normally the 2 second pauses kill me, but I feel much more explosive off the chest now. This was a big difference than the training session just two weeks ago.

Close-grip Becnh:
245 x 5 @ 1 board
265 x 5 @ 2 board
285 x 4 + 1 fail @ 3 board

Tricep Death:
Used regular bench grip

185 x all 6 boards,
185 x off chest + 5 boards

On the first set I found out that with my current set up gives me a noticeably shorter range of motion. (I have been widening my grip since I last did these, so this is expected.) The 5 board is a little over 2" and I have to lose some of my arch to make 6 boards have any ROM.

Also, the same staff member that made us stop using the bands came over to ask us to stop using the boards. We were insistent that we could in fact use them since we weren't "adding anything" to the machines. The staff person was like "I'll go ask. What are these things called??" We all gave her a puzzled look and replied almost all at once, "boards." QED.

Standing Press:
135 x 8
155 x 5
175 x 3
155 x 6

Everything felt light today, which was nice.

Week A #2

None / no belt

Olympic-Style Front Squats:
225 x 3
245 x 3
265 x 3
290 x 3 (hard, but got it)

Power Cleans:
235 x 1
225 x 3/3/2
215 x 3/3/3

Dumbbell Bench Press:
135s x 5/5/5/5.5

5.5 means that I locked out the sixth rep with my left arm, but not my right.


Vertical jump 8 x 3
seated jump 4 x 5 (jump, starting from a seated position)
ankle jump 4 x 20 (rebound with legs straight using just the ankle to jump)

Stretch groin/hamstrings

My vertical sucks, and to look legit at all I need to have some hops to go along with my weightlifting.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Real Training

Jesse Merunde knew how to train.

Upper Back

Lat PullDowns
160 x 6
160 x 8
170 x 8
170 x 8

Seated Cable Row
150 x 8
170 x 8
180 x 8
180 x 8

Farmer's Walks
Made it all the way down the hallway and back with only 1 drop. (Great Success!)

Upper Back

Barbell Rows (off the ground)
165 x 6
185 x 5
195 x 5, 5

Lat pulldowns (wide grip)
160 x 10
170 x 8
180 x 8
190 x 8

Cable rows
170 x 8
180 x 8, 8

Farmer's walks
1 trip all the way and back but had to stop once at the circuit room
1 trip with 2 stops

Ab wheel
2 sets


Time: 1:30. Light day preparing for test next workout. Lower back felt a really tight so I took it a bit slow.

Squat 135x5x4, 225x3 (50), 275x3 960), 320x3x2 (70), 345x2x3 (75), 


Did 45 sets during bench. Belted everything.

Bench 150x3 (50), 180x3 (60), 210x3x2 (70), 225x2x3 (75)

Uppr Bck

Bent-over rows:
use wide grip (about where medium bench grip is)

135 x 8
185 x 8
225 x 8
275 x 2 + 225 x 6 (couldn't hold on to 275 w/ thumbless grip)
245 x 8
225 x 8

I didn't realize I was doing this many sets until it was too late.

Lat Pull Down:
250 x 10, 3 sets
295 x 10
340 x 6

I forgot that we used to not be pansies on the lat pull down so I pinned some plates on and gave it the business.

Seated Cable Row:
250 x 12, 12, 11, 10

Finished with two trips of farmer's walks (amazingly, nothing bad happened), ab wheel and stretching

Monday, April 27, 2009

551 RAWWWW Deadlift

Taken from last Friday, April 24th.

mama, there goes that man




Hyperextensions 12 x 4

Various angles to hit lower back.

Biceps 25x10x3

This was just light prehab work so no stupid comments.

Strict cable row 100x15x3

Cardio - bike ?? bpm x 30 mins

Flexibliity - hamstrings, soleus, gastroc, hamstrings (again), seated groin, hip flexors, 


2. 4/26/09 - Sun - OFF

3. 4/25/09 - Sat - SHEIKO #15

Time: 2:00. Weight: 210.

Squat 225x5 (50), 275x4 (60), 320x3x2 (70), 370x3x6 (80)

Rene said depth was good on these. They felt pretty heavy though. Back isn't feeling great.

Bench 150x5 (50), 180x5 (60), 210x5x5 (70)

Dumbell bench 50x10x5

Dips BWx8x5

Good mornings 220x5x5

Used this weight because Danny was using it for military press (for reps).

4. 4/24/09 - Fri - OFF


185 x 5
195 x 5
205 x 5

Band lightened squats (purples)
255 x 5
275 x 5
285 x 5

Front squats
135 x 6, 6, 6

Power cleans
155 x 5
177 x 1 power clean + 4 high pulls
155 x 5, 5

Transverse stuff

ME Lower

Pin Pull (pin#1 - mid shin): 335x3

Lumberjack Squats: 50kgx5
65x5, 5, 5

GM's: 110x20, 20, 20

Pull-throughs: 60lbsx8/8, 8/8

GHR Abs: 6kgx15, 15, 15

Pull-ups: 4, 4, 4, 4, 4

The pin pulls were at my sticking point, so I should really practice these more often.


went high bar and focused on pushing stomach out -- felt better, hopefully it will help my lower/mid back
185 x 5
185 x 5
205 x 5

Band-Lightened Squats
purple bands
255 x 5 x 3

Power Cleans
155lbs x 5
177lbs x 5 (High Pulls)
155lbs x 5

to help squat form and keeping chest up

Squat (Bleh)

275 x 3
315 x 3

Went high-bar today. It feels fine at the bottom, but when the weight gets heavy, the movement starts feeling really awkward. The lower back was still pretty tired from saturday, so I stopped squatting.

Front Squats:
185 x 8
225 x 8
275 x 3

I felt a twinge coming out of the rack on the second set. Some stretching took away all of the pain, but my lower back still wasn't feeling great on the 275 so I called it.

155 x 5
175 x 5
195 x 5
221 x 2 (PR)

Unknown why these don't bother my lower back that much, but at least I can do something? Previous best as 225 x 1.

Finished with calves and transversus.

Back to the preparatory phase...Huge squat cycle right now

Snatch 80/2 x 2 90/2 x 5
Sn. Pull Ab. Kn. 90/3 x 2 105/3 x 3
Jerk 105/3 107 - 3,2+fail
Back Squat 140/2 150/2 160 - 4,4,4,1+fail

Came back at night and did 166 (365) for 2 x 4 (was only supposed to do 352...oops).

So, the squat cycle is a condensed version of the Russian Squat Cycle which is 6 weeks long. It is brutal. The progression is (in%): 80-5x4, 80-4x6,85-5x5,90-4x4,95-3x3,100-2x2. I am not using an actual max for this. i am using a projected max (200kg). I've never squatted 200 before, and I've attempted 190 once (I think) and missed. But, I've done 160 and 170 for sets of 5 before, so I should survive (hopefully). I also plan to just move the squats to the evening if I can't complete the workout so I can tackle them fresh (like I did tonight). I don't care about doing it as written, but I do care about getting all of the sets and reps over the course of a day.

Week A #1

None / no belt
Chucks (Dave is borrowing my squat shoes for today)

Shoulder-Stance Back Squat:
375 x 1
345 x 2/3
335 x 4/4
315 x 2 (back felt blah)

Man, squats sucked. This is basically because:
1. I was sick last week
2. I maxed out last Friday
3. I did Highland Games training on Saturday
4. I ran up the San Hill o' Death on Sunday

Basically, this means that I need to start sprinting Tuesday/Saturday for 2 miles to get some basic conditioning back in.

Medium-Grip Bench Press:
335 x 1
295 x 5/4/5
275 x 7

Stiff-Leg Deadlift w/ Quarter Plates:
345 x 7/8/5

Man, that second set felt crazy easy, then I got tired on the third. Still, good progress.

170 x FAIL (this would have gone if I had swung it a bit)
155 x 1 (Judge Brent approved this lift)

Also, Judge Brent got on video. So remember, to get a big curl and deh biceps, never curl.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

QE Bench

Had to go late, but only had 45 minutes. I was fairly exhausted from the sand dunes. I tried to run to the gym but my quads kept cramping, haha.

Close Grip Bench:
225 x 5
255 x 3
275 x 3
295 x 1
305 x fail

Overhead Press:
145 x 8
155 x 8
165 x 4
145 x 9

Dumbbell Bench:
95s x 10, 10, 8, 5

I got tired on these.

Finished with some rope triceps for a burnout.

Competition :(

Snatch 107 110-miss 110-miss
C&J 127 131-miss 131-miss

Not happy, although I felt I had the strength for all of these... Just going to go into the next phase with the goal of being stronger. I figure if I get to the point where I can Snatch 112 and clean and jerk 131 in training for reps them I should be able to get it at the meet, lol.

Still not Class 1. Way behind Nathan... Hopefully after the next 3 weeks I'll have squatted 200 for 2x2 though. At least then I'll still have some self respect.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Event Training

So, I went to Drake tonight and messed around seeing what I could use for the highland games events. I wound up using 2 ~25lb sandbags, a cement block, and a giant pole to train.

I practiced:
  • sandbag toss for height over a bar
  • sandbag/rock toss from shoulder
  • caber toss (with the 12-13' pole - too light, but good for technique)

All of it was feeling pretty good. My distance throwing could use some work though. I also thought up of some ways to help train for this kind of stuff in Wooden, so keep your eyes peeled for some wacky exercises.

Sand Dune Park

Bell Ave
Manhattan Beach, 90026

405 South for 12.3 miles
Exit Rosecrans Ave
Turn right at Rosecrans and go 2.2 miles
Turn left at Blanche Road
Turn right at 30th Street


Today was the test day for my 6 week Ed Coan deadlift program.

Raw Deadlift
496 X 1
540 X 1 (pr for 10 minutes)
551 X 1 (PR)
I'll post a video soon.

Pull Ups
Dumbbell Rows
Strict Curl with Dave

Squat Form Review

Here's a compilation of the videos that I took on Monday. Clearly some of the new guys (beginning of video) are high squattahs, but we're working on it (you can hear us in the background yelling at them, haha). Overall, lots of work to be done, but video taping it is a good start at identifying what specifically needs to be addressed.

Deadlift Recovery

145 x 20, 2 sets
265 x 15, 8 (2 sets)
385 x 9
496 x 12

Not sure why I went for 12. I was going for 8, then 10, then it still felt easy so I just kept going. When I hit 12, figured I was being stupid (probably already stupid) so I stopped.


Stiff-legged Deadlifts:
145 x 20, 4 sets

All for stretching and getting blood back into my lower back. Things feel pretty good

Finished with a bunch of seated groin stretching and hamstring stretching.

Did a post-workout fun lift of a strict curl @ 130 x 3, for two sets. I did the first one and then made Brent take a video of the second one. (The bar weighs 20lbs, so Phil's 135 was only 130.) The curl challenge is ON. <3<3<3

Friday, April 24, 2009

Week C #3

Belt (squat + pull)

Shoulder-Stance Back Squat:
405 x 1
425 x 1
455 x 1

455 was tough. Felt like taking a nap after it.

Medium-grip Bench Press:
315 x 1
335 x 1 (easy)
355 x FAIL (meh?)

Conventional Deadlift:
495 x 1 (easy)
525 x FAIL (mer)

Well, it sucked failing on the bench and DL, but I think its mainly due to fatigue and what not (like only eating an In N Out burger this afternoon).

One of the Wooden munchkins made me strip the bar of bumper plates (apparently they're only allowed on the platform for some magic reason). So I made him take off the 50 kg plates for me.

There was also a pack of fools quarter-squatting 405 (maybe 5 inches ROM). I wanted to smack them.

Press Conference

Military Press (cleaned first, though its more like a continental): 110x3x8
140x1 PR

CG Bench: 155x8
185x5, 5, 5

Pull-ups: BW+25x3x5

Farmer's walks (100lbs, making larger weights using duct tape did not work): 2 trips x 2

I like doing these presses instead of speed bench. I'm not sure yet how they will transfer over to my bench, but I feel stronger. I just need to add 100lbs to my press to catch up to Phil.

PS: DAVE! What time is the field trip on Sunday to the Sand Dunes?


(belt on)
329 x 6 PR - hitched the last couple, the last one was pretty bad

Stiff leg deads
175 x 8
195 x 8
205 x 8

Standing abs
90 x 12
100 x 10
110 x 10

Apparently we all suck

Here is a link to the 1973 Powerlifting Classification System. This is sans any gear but a belt. A bit humbling.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


1. 4/23/09 - Thu - SHEIKO #14

Time: 3:00. Weight: 210. Need to get weight under control.

  Good day today. This is usually my hardest day of the cycle, but today went really smooth. Especially considering my lower back has been bothering me, I'm very happy about this. Test day next week

Bench 150x5 (50), 180x4 (60), 210x3x2 (70), 240x3x2 (80), 255x2x3 (85)

Felt bad at first, but easy once it got heavy.

Deadlift 135x5x5, 225x3, 275x4 (50), 330x4 (60), 385x3 (70), add suit, 420x3 

(70), 480x3x2 (80), 510x2x3 (85), remove suit, 135x12x3

Did lots of warm up sets to make sure I had my adductor/lower back flexibility working before attempting anything remotely heavy. Also kept with double overhand until suit to work on grip (Danny's suggestion). Then I did some cool off sets after everything was over in between bench sets.

  All of the sets felt good today. Back apparently wasn't perfect for the 510's on some reps, but we'll see how it feels tomorrow. I amused myself by walking around the gym only in a suit covered in baby powder and seeing people's reactions.

  I feel like there's something else I wanted to say about this, but I forget.

Bench 165x5 (55), 195x5 (65), 225x4x4 (75)

Danny has me focusing on: (1) not breathing out during the rep, (2) gripping the bar strongly, and (3) keeping solid arch. I have (3) down pretty well at this point and (1) is coming along. (2) was just mentioned today, we'll see if it makes a difference.

A: Dumbell bench 50x10x5

A: Lunge 135x5x5

2. 4/22/09 - Wed - CARDIO/FLEXIBILITY

Time: 0:45.

Cardio - bike ?? bpm x 30 mins

Got a good book, makes cardio much better.

Flexibility - soleus, gastroc, hamstrings, seated groin, hip flexors

Lots of emphasis on lower back while stretching hamstrings and groin.

3. 4/21/09 - Tue - SHEIKO #13

Time: 3:00. Weight: ??

  Felt good. Lower back gives me problems unracking weight in squats, but during the lift it feels OK.

Squat 225x5 (50), 275x4 (60), 320x3x2 (70), 370x3x2 (80), 390x2x3 (85)

Rene claims these were all high. I claim that he's a piece of shit and should go kill himself. Danny said that some were high, but most were OK. Deirdre seemed to agree with Danny's assessment. So not sure where that leaves me exactly, but I'm OK with it since I tend to overshoot depth with maximal weight.

Bench 150x5 (50), 180x4 960), 210x3x2 (70), 240x3x5 (80)

Dumbell bench 50x10x5

Dips BWx8x5

Squat 225x5 (50), 275x4 (60), 320x3x2 (70), 370x2x4 (80)

Good mornings 185x5x5

4. 4/20/09 - Mon- CARDIO/FLEXIBILITY

Cardio - bike ?? bpm x 25 mins

Flexibility - usual

5. 4/19/09 - Sun - CARDIO/FLEXIBILITY

Cardio - bike ?? bpm x 45 mins

I know, I'm awesome at cardio.

Flexibility - usual


329 x 4 + 1 fail
then I got angry for not hitting 6, and about 40 seconds later I took off the belt and hit 2 more

Stiff-Legged Deadlifts
3 sets x 8 reps

Moar Squats

Front Squat: 155x2x8

Box Squat (18" box instead of 15"): 185x5
225x5, 5, 5

and some other random snatches, cleans, and abs

The awesome things about today were:

1. Learning that my back is kosher with box squatting again
2. On the first set at 225 on the box squats, my boxers ripped in half. My glutes are becoming stronger lol.


Band Lightened Bench
green bands
275 x 5
275 x 5
295 x 5
315 x 5 (I felt good about this set because it pushed Dave to add another plate to his next set.)

Close-Grip Bench
2 second pause each rep
155 x 5
165 x 3 (too easy)
155 x 5
135 x 8

Seated Military Press
Reverse Grip
95 x 6
95 x 8
Normal Grip
105 x 8

Cable Tricep Skullcrushers
4 sets x 8 reps

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

bench trening

I narrowed my grip by one finger and it felt great.
Bench Press:
285 X 3 (PR)
295 X 2 (ass came up on the second rep, but eff it, it's a training lift)

3 Board Press:
275 X 8
295 X 6
275 X 7

Incline Bench Press:
185 X 7
185 X 8

Decline Skullcrushers
Cable Pushdowns
Rolling Dumbbell Extensions w/Band
Lateral Raises
Band Pull Aparts


Walking on Treadmill

Competition # 2

Power clean + Push Jerk 95/1+2 x 3
Snatch 84/1 x 4
Back Squat 132/2 x 3


Band lightened bench w/ quadded greens
275 x 5, 5
275 x 4+fail
275 x 3+fail

Close grip bench (w/ 2 second count)
145 x 5
165 x 1+2 fail
145 x 4+fail
125 x 7+bigtimefail

Seated barbell shoulder press
95 x 8, 7, 6

Rope triceps
3 sets

Probably a little too much failure today.

RDE Bench

Band-lighened Bench:
used quadded greens. 1 second self count on chest.

365 x 5
385 x 5

Girl: You can't put bands on the bar
Me: Oh. These are the powerlifting team's equipment.
Girl: well, you can't put it on the Wooden center's equipment
Girl walks away. We pretend to take off equipment.

405 x 5

Was planning on doing more, called it due to security threats.

Close-grip Bench:
2 second called out pause.

225 x 5
255 x 3
225 x 5 (slowww 5th)
205 x 8

Seated Military Press:
155 x 8
165 x 8
185 x 5

Cable Tricep Skullcrushers:
Use the rope and bent over. Slightly easier on the elbows. I need to wear a weight belt next time for leverage.

5 sets, last set full stack x 7

Added some hamstring stretching between sets of triceps. Worked on keeping the back arched, which helped. Adductors are still a little sore from a week and a half ago.

Week C #2

None / no belt

Olympic-Style Front Squats:
315 x 1

Power Cleans:
250 x FAIL (bleh)

Dumbbell Bench Press:
140s x 5
145s x 2

Been sick for a week, still don't feel that great.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

MAX BAX 3: Backus–Naur Form

bw x 31 (not sure how many i could before)
bw + 45 x 10
bw + 90 x 6
bw + 115 x 4
bw x 20?

270 x 10
360 x 10
450 x 8
450 x 13
500 x 9

Rear-delt Flyes:
215 x 10
265 x 10 (PR)
295 x 10 (PR #2)
stack x 6 + 2 + 2 (PRMAX)

purple x 20+
green x 10+
p + g x 10? (my bw is too light; the bands picked me up if i pulled too hard)
purple x failure

Incline Curls:
40 x 10 (smoke show?)
50 x 8
55 x 8 (PR)
60 x 2 (PR)

These felt ridiculously easy today. Time to challenge Brent to a strict curl...

Rainbow Dragonfly Ponies:
4 sets

Upper Back

Pullups (close grip)
BW x 22 PR
BW+45 x 5
BW+50 x 5
BW+55 x 4.5

Smith machine shrugs (thumbless)
315 x 13
365 x 10, 12
405 x 12 PR

Face pulls
purple band x 15, 15, 15, 15

supersetted w/
Rear delt flye machine
130 x 12, 12
145 x 10, 10

Incline curls
30s x 10, 10, 10
35s x 8

Rainbow Dragonfly Ponies
2 sets

ME Bench

The reason I have been doing this on Tuesday instead of Wednesday is b/c I have College Bowl on Wednesdays at 7. This one this week should be the last one (we are probably going to lose).

Close Grip Bench: 205x3
235x1 (much easier than previous attempt)

Close Grip Incline: 165x5, 5, 5 (seemed much harder today)

HS High Row: 2p+35x10x5

Kaz Press (like a JM Press in the Smith machine): 25'sx10x3

Smith Shrugs: 3p+25x15x4

EzBar Curls: 80x8, 8, 5 (I had more but Dave interfered)

I think the 245 might have gone up if I had benched on Wednesday, but I'll just hit it the next time I use it as a ME exercise. And I think I'll keep the Kaz Presses in there - they feel like a good exercise.

Monday, April 20, 2009

scwat trening & DAVE is FAMOUS

341 X 5
369 X 2 (knee wraps)
385 X 3 (knee wraps)

Cambered Bar Low Box Squats:
205 X 2 (2 sets)
245 X 2 (2 sets)
265 X 2 (2 sets)

Calves on Leg Press
Hamstring Curls

Dave. There is huge picture of you in the April edition of Powerlifting USA. You are the center picture for an article titled, "The Importance of Intensity". The picture is from the 09 Fit Expo when you were deadlifting. The article was written by Anthony Ditillo and the caption says something like "David Jurgens is the epitome of an intense powerlifter as shown here as he deadlifts". GRAB A COPY OF THAT ISSUE!


185 x 5, 5
195 x 5
(belt on)
225 x 3
245 x 2 PR

Front squats (with the harness)
95 x 7
135 x 5
145 x 4
135 x 5

Power cleans
133 x 6
155 x 5
155 x 3+fail+1

Squat burnout set
135 x twenty something

Squat: Road To Redemption - Part I

135 x 10
185 x 10
225 x 5
275 x 3
315 x 3
365 x 3

Focused on keeping my back arched the entire time. Kept the reps low intentionally. I took videos of most of the sets for myself and everyone else who was squatting. I will post these later tonight for comments on form. It still looks like I am rounding at the very bottom, so I need to work on this.

Front Squat:
135 x 10
225 x 8
245 x 8
275 x 8
315 x 5

155 x 5
175 x 5
197 x 5 (PR?)

Quad-death + squats:
1 superset

Form felt really poor on these. I was all over even from the first rep. The last few seemed to be the best (if you can call it that), due to my groin loosening up. I really need to get use to squatting with this new form.

Cable abs + transverse.

I was able to do 110 on the cable abs with no pain, which was a nice improvement

Comp # 3

Snatch 80/2 90/2 x 3
C&J 95/1 x 3
Cl. Pull Bel. Kn. 115/3 x 2
back Squat 120/4 140/2 x 2

Taking it easy this week before the meet. I want to try to get more recovery this time.

Vogelpohl's new record

1110 @ 242. Damn.

ME Squat

Front Squat: 175x3 PR
225x1 PR

Lumberjack Squats (put the bb in the corner and load it up like a t-bar row - take the end and squat with it like a goblet squat) : 50kg x 5, 5, 5
55x5, 5

Good Mornings (rehab): 40kgx20, 20, 20

Pull-ups: 3, 3, 3, 3, 3

Today was good. No back pain, and a huge PR day for front squats. My previous best was 175x1 so I must be doing something right. I wanted to practice throwing at the track, but there were too many people :'(


His squats are deep too.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Week B #3

Belt (squat and pull)

Shoulder-Stance Back Squat:
405 x 1
435 x 1
415 x 2
405 x 2/2
385 x 3

Standing Overhead Press:
235 x 1
215 x 4/4/3/3
205 x 5

Conventional Rack Pulls @ 4 Quarter Mountain:
I stacked 4 quarter plates on top of each other at Wooden and dubbed it 4 Quarter Mountain. Since this setup is so janky, I only did singles.

495 x 1
515 x 1 (easy)
545 x FAIL (no so easy)


1. 4/18/09 - Sat - SHEIKO #12

Weight: 209. Time: 2:15.

  Lower back isn't happy. Belted all the heavy squats and focused on arch. Also focused on even weight distribution between legs -- I think right is overworked.

Bench 150x5 (50), 180x4 960), 210x3x2 (70), 240x3x5 (80)

Squat 230x5 (50), 275x5 (60), 320x5x2 (70), 345x4x5 (75)

Bench 165x6 (55), 195x6x2 (65), 210x6x4 (70)

Doing this many reps now seems ridiculous. Set up after first few is crappy and I have to reset constantly, which means each set takes like 30 secs for 6 reps. Funny how opinions change.

Dumbell bench 50x10x5

Good mornings 185x5x5

2. 4/17/09 - Fri - CARDIO/FLEXIBILITY

Hyperextensions BWx20x3

I'm not convinced these are actually helping me. Back seems to feel worse the day after doing them. Thoughts?

Cardio - bike ?? bpm x 30 mins

Flexibility - gastroc, soleus, hamstrings (a lot), seated groin (a lot), seated glute, hip flexors, 

IT band

Bench Assistance

Band-Lightened Bench:
Used quadded purples. Full weight the last 3". Did a 2-sec self count pause on the chest for each.

275 x 4
315 x 4
335 x 4
355 x 4
365 x 3

Board Press
paused 1 second on these

315 x 5
325 x 5
335 x 5
345 x 4

Standing Press:
135 x 8 (easiest it's ever been)
155 x 5
155 x 6
155 x 7

Did 3? 4? sets of plate raises til failure here.

Preacher Curlz:
80 x 12
100 x 8
120 x 6
100 x 8

Supersetted the curls with sub scap pulls. Posture is feeling pretty good these days.

Between sets, I stretched. Kyle noticed that my back straightens right at parallel. I would like to get flexible enough to maintain my arch about 1-2" below parallel.
Current focus is on the groin, as that's where I feel the most resistance. Anyone have suggestions for which stretches to use?

Press Day

Military Press: 95x3
135x1 PR

Close Grip Bench: 155x8
165x8, 8, 8

Cable Pushdowns: Stack x 15, 15

Carries: Farmers Walk x 2 trips
Chest x 1 trip, 1 trip

The chest carries involve gripping the 100lb plate by its sides and carrying it. It's almost like an isometric hammer curl.

I am at Relay for Life today at Drake stadium, so I will do 8 sets of pull-ups later on today for my lat work.

Comp. #4

Good workout today. All done at the ARC because I didn't have anywhere else to go.

Snatch 80/2 90/2 102/1 x 5
Sn. Pull 115/2 x 4
P. Cl. + J. 102/1+2 110/1+2 x 3 Finally figured out the jerk
Back squat 130/4 150/3 x 3

So I found out last weekend that there's a meet a week from tomorrow, which is PERFECT because it coincides exactly with my test day. Thus, I will be lifting huge next weekend. Yay me.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Saturday workout time

12:00 noon

unless you are Kyle, and want to go at 9am zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


321lbs x 7
133lbs x 30

135 x 8
155 x 7
155 x 8

135 x 10 x 3

Thursday, April 16, 2009

DE Messing Around

I really did nothing today. Just some ab/lower back work (Barbell Side Bends and Banded Back Raises), and trying to find leg exercises that cause no pain/discomfort. They are:

Front Squats
Leg Press
...and I have a few other ideas that I will try out on Monday.

Also, my weight has stabilized at about 215, so I can now comfortably move up another 10 lbs. Hooray!


321 x 7 PR (kinda) - Hitched the last few reps. Form needs a lot of work
133 x 30 - focused on good form

Lunges (per leg)
135 x 6
155 x 6
155 x 7

Good Mornings
95 x 10
135 x 10, 8, 7

Back extensions
purple band x 45
BW x 30

Protein Reviews

I ran out of protein and was feeling adventurous, so I ordered a bunch of small containers of Optimum Nutrition's random flavors.

I used two scoops (46g protein), mixed with 8-12oz of water:

Banana: tastes like a banana laffy taffy, which is a good thing in my opinion.

Apple Pie: amazing. tastes like apple cider with a bit of pie crust?

Eggnog: who can resist the nog? I tried this with a few different water amounts, but it was either weak, or chalky. It smells great, but the taste just isn't there. May be better with milk though.

Rootbeer: I knew this was going to be either amazing or terrible. Sadly, it's more towards the latter. It smells good, but I realized I missed the carbonation with the root beer taste. This may be better with milk or mixed with yogurt for a rootbeer float sort of thing.

The strawberry flavor was always my standby. It tastes good and comes in bulk. However, lately I switched to banana. Current ordering in terms of taste:

apple pie >= banana > strawberry >> eggnog >> rootbeer

I can has deadlift to nau?

133 x 30
221 x 30
321 x 20

Focus on keeping my back in a hard arch. Not as difficult as I expected, but still tiring. Stop at 321 to keep things light and fresh.

225 x 8 (per leg)
245 x 8
265 x 8

Good Mornings:
135 x 20+, 4 or 5 sets

Focus on maintaining a strict arch. I was quite surprised at how inflexible I was on the first set. This was at least partly due to the residual soreness from heavy adductor sets on Monday. I paused the reps at the bottom on the last few sets to work on stretching my hamstrings. For the last set, I was able to touch the pins with an arch, which was good progress.

Hyper Extensions
bw + 2 purples on neck x 37, 33
bw x 30+

Again with the arch.

Overall, today I felt much better today than I had in the past. Keeping the arch in really takes all the discomfort away. However, as Jake suggested there may be some flexibility issues that get in the way. I am flexible enough to maintain correct form through the entire movement, but I will keep improving my flexibilty as I think it will help once the weights get heavier.

Comp #5 (yesterday)

Power snatch 80/2 x 4
C&J 95/1+2 110/1 x 4
Jerk 110/2 123, 125, 127, 130 (YAY!), 130 - miss
Jerk 100/3 105/3 x 2
Cl. Pull 140/2 x 4
B. Sq. 130/4 150/4 x 3


Time: 2:10. 

  Not nearly enough time. Slept until 2 hrs before gym closed. Gym staff let me stay a little longer (Thanks Hil!), so I could almost finish everything. Rushing through meant I did stuff out of order, which I'm not happy with. I also forgot my suit today, but this was a good thing because I didn't have enough time as it was.

  I listed exercises in the order they were supposed to happen, and I grouped them into super sets in the order I did them.

Deadlift to knees 275x4 (50), 330x4 (60), 385x4x2 (70), 415x4x4 (75)

A: Bench 150x6 (50), 180x5 (60), 210x4x2 (70), 225x3x2 (75), 240x2x2 (80), 255x1x2 (85), 240x2x2 (80), 225x3x2 (75), 210x4 (70), 195x6 (65), 165x7 (55)

By the way, on deadlift day I'm using wrestling shoes. These have very little traction so I bench on my toes. I actually really like it way better than flat footed benching. Too bad.

B: Dumbell bench 50x10x4

Supposed to be 5 sets, but I was getting kicked out.

A: Deadlift from knees 330x5 (60), 385x3 (70), should've added suit here, 385x3 (70), 445x4x4 (80)

B: Lunges 135x5x5

B: Abs 45x10x3

Teh Monies

We all know that powerlifting isn't going to make you rich (or even get you a live-able wage); that's not the point. BUT, we're starting to put up some decent raw powerlifting numbers. This could make for some side money. Winning $1000 - ($500 for expenses) = $500 profit for one weekend, which isn't a bad deal. Just something to think about.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

ME 2 Board

42 KATANA baby. shirt felt great today.

Bench Press:
295 X 1 (3 board)
335 X 1 (3 board)
370 X 1 (2 board)
385 X 1 (2 board)
405 X 1! (2 board) lockout was a bit uneven at the very top but i definitely locked it

Floor Press:
265 X 4
265 X 4
265 X 4
225 X 7

4 Board Close Grip Lockouts
Dumbbell Flyes
Skull Crushers
Rope Extensions


2 second pause
155 x 5
165 x 5
175 x 3
135 x 10

Floor Press
175 x 5
185 x 5
155 x 8
155 x 8

Cable Flyes
4 sets x 8-10 reps

Rope Tricep Extension
57.5 x 8 x 4


2 second called-out pause:
255 x 5
265 x 4 + 1 fail
275 x 3
225 x 9 (going for 8, miscounted)

Floor Press:
245 x 5
255 x 5
225 x 8 (smoke show, wtf)
235 x 7

used funky weight stack cable machine

9 weights x 12, 13, 13, 14

Rope Tricep Extensions:
77 x 30
121 x 13, 13, 16


Bench (2 second pause)
135 x 5
145 x 5
165 x 3 last rep pretty slow
135 x 8

Floor press
135 x 5
155 x 5
145 x 8
145 x 7 + 1fail
First time doing these. I definitely like this exercise.

Pec deck flyes
130 x 12
175 x 10, 10

Rope pushdowns
3 sets

Week B #2

None / no belt

Olympic-Style Front Squats:
245 x 3
265 x 3
285 x 3 (felt good)

Power Cleans:
235 x 2/1/1
225 x 2/2/2
215 x 3/3

Dumbbell Bench Press:
135s x 5/5/5/4

Strict-Curl w/ EZ-Bar:
115 x 1 (easy)
145 x 1

Judge Brent gave me three white lights on the 145, haha. For those keeping score, I haven't done any bicep isolation exercises since around July 2008. QED




Stretching - hamstrings on cable row, gastroc, soleus, hamstrings w/ bar, adductors on 

machine, seated groin, hip flexors

Deadlift Film Study

This video is my 455 X 3 done about 10 months ago when I first started deadlifting.

Here is the alternate view of my 501 X 3 done last week. My form could still use improvement, but it has come a long way.


Weight: 207. Time: 3:00.

  Lower back didn't feel great by the end of this. Hopefully not an issue.

Squat 230x5 (50), 275x4x42 (60), 320x3x2 (70), 370x3x5 (80)

Bench 150x5 (50), 180x4 (60), 210x3x2 (70), 240x3x5 (80)

Dumbell bench 50x10x5

Dips BWx8x5

Squat 230x5 (50), 275x5 (60), 320x5x5 (70)

Good mornings 185x5x5

Half Assed Upper Back

Lots of due dates this week = 27 minute workout on the way back from the library

Dumbbell rows
95 x 10, 10, 20 - paused a couple times for my right arm on the last set

Smith machine shrugs
225 x 20
275 x 20, 20, 20

Hammer curls
35s x 10
37.5s x 10 (someone stole the 35s)
35s x 10 (someone else stole the 37.5s)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Upper Back

BW Pull Ups superset w/
Bent-Over Rows
135lbs x 8 x 3

Dumbbell Shrugs superset w/
Incline Curls

Leg Raises

back2back backs

Bent-over rows:
185 x 10
225 x 8
235 x 8
245 x 6
185 x 20

Wide-grip Pull ups:
bw + 45 x 7, 3 sets
bw x 20

Adding the 45 made these seem a lot heavier than they should have. Unsure why I could still rep it out like that at the end.

315 x 28
315 x 32
315 x 38?
315 x 46 + 6 + 7 = 50 reps???

Kept trying to push myself more on these. At the end Terrence told me to do 50. I thought I was 4 short, but I ended up having to keep repping it to make them happy. Trappist monks wrote down the saga but it burned up in a fire.

Hammer Curls:
65 x 8 per hand
75 x 6, 2sets
75 x 8

Roman Chairs:
Did these in the glute-ham machine. They usually killll my lower back, but felt fine today. Progress?

PS: I did 10 minutes of stretching on my groin at the end.

ME Bench

Floor Press: 135x5x2
225x1 PR

CG Incline: 155x5, 5
165x5, 5

HS High Row: 2p+25x10x5

Smith Shrugs: 3px15x4

Cross-body Hammer Curls: 45x5/5x3

And some ab stuff that I really didnt count or write down. The floor press was a 20lb PR I believe.

Highland Games

So, seriously, how are we going to practice the caber toss?


185 x 5, 5
195 x 3

Pause Squats (5 second pause)
165 x 2, 2

Leg Press
3 plate per side x 8, 8, 8

Kneeling cable abs
4 sets

Monday, April 13, 2009


Raw Squat:
355 X 3
365 X 3
315 X 7

S-S Bar Low Box Squat:
135 X 2
185 X 2
185 X 2
205 X 2 (smoke)
225 X 2 (fast)
245 X 2 (sorta fast)

Hamstring Curls
Calves on Leg Press


185 x 5 x 3 (weight x reps x sets)

Band-Resisted Box Squats
135 x 3
145 x 3
155 x 3

Front Squats
135 x 8 x 3

Pulldown Abs

I agree completely with Dave, expect that the middle of my back is hurting instead of my lower back. I think it is also due to core weakness but my back has only starting really hurting recently, so I'm not sure the cause.


Speed Bench
135 x 3
135 x 3
145 x 3
155 x 3
145 x 3
145 x 3
145 x 3
145 x 3
145 x 3

Front Squatta

Lower back is feeling 100% strong at weight less that 135. I switched to front squat today to stay more upright while still getting in some actual squatting. I can tell the very bottom part isn't fully healed, but it feels good to squat. If I push out as hard as I can when squatting, the pain is minimal. I think this whole injury is probably due to core weakness, which I am actively working on correcting.

Front Squats:
135 x 10
185 x 10
225 x 8
285 x 8

Ab/Ad ducctors:
stack x failure, 3 sets

180 x failure on adductor.

Took nathans advices and did some stretching on these as well.

Front Squats:
The other guys were front squatting, so I jumped back in. MOAR LEGS

185 x 8
205 x 8
225 x 8

Standing cable abs:
These hurt a two weeks ago but felt find today so long as I pushed out. I did a full pause at the top and bottom to increase the contraction. Held the last rep until failure.

90 x failure, 2 sets
100 x failure, 3 sets

Week B #1

None / no belt

Shoulder-Stance Back Squat:
375 x 1
345 x 5/4/4
315 x 8 (last one was a squat-morning, bleh)

Medium-grip Bench Press:
345 x 1
325 x 2/2/1
305 x 4

Stiff-Leg DLs w/ Quarter Plates:
365 x 5/4/5

My grip gave out on the 2nd set. Guess I have to start doing these alternate grip.

ME Rehab

Banded Back Extension: BWx20
greenx20, 20, 20
bluex10, 10

at this point my lower back felt so pumped that it became uncomfortable

Leg lifts: 20, 20

Leg Press: 180x10

GHR Situps: 15, 15, 15


Been a while. Here it is. Also, happy birthday to me.

1. 4/13/09 - Mon - CARDIO/FLEXIBILITY

Weight: 205. (Dehydrated?) Time: 0:40.

Barbell curl 45x5, 65x3, 85x1, 105x1, 125x1, 145x0

Jake told me he set a new PR on this at 115, so I tried what I could do. Probably could have gotten 135 if I had attempted it.

Cardio - bike ?? bpm x 20 mins

Flexibility - soleus, hip flexors, seated groin

2. 4/11/09 - Sat - SHEIKO #9

Weight: 211. Time: 2:30-ish.

Squat 230x5 (50), 275x4 (60), 320x3x2 (70), 345x3x6 (75)

Bench 150x6 (50), 180x5 (60), 210x4 (70), 225x3x3 (75), 240x2x2 (80), 

255x1x2 (85), 250x2x2 (80), 225x4 (75), 210x5 (70), 180x6 (60), 150x7 


Dumbell bench 50x10

Dips BWx8

Squat 255x3 (55), 300x3 (65), 345x2x4 (75)

Good mornings 185x5x5

3. 4/9/09 - Thu - SHEIKO #8

Weight: 210-ish. Time: 2:30-ish.

Deadlift to knees 275x4 (50), 330x4 (60), 385x4x4 (70)

Bench 165x5 (55), 195x5 (65), 210x5x4 (70)

Dumbell bench 50x10x5

Deadlift 275x4 (50), 330x4 (60), 385x3 (70), add suit, 420x3 (70), 450x3x5 (75)

Lunges 135x5x5

4. 4/8/09 - Wed - CARDIO/FLEXIBILITY

Cardio - bike ?? x 25 mins

Flexibiility - usual

Highland Games Update

Talked with Dave Garman, the coordinator for the athletic events, and he gave me the registration for for the games.

Since we will all be in the Novice Category, we will be competing on Sunday, 5/24. You need a kilt and the hose in order to compete. It is a $25 entry fee, and it must be postmarked by 5/15 if you want to compete.

If you are interested, give me your email so I can send you the entry form.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Bench Accessory

Wanted to go in today and work my overhead pressing. It is weak, and my DE days have kind of stagnated at 135 for all of my sets, so I figure switching it up for 3 weeks may do me some good.

Strict Military Press: 95x5x5

Standing Pin Press: 135x5x3

Pull-ups: 8, 8, 8, 5

HS High Row: 2p+25x10x3

Pushdowns: Stack x 15, 15

GHR Situps: 15, 15, 15

My lower back didn't feel too bad on all of these. I probably just wont do too much squatting/deadlifting this week and just work lowback/hamstrings/abs with special exercises on Monday & Friday.

Since I had no lower back issues, I will go with my plan of replacing the 8x3 Bench with 8x3 Standing Press, and then the usual workout applying from then on.

DE Squat + Pain

Box Squat: 185x2x4
265x1 PR

Good Mornings: 135x8
185x3 PAIN!

While doing the GM's I went a tad bit too low (was doing them beltless) and I felt a sharp twinge in my lower back (left side near the glute insertion). I stopped immediately, did some back raises and limped back to the dorm. Did hot/cold shower and took 4 advil. Feeling better today but still stiff. No sharp pains, but more of a dull ache constantly in my left lower back. Bleh.

Friday, April 10, 2009


Today was the sixth and final week of the Ed Coan program. I will test my RAW max in 2 weeks.

501 X 3 (PR)
Here is the side angle. Should be another angle up soon.

Upper Back

Week A #3


Shoulder-Stance Back Squat:
365 x 1
425 x 1
405 x 2
395 x 2/2
365 x 3 (bleh)

Dumbbell Bench Press:
135s x 5/3
130s x 5/5/5

Conventional Rack Pulls @ Mid-shin:
465 x 3
485 x 3
505 x 2

Comp # 7

Power snatch 80/2 x 2 90/1 x 2 At 90 they were basically just snatches
C&J 102/1 x 2 116/1 x 2 123/1 x 2 Yes! These felt good
Jerk 100 - 3,2+miss More jerks for more technique
Clean pull 125/2 x 4
Jerk support 130/2 140/2 145/1 x 2 These were good, I feel it more in my back now.

Couldn't squat, so I came back at night and did:

Back squat 170 - 4,4,4,3+miss Sign me up for the squat-only meet.


This Tuesday (4/14), Greg, Trey, and myself need to meet with Adam Pruett at 10:30 AM to discuss our Club Sport Application. His office is 2131 John Wooden Center.




185 x 5
205 x 5
225 x 10

Abs (Rainbow dragonfly ponies)

Thursday, April 9, 2009


(belt on)
309 x 8 (10 second rest between 7th and 8th rep) PR
Slight hitch on the 7th rep. This set was pretty hard.
183 x 5
Tried to use perfect technique on this set, but probably should have upped the weight a little.

Good mornings
155 x 5
165 x 5
175 x 5

Glute hams
BW x 12, 12, 12

Standing ab pulldowns
90 x 10
100 x 10, 10

Comp #8

Snatch 100/1 105 - missed 3x
Felt really slow today...Hopefully I'll be recovered for my test day in 2 weeks...

Sn. Pull 112/2 x 4
P. Cl. + Pu J 95/1+2 x 4
Almost passed out on every rep. Not a good day when I'm light headed all the time.

Back squat 120/3 160/4 x 3
Easiest 160 has ever felt. I should've stuck with powerlifting.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

RAW 3-Board Press:
295 X 3
315 X 2 (failed on the 3rd rep)
315 X 3
285 X 7

Flat Dumbbell Bench:
85s X 8
95s X 8
105s X 6
115s X 4

Weighted Pushups
Heavy Skullcrushers
Cable Extensions
Lateral Raises

This 5'4" 165lb. 27-year old Korean guy came in to bench with us. He looks like a small truck and has a very thick build...pretty much looks like a bencher. It turns out he's a pretty damn good one. Here are his numbers on the bench:
225 X 10, 245 X 10, 275 X 8, 315 X 2, 335 X 0 (almost).

I got a lot of catching up to do...


Close grip bench (paused)
135 x 5
145 x 5
160 x 3
125 x 8
135 x 7

Bench (2 second pause count)
135 x 5, 5, 5, 4

Dumbbell shoulder press
40s x 8
45s x 7, 5, 7

One arm dumbbell triceps (per arm)
25 x 5
22.5 x 8, 7, 6

Bridges with the blue balls.

Comp. #9 (Yesterday)

P. Sn. 80/3 x 3
C&J 95/2+1 110/1 x 4 (missed last jerk)
Jerk 110/2 90/3 x 3 (was supposed to go to 90% but was super tired...)

Came back at night and finished:

Cl. Pull. Bel. Kn. 95/4 110/3 125/2 x 2
Jerk Support 130/1 142/1 x 3
Back squat 120/3 x 4

All week I have been sleeping like a log and having trouble getting up. Don't really know why I'm so messed up. probably a little overtrained. Not a big deal though, after this week it gets easier.


Close-grip Bench:
all w/ 1 second pause
235 x 5
255 x 4 + 1 fail
275 x fail (blehh), 265 x 1 (blehh x 2)
205 x 8
225 x 7 + 1 fail

275 felt so heavy even at the top, but I'm not sure why. I would have expected to get at least one.

w/ 2 second pause, called out by someone else
225 x 3 (bleh x 3)
225 x 5, 3 sets

Not sure what happened on the first one. We were moving pretty quickly, so maybe not enough rest? still pretty inexcusable.

Dumbbell Shoulder Press:
80 x 4
70 x 8, 2 sets
75 x 7 + 1 fail

120 x 10
140 x 8
140 x 8
120 x 10

These felt unusually heavy today.

Finished with angry bridges.


Close-Grip Bench
135 x 5
145 x 5
165 x 3
125 x 8
135 x 8

2 second pause each rep
175 x 4 + 1 fail
165 x 5
155 x 5
155 x 5

Seated Shoulder Press
45 x 8
45 x 8
50 x 6
50 x 6

Seated Tricep Press
25 x 6 x 4