Monday, April 13, 2009


Been a while. Here it is. Also, happy birthday to me.

1. 4/13/09 - Mon - CARDIO/FLEXIBILITY

Weight: 205. (Dehydrated?) Time: 0:40.

Barbell curl 45x5, 65x3, 85x1, 105x1, 125x1, 145x0

Jake told me he set a new PR on this at 115, so I tried what I could do. Probably could have gotten 135 if I had attempted it.

Cardio - bike ?? bpm x 20 mins

Flexibility - soleus, hip flexors, seated groin

2. 4/11/09 - Sat - SHEIKO #9

Weight: 211. Time: 2:30-ish.

Squat 230x5 (50), 275x4 (60), 320x3x2 (70), 345x3x6 (75)

Bench 150x6 (50), 180x5 (60), 210x4 (70), 225x3x3 (75), 240x2x2 (80), 

255x1x2 (85), 250x2x2 (80), 225x4 (75), 210x5 (70), 180x6 (60), 150x7 


Dumbell bench 50x10

Dips BWx8

Squat 255x3 (55), 300x3 (65), 345x2x4 (75)

Good mornings 185x5x5

3. 4/9/09 - Thu - SHEIKO #8

Weight: 210-ish. Time: 2:30-ish.

Deadlift to knees 275x4 (50), 330x4 (60), 385x4x4 (70)

Bench 165x5 (55), 195x5 (65), 210x5x4 (70)

Dumbell bench 50x10x5

Deadlift 275x4 (50), 330x4 (60), 385x3 (70), add suit, 420x3 (70), 450x3x5 (75)

Lunges 135x5x5

4. 4/8/09 - Wed - CARDIO/FLEXIBILITY

Cardio - bike ?? x 25 mins

Flexibiility - usual

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