Sunday, November 30, 2008


Last day of random shit. I don't remember everything perfectly, but this is close enough since its all BS anyway.

Warm-up - walk x 5 mins

Flexibility - Hamstrings, hip flexors, seated groin

Hip abductors - 150x20x2

I really need a multihip machine to get the right muscle.

Hack squat - 225x5, 315x5, 365x5x3

Standing military press - 135x5, 155x4, 135x5

Seated is way easier.

A: Leg extension - (Full stack x 15, 2/3rd stack by 10, 1/3rd x 10) x 3 sets
B: Hamstring curl - Full stack x 15, 12, 12

Abs - 2 sets

I tried to do some abs that Dean and I did, but the 24 hr fitness doesn't have a bench that works.

Cardio - bike - 135x20mins

More flexibility stuff.

This week

I've been lazy about posting but here's this week:

Power snatch 77/3 x 2 88/1 x 4
Power clean + jerk 90/1+2 102/1+2
BTN jerk 110/1 115/1 122/1
jerk supports 115/1 120/1 140/1 150/1 (couldn't get off the rack)
I hold these for at least 5 seconds
BTN Press in jerk stance 4 x 3 - 42,45,47,51
Seated good morning, chin touching bench 54kg/3 x 3

Snatch 77/3 88/2 x 2 99/1 x 5 (got 2, missed like 4)
Technically this is 95%, so getting 2 is pretty good.
Sn. pu. bel. kn 88/2 99/1 x 4
Sn. pull 110/1 x 4
Jerk 88/2 102/2 115/1 (got one, missed one, stopped)

Upper back was pretty fried from the overhead work and from the snatches after this workout

Today (Sunday 11-30)
C&J 88/2 x 1 100/1 x 2 115/1 x 2 127/1 - missed this a buinch of times. The clean is super easy but I can't support it in the jerk. Could be a little tired from the overhead support work.

Jerk missed 127 then 130. Explosiveness is there, again it's overhead support strength and speed under the bar.

Jerk 105/3 x 3 Working the problems I just mentioned

Back Squat 115/4 135/5 x 4
Working on widening my back squat stance in order to allow myself to widen my feet more on snatches and cleans when I drop. I've been squatting around the same weights for awhile so they're actually pretty easy. I still use 190 for my max, which is definitely higher than my true max (only because I can't stay tight though).

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Bench Press (no pause):
warm ups
275 X 2 (initially wanted to triple it, but second one came up too slow)
275 X 2 (faster than first set)

Incline Bench Press:
185 X 8
205 X 6
205 X 6
185 X 7

Close Grip Bench Press:
185 X 5
205 X 5
225 X 5
225 X 5

Floor Skull Crushers:
95lb X 8
115lb X 6
115lb X 6
95lb X 8

Cable Pushdowns (w/purple band)
5 sets

Upper Back

Pull Ups
BW + 25lbs x 8
BW + 25lbs x 7
BW + 25lbs x 7
BW + 35lbs x 5
BW x 13

Low Row
(this machine was much worse than the one at Wooden, for some reason that makes doing normal weight much harder)
140 x 8
140 x 7
130 x 11

High Row
90 x 7 x 3

Bent Over Row
55 x 8
65 x 8
75 x 8
85 x 8
95 x 8

Smith Machine Traps
90lbs x 30
180lbs x 15
270lbs x 10
90lbs x 30
90lbs x 30 w/ pause

Friday, November 28, 2008


I came into today with my only plan to work on the right adductor. Thats why all this is so random, but I accomplished what wanted. Right adductor feels great.

Warm up - walking - 3 mins

A: Abductors - 150x20x2
A: Adductors - 90x20x2

The adductor machine gets the wrong adductors (there's a lot of them), so I don't think its very helpful.

Sumo deadlifts - 135x10x3

This is how I pulled the adductor, so "great success!" as they say.

Rack pulls (conventional) - 225x5, 315x5, 365x5x3

B: Dumbell bench - 80x5, 95x5x2
B: Cable row - 215x10, 250x10x2

C: Cable pushdowns - 60x20, 100x20
C: Pullups - BW x5x2

Honestly don't know what I was doing at this point.

Flexibility - Seated groin (been doing this all day), hamstrings, hip flexors

Cardio - bike - 135-140 bpm x15 mins

This is the same setting that put me at 150bpm yesterday. Guess I'm getting better. Or maybe its because I had no food or water yesterday before going to the gym.

Post Turkey Lifting & Distractions

After a good day of thanks and turkey, I headed off to my home gym. Now I remember why I didn't make much progress there.

Conventional DL: 275x5
315x3 (had no belt, so didn't want to go too heavy)

Front Squat: 135x6

Skull Crushers: 80x8, 8

As I was doing these, the rather hot 30-something to my right was moaning while doing some sort of sexual pilates thing. Rather distracting. Could not concentrate on any more lifting from then on.

John Kuc on Benching


FYI, that site has a TON of articles from the Old School.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Wanted today to be a Bench/Deadlift Sheiko-esque day. Didn't quite work out.

Bench - 135x5, 165x5, 185x5, 205x5x3

Deadlift - 135x5

Adductors were really sore from squats coming into today. I pulled the right one on this set, and decided to stop. I think this was a really good idea.

A: Abductors - 150x20, 190x15 (too heavy), 150x20
A: Adductors - 50 x infinite, 100x30

B: Pull-throughs on cable row - 90 x 15, 135x15x2
B: Dips - BW x 15 x3

The pull-throughs were actually really hard. I think this is because on the cable row the weight is pulling at a different angle and its really hard to keep my balance. This got my heart rate up like crazy, and dips were done with me panting like a mofo.

Cardio - bike - 150 bpm x 15 mins

Stretching - hamstrings, seated groin, hip flexors

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

upper backr

Medium Grip Pull Ups:
bodyweight X 8
45lb X 8
70lb X 6
70lb X 6
70lb X 5
70lb X 5
started getting some elbow pain toward the end

Rope Pull Ups:
bodyweight X 7
45lb X 7
70lb X 7
70lb X 7
70lb X 6
bodyweight X 20

Chest Supported Rows (with dave's purple band):
90lb X 8
115lb X 8
115lb X 7
115lb X 7
135lb X 5

Dumbbell Rows:
90lb X 15 each arm
100lb X 12 each arm
100lb X 14 each arm

bicep crap. saving the rest for block pulls with steve tomorrow morning.

Week B #2

None / no belt

Olympic-Style Front Squat:
225 x 3
245 x 1
265 x 1
290 x 1

Rippetoe-Style Standing Overhead Press:
205, 4 x 4
225, 1 x 2 (1 set of 2 reps)


Good Mornings:
225, 3 x 6

BW + 25, 3 x 5

Not training again till Monday, unless stuffing turkey in my mouth counts.

Big SupaSetta: Chest + Back

Worked out at my old gym back home.

Bench Press:
All reps paused on the chest.
265 x 5, 2 sets
255 x 5, 2 sets
245 x 5

I could actually keep my feet down on these for a change. A good arch still hurts bad, but at least it's a start.

(superset of the following:)
1 plate x 10
2 plates x 10
3 plates x 8
4 plates x 2 (wrecked) + 10 reps no plates

Cable Row:
220 x 10
250 x 10, 3 sets

Lat Pull Down:
220 x 10
250 x 8 (back hurt)
280 x 6 (back really hurt)

Parallel-bar Skull Crushers:
120 x 10, 2 sets
120 x 8, 2 sets

This exercises is no good for the time being

Superset of the following two:
Cable Flyes
All reps done with a pause at the bottom
90 x 12
100 x 10
80 x 10
60 x 12

Isolateral Low Row:
I love this machine. It hits my lats and traps just right. T-bar is still better overall as a power movement.

180 x 12
270 x 12, 3 sets
(just doing this as prehab thing)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Benchday: Darkstar

First, being invited to the prestigious 2009 Arnold Comp. .

..Now this?!

On the front and center of the homepage,!

Congratulations Dave-- i didn't know Open Source could be so sexy.
..looks like now, the only big thing you have left to accomplish is to train biceps 6 days a week with the man himself, Mr. Professor Christian Roberts


175 x 5
185 x 5
195 x 4
135 x 19

Close Grip Bench
135 x 6
135 x 7

Incline Dumbbell Bench
35lbs x 15
35lbs x 12
35lbs x 11

Monkey/Medium Grip Pull-Ups
BW x warmup
BW + 25lbs x 8
BW + 25lbs x 7
BW + 25lbs x 6

No Dave = Try new stuff

No Dave today, so we all kind of did our own thing.

Illegally wide Bench: 155x6
175x6, 6

JM Press: 95x6, 8

Incline DB Press: 55x8, 10, 7

Monkey Pull-ups: BW x 8, 8, 8, 6

Side-to-sides: 2 sets

Pulldown Abs for 3 sets to finish

So my reading of some WSB articles prompted the first 2 exercises. I'm not sure if I have the JM presses down entirely, but they sure hammered the crap out of my triceps. This new benching style feels much better than my old one, and if I keep focusing on my triceps, then I forsee myself having decent bench numbers in the future.

The monkey pull-ups were done on the top crossbeam of the power rack w/ just fingers and palms holding on. Suprisingly, I am stronger on these (?) and they feel a lot more effective for hitting my lats. The Side-to-sides were that "24 Hour Ghetto Workout" thing where you pull yourself up, and shift from one side to the other. Awesome.

Dave: Brent has your bands. He wanted to use them over the break.


Because of the holiday and my being a little sick, we're going to start the cycle next week. This week I just do random recovery stuff. Today was loosely based on a Sheiko squat day.

Squat 45x5, 135x5, 185x5, 225x10, 275x5x3

Left hip still felt bad. This isn't a weight issue, because it actually feels better as the weight increases. I think it's a hip mobility issue. When I wear a belt, it's less of a problem. I think this is because my core doesn't cave in at all.

Bench 135x5, 165x5, 185x5, 205x5

A: Hip abductor machine 150 (full stack) x20x3

A: Good mornings 135x5x3

Cardio - bike 150 bpm x 15 mins

This setting was only giving me ~130 bpm a week ago. Fail.


Hip flexors


Seated groin


So I took last week off in order to rest. I was planning on going into the gym to do random cardio/rehab stuff. This didn't work out because the biggest conference in my field had a paper deadline today at 4pm, and me and another guy had started the entire research project 2 weeks ago. So I basically had no life for the last week, but we got the paper submitted.

I didn't get much sleep over the trip to LA, and I certainly didn't get much last week. With the weather dropping to ~30 degrees during the day and ~20 at night, this was a recipe for disaster. I came down with a cold on Saturday, which sucked balls. Luckily I managed 10 hrs of sleep that night, and I only really had one bad day of it (Sunday). So today I was super clogged with mucous, and one of my squat sets I hacked a huge green loogie on the platform. I don't think anyone noticed.

Now I go on vacation again until next Tuesday. I need it.

PS> I tried to think of random stuff to do today, but I've just been squatting/benching/deadlifting for so long that this was all I could think of.

Monday, November 24, 2008


I felt kinda weird today in the gym. My hips were really tight, and I just felt weak. I really think that I need to be squatting more often to work on this lift.

Squat: 185x5
225x2, 5, 4

Rev. Band Squat (green): 315x5

GHR: 8, 8, 8

Long legs are good for everything except fitting in cars, airplanes, and squatting...

Sciatic UPdate #2

Muscle Relaxers don't really work well for me. I think the prescription strength is too low. But the leg/calf do feel better now. I can walk without a limp. Squatting the bar for a few reps didn't hurt at all either. Hopefully everything will be back in working order after Thanksgiving

Sonofabitch Greg took the 500th post

315 X 5
325 X 5
330 X 5

Reverse Band Squats (green bands):
405 X 5
455 X 5
495 X 3

Banded GHRs

Banded decline sit ups

Squats + Deadlifts + 500th Post

135, 155, 165, 175, 185, 195 x 5
My form seemed much better at least from my perspective, I'm no longer good-morning the weight up, I just have to concentrate on sitting back in the hole the whole way through.
The weight also felt much easier than usual.

Box Squats (low box)
135, 155, 155, 165 x 5

Glute-Ham Raises superset w. Banded Decline Abs

30kgs + 45lbs x warm-up
30kgs + 135lbs x 6
30kgs + 185lbs x 3
30kgs + 245lbs x 3 (heavy triple)
My form got much better on these too (Brent was watching and helped me out).  I'm using much more legs than lower back, I just need to work on more speed off the floor now.

Today and weight update

Snatch 77/2 88/2 x 3
Sn. pull bel kn. 100/1 x 3
Jerk 102/2 x 4
BTN Jerk 102/2 115/2 (made one missed one) 120/1 122/1 x 2(missed both)
Overhead support 120, 130, 140, 145
Back Squat 100/4 115/4 x 3

So my other coach told me he thought it would be a good idea to gain the weight. Now I am a little confused. I suppose I'll utilize the Holiday Season to gain some mass and see where I sit after the new year. Depending on when the next competition is and where my strength is at I'll either train at a little over 85kg and drop weight to compete at 85 or, if I have the time and am gaining good strength, stay at 94kg.

Week B #1

None / no belt

Shoulder-Stance Back Squat:
320, 3 x 5 (3 sets of 5 reps) (+5 PR)

Feelin' good, so:

370, 1 x 1

Wide*-grip Bench Press:
*Widest legal competition grip

300, 3 x 3 (+5 PR)

Bonus time:

320, 1 x 1

Power Clean:
230, 3 x 1 (3 singles)

Too tired to do these correctly, so switched to

230, 3 x [5-8]

Need to re-set on the power cleans

Iron Game History

Yar, this site is pretty interesting for a historical perspective on weight training.

I recommend using the following google search:
your_subject_keyword site:

For example, here are all the results for the keyword 'powerlift'.

There is a ton of stuff here.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


I've been informed by my coach that I should keep my weight where it is and get stronger. So I'm going to do that. I'm fat enough as it is so I guess if I stay here I have plenty of room to lose fat and gain muscle while staying at this weight. That's kinda good news since I figured I'd be gaining even more fat if I gained weight.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Bench Day at Home

Kevin got cleared to play baseball and hit the weights again. He repped out 205 X 10 and 225 X 5 today amongst other things. Let's hope he doesn't catch up to me again.
Bench Press:
225 X 5
245 X 5
275 X 1
280 X 1

Incline Dumbell Press:
80s X 10
90s X 10
100s X 5
100s X 5

Floor Press:
225 X 5
245 X 5
245 X 5

Floor Tricep Extensions:
(laid on floor and extended barbell overhead from a dead stop)
95 X 8
95 X 8
105 X 6
105 X 6

Cable Tricep Stuff

Speed Bench

Speed Bench:
w/ quadded minis

alternated outside-ring, split-ring and inside-ring grips

135 x 3, 3 sets
155 x 3, 3 sets
175 x 3, 2 sets
185 x 3, 1 set

Close(r) Grip Bench off Foam Roller:
Trained with pinkies on the inside of the outer ring. This is about a whole hand's grip inside of where I normally train.

1 second pause on all reps. Tried to keep it from sinking into the foam roller. I want to get stronger with pausing at different grips and heights.

275 x 3
285 x 3
295 x 3
305 x 2 + 1 fail
295 x 3

Military Press:
Working on the weak point in the shoulders. I could definitely feel the exhaustion in my triceps for the lockout on these.

155 x 10
185 x 6 (back hurrrrt so I went down after this)
165 x 6 (still hurts)
135 x 8

Seated Cable Row:
180 x 10
230 x 10
250 x 10

Ball Twists:
(where your torso is stationary and you make a big arc with a ball between your legs)
6 twists each way, red ball

Then we tried the blue balls with sand in them. I think they weigh 10+ lbs.
3 twists each way, 2 sets
4 twists each way, 1 sets
3 twists each way, then 2 twists again, then 2 more twists again

These were brutal. They were much harder than I remember once you add weight. My abs are still feeling it a few hours later. As a bonus, these don't hurt my lower back <3

Weekend Bench

Speed Bench (quadded minis): 95x3x6

Manpon Press (medium grip): 185x3
195x3, 3
205x3, 2

Tate Press + Cable Triceps: 37.5x12
stack x 15
stack x 8

Cable Rows: 150x10
190x8, 8

+ the swiss ball leg rotation ab thing with the ball that has sand in it x 3 sets

Today was good. I worked on arching more and I tweaked my benching to where I keep my elbows more tucked all the way up using more triceps and lats. I felt a lot faster and just as strong doing this, rather than flaring my elbows. It felt a lot stronger on the manpon presses too. I will need to really work on my triceps to make this my regular bench style though.

Speed Bench Day

Bench w/ Quadded Minis (Reds)
95 x 3 x 6
105 x 3 x 3

Close Grip Bench Off Foam Roller
185 x 3
195 x 3 (failure)
185 x 3
185 x 3
185 x 4

Tricep Tates
35 x 8
35 x 10
35 x 10

Cable Row
110 x way too light
140 x 9
160 x 8
170 x 7

Forgot to post my workouts for this week

P. Sn. 71/3 82/2 x 3 (80%)
Snatch I think I was sore from the squats I did two days before So I ended up doing like 88/1
Sn. Pull 110/2 x 4
Jerk 92/2 107/2 x 3 97/2, 101/2, 105/2, 80/5,5,4 Felt good, getting it in the right spot
Back Squat 125/5 163/3,1 was supposed to do 5 sets, but still too sore to get deep

11-22 (today)
P. Sn 77/3 88/1 x 3
P. Cl. 90/3 x 2
C&J 101/2+1 115/1 x 4
BTN Jerk up to 120, missed 130 twice. Fuck that weight
Overhead supports 130, 140, 140 held for 5 seconds
Basically an overhead 1/4 squat with jerk grip, then just held the bar there
BTN press in jerk split 40/5 x 2 45/5
Good mornings 3 x 3 - 100, 105, 105

Went to Mike's Gym to get some coaching from Mike. He suggested the overhead supports and BTN jerks. The problem seems to be actually supporting the weight overhead like I said before so I'm going to try fixing that instead of doing row/pull ups and stuff. We'll see how it works.

On good mornings I did them with almost straight legs (maybe 10-15 degree bend in the knees at the bottom to facilitate a flat back). I never do round-back good mornings because you never round in weightlifting. for powerlifting though they have a place, even though I still think if you get flexbile enough to never round your back in the squat you are better off. For the deadlift a rounded upper back is ok because it essentially lengthens your arms, but a round lower back is never acceptable.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Phil & Gary Rancho Cucamonga Fun-Time

Monsieur Gary is visiting me. Step 1 of our awesome plan was to train at Cardio Fit. The head dude there joked with us a bit saying that the two of us would consume all of the oxygen in the place. Then he let Gary in for free with no hassle. LESSON: all other commercial gyms suck, Cardio Fit rocks.

Knee sleeves

Shoulder-Stance Back Squat:
315 x 2
345 x 1

365 x 1
395 x 3 x 2 (3 sets of 2 reps) (+10 PR)

Gary said these looked good, especially the first ones. The last one was a bit of a grinder, but still got them all.

Standing Dumbbell Overhead Press:
90s, 1 x 4 (1 set of 4 reps)

Too much, knocked it down to 85s.

85s, 2 x 5

Conventional Deadlift:
405 x 1

425 x 3 (+10 PR)

Gary & I went to Espeau's in Claremont and ate a shit-ton of awesome mexican food. We had margaritas. THen we went to Dave & Buster's in Ontario Mills and drank more and played games. Yeah!

Bench on Saturday?

Does 2PM work for most people?

Wednesday + Thursday

Upper Back:

Chest-supported Rows: 3 plates x 6, 6, 6, 6

Fat DB Rows: 90x10/10
110x6, 6

DB Rows: 95x12/12

Band Pull-aparts: Purple In front: 20, 18, 20
Purple Behind Head: 25, 25

And a bunch of biceps


Conventional: 225x3, 3, 3 (working on speed)
245x3, 3

Cleans: 135x3, 3, 3

Had to leave due to a study session for my math midterm.


50kg + 45lbs x 5
50kg + 135lbs x 5
50kg + 155lbs x 5
50kg + 45lbs x 20 (working on bad form -- need to use more legs)

Power Cleans (first time doing off the floor cleans)
30kg + 45lbs x 8
30kg + 65lbs x 5
30kg + 65lbs x 4

Barbel Lunges
95 x 6
115 x 6
135 x 4
135 x 4

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Bill Starr speaks

On Building the Lower Back

Sciatic UPdate

I saw the doctor today and they think it's likely something is wrong with one of my discs but that it's not too serious. I'm not supposed to put any strain on my lower back for a few weeks. I also have muscle relaxers to loosen the area up.

Standing Hamstring Curls:
60 x 10
80 x 10
100 x 10
120 x 10
140 x 10
100 x 10
100 x 10

This is pretty good

Standing Press FTW

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Upper Back

body weight + 25lbs x 10
body weight + 25lbs x 7
body weight + 25lbs x 6
body weight + 25lbs x 5
body weight + 20lbs x 7
body weight w/ hand straps x 15 (Brent was showing me how easy it was without having to worry about grip)
I spent so much time with my arms in the air fooling with the straps that by the time I got to my first chin-up I was already tired (never used straps before).

Fat Bar Dumbbell Rows
75 x 8
85 x 6
95 x 5

180 x 8
225 x 7
225 x 6
225 x 3 then the seat fell out from under me again, so I stopped and buckled up next set
225 x 5

Short one for the Book Club

Click "Competition Reports" --> "Report of the 2008 Olympics Part I"

Look at the second to last segment: The Warm Ups

Weightlifting warm ups are VERY different from powerlifting warm ups.

One legged upper back

The sciatic nerve strikes again. I'm going to the doctor tomorrow to get this business sorted out. The pain is constant and nearly everything aggravates it still. (pain hasn't gone up or down though, which I think is good) Hopefully it's something simple that can be fixed quickly. I've been stretching a lot too with piriformis streches and some deep lumbar stretches. When the pain hits, these regions seem to tighten up, which exacerbates the nerve. Stretching seems to temporarily improve the pain free range of motion, but as soon as I trigger it again, they tighten up. :(

Chest Supported Rows:
180 x 8
180 x 8
225 x 5
225 x 5
180 x 8

Fatbar Dumbbell Rows:
90 x 10, both hands
110 x 10 left, 8 right1
110 x 8 left, 7 right
90 x 10, both hands

1These did not feel good at all on my bad leg. I had to stop to let it settle which really detracted from the reps.

Pull overs:
225 x 10
270 x 10
315 x 10
315 x 7

(supersetted with)
Band Pull-Aparts:
12+ w/ purple
12+ w/ purple
10 w/ green
10 w/ green
10 w/ green

Brent wanted to do curls because he is our Biceps Coach

Standing Curls:
50 x 8
60 x 8
70 x 4

Thumbless Reverse Cambered Bar Curls Feet On Fire:
80 x 10
80 x 10
100 x 8

I had to deadlift these one legged. it was fun.

Week A #2

None / no belt

Olympic-Style Front Squats:
285 x 2

Medium-Grip* Bench Press:
* Middle finger on first set of rings; basically, straight arms

280, 3 x 5 (3 sets of 5 reps)

BW + 25 lbs, 4 x 4


Bench w/Ball: 155x5
165x5, 5, 5
175x5, 5

Rack Lockouts: 225x5
255x5, 2

Skull Crushers: 100x8, 8, 6, 7

Hang Clean -> Push Press: 115x8, 8

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Hooray for the Sciatic Nerve

I think I have a pinched sciatic nerve. Squats felt strong on monday, but i have shooting pain down one side of my leg. Today, I couldn't arch, as that kills, so I had to keep a flat back with my feet up, for the most part. We decided to call these "Trey Presses," in honor of Trey who never used his feet when he first started benching with us.

Trey Press:
Each set w/ a full pause at the bottom. I want to work on my pressing power off the chest, so I may start trying to pause every rep for all my sets.

265 x 5
245 x 5
255 x 5
265 x 5
265 x 5

Close Grip Pin Press:
(feet up)
315 x 5
365 x 4 + fail on 5th
365 x 4 + feet down for 5th (got pissed)
365 x 3 + feet down for 4 & 5 (too awkward with feet up)

Skull Crushers
120 x 10
150 x 10
170 x 5
170 x 5 + 120 x 10 (superset)

I had to get a spot up on the last 3 sets. Cleaning hurts baddddd. Even standing with the weight hurts. Bleh.

Decline Cable Flyes:
I focused on a full pause at the bottom. This made them a lot harder than I thought. I was surprised at how fatigued I became.

100 x 10
100 x 5 (wut?!)
80 x 5 (oh noes)
70 x 8
70 x 7
50 x 12
50 x 10

Off the chest seems to be a big weak point for me, so I want to build up my pec and should strength to match my triceps.

Did a few shoulder dislocates too (thanks Gary!) just to work on my flexibility.

While you guys rest

I keep lifting:

Power Snatch 77/3 88/1 x 3
P. cl. + pu. j. 95/1+2 110/1 x 3
C&J 110/1 x 3
Jerk 110/2 115/1 x 5 (only got 2) 100/2 x 3
Back squat 105/5 125/5 145/3 x 5
Jerk 80/4 80/5 80/4

So I think the problem with my jerk is only partially upper-body strength related. I don't think that doing rows/presses will help that much because I can feel that it doesn't work the muscles the same way as the jerk (even though I'm sure they are the same muscles). I think the best bang for my buck will be higher rep jerks to hit the upper back at the lockout position precisely how it will be during actual jerks. I need to be tighter at the topand make sure the jerk is locked out... It's hard to explain. I just think this is the best course of action.

UCLAPF’s Inaugural Meet

For Sat, Nov 15
First post, first experience with a meet setting. (If of course a substitute mini-meet at Wooden, is that.) Granted the last three weeks to cut and make weight is probably more 'core than these numbers, overall, my first PL experience was good. And it was a pleasure meeting the other guys, as well. Thanks to everyone for any tips, help, or just yelling at me. The newbie's tally for 132 pd./ RAW division is as follows:

185 Yup.
225 Nope. (Close; but didn't hit low enough?)
225 Nope. (Failed- Not enough gas.)

215 Yup.
235 Nope. (Failed)
235 Yup.

340 Yup.
370 Yup. (Questionable-- ..dragged up too slow? Fail? Not sure.)

Squat Day: Fail

Well, it turns out that you feel hella weak after maxing out. I did not know this, so I tried squatting today. I failed miserably (225 felt like 305 did at the meet).

I ended up just doing a bunch of seated GM's & OH squats with a broomstick, some back raises, and some abs.

And for the record, my mini-meet results:

295/195/400 = 890 = crap except for the Deadlift

Good job Dean. My 70 lbs were no match for your mad skillz.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Good Interview

Squat Day

Box Squats
very low box
135 x 5 x 2
155 x 5

Band Lightened Squats
blue bands
315 x 5 easy reps
405 x 5
455 x 2 425 x 2 same set
425 x 5 (ratio of squats to good mornings was not great)

Lunges (w/ back foot on bench)
95 x 8 x 2
95 x 6 x 2
(hardest part was balance)

Pause Squats
Did a few sets of 95lbs to help improve squat form

Ab Wheel

Week A #1

None / no belt

Shoulder-Stance Back Squat:
315, 3 x 5 (3 sets of 5 reps)

50 lbs less than Gary, YARG.

Rippetoe-Style Standing Overhead Press:
200, 4 x 4

Power Clean:
225, 8 x 1

Felt like ass this weekend due to flu. Still felt like ass today, but better!


Power cleans 95/4 108/2 x 3
Snatch pull bel kn. 88/4 99/2 110/2
BTN Press + OHS 115/3+2 x 3

Light. Power cleans feel super light after that deadlift.

Mini-Meet Results

375 - pretty easy
395 - Missed, no tightness out of the hole
395 - Missed, same reason
Not exactly happy with this because I use 190kg (418) as my max and base my percents off of that.

225 - Got it
245 - Missed, no chance

My bench sucks

365 - easy
385 - pretty easy
405 - exactly 100% of my max. Probably the slowest deadlift I've ever performed.
Very happy with deadlift performance since this is equal to my all time best deadlift, set while I was actually performing powerlifting-style training. Go weightlifting.

Mock Meet (with gear)

395 good
*425 good
450 bad
290 good
*315 good
325 bad
460 good
500 good
*520 good (EDIT: 2/2009 After watching this again, this is clearly a no lift.)

1260 Total
EDIT: 1240 Total


Actual meet cancelled, did a fake one at Wooden. Weight: 206. All raw. All attempts pretty easy. I think I'd be good for 435/285/540 = `160. This is 10# of class I raw status at 220, and I'm weighting light for that I'll take it.


1st 375x1

2nd 395x1

3rd 425x1

Might have stepped early, but I got it up fine. 10# PR.


1st 250x1

2nd 260x1

3rd 280x1

5# PR, easier than 275 8 weeks ago.


1st 470x1

2nd 495x1

3rd 530x1 (10# PR)

new uspf ca site

Did everyone check out my new awesome version of the site? :)

I know I already showed Dave and Phil.

Gear Makeover

Thank you Dave and Nathan for letting me use and stink up your gear. But now it's time for me to buy EVERYTHING. Here is what I have picked out as some of my options. Feel free to speak your mind or give me advice on any of the brands that you prefer or which would suit my style of lifting.

Squat Suit:
My stance is medium wide? I know it's wider than Dave's and I think it's a bit narrower than Nathan's stance.
1. Titan Centurion NXG Super+

Bench Shirt:
I'm confused about this one. I have a weak arch, but I want to work on it. My grip is very wide, pretty much the maximum grip allowed for competition. Also, I keep my elbows pretty far out (I haven't had to tuck much) and like to touch at about my sternum.
1. Super Katana
2. Rage X, Phenom, Katana

Dead Lift Suit:
My stance is conventional. Can't be cool like Steve and convert to sumo. Will the Centurion make for a decent conventional DL suit?
1. Inzer Fusion
2. Inzer Max DL

Finally, where is the best place to buy all this stuff at (besides the Inzer gear, which I would go to Steve Denison for). I know these things barely ever go on sale so I'm willing to spend, I just don't want to get ripped off. Thanks guys.

Better Powerlifting

What it should be like

Blahblahblah workouts blahblahblah

My workload tolerance is still pretty low. But all the same, I plan on cutting a lot of the volume to optimize my recovery time. All sets below are without any equipment. I'm really working hard to retool my form on all of the three major lifts. My grip is shit, but I expect that to be fixed in a couple of weeks--SECRET KEYS. Weight x reps x sets (assume 1 if not noted).

*Squat: 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 275x5, 315x5, 365x5x3
Stiff leg deadlift: 135x5, 225x5, 335x5x3
**Press: 135x5, 145x5, 155x5
***Chins: bodyweight x7x3 (omfgwtfbbq terrible)

Note: will alternate stiff leg deadlift with light rounded back good mornings, emphasis on both exercises is on hamstring pull. Rounded back good mornings for both hard squats and deadlifts. All squats are with a more narrow stance now. When the squat/secondary isn't enough. I'll add in a rotation of banded resisted squats and hack squats.

*Bench: 135x5, 185x5, 225x5x3 (gimme two weeks to get it back up)
**Flat dumbell press: 60x5, 70x5, 80x5
***Pause Squats: 135x5x3
**Barbell curl: 60x5, 70x5, 80x5x3

Note: always super light squat focusing on some dynamic action here. I probably won't have to replace the bench/flat dumbell press or barbell curl for a long time. I need one other thing to add in here later, that I'm still figuring out.

*Deadlift: 135x5, 225x5, 315x5, 405x3x2
**Cleans: 135x5x3, 185x5
***Narrow Bench: 135x5x3 185x5
Dips: bodyweightx10x3

Note: heavy walkouts for squats will eventually be added on this day, along with band assisted squats. Finally, heavy lockouts for bench. I think the theme of this day is fairly obvious. Cleans and narrow bench are more dynamic and speed based. I'll also include weights on the dips at a later time, if necessary.

* - as my work tolerance goes up. I plan on both increasing the weight (until I'm back to my normal working weight), and increasing the sets/workload on the heavier weights but with smaller increments.

** - weight will probably increase. Total sets/reps won't fluctuate much. The purpose of these assistance exercises is muscle hypertrophy in the smaller assisting groups.

*** - go go more gadget reps.

The chins/bicep work specifically help reinforce the grip work in a manageable and, more importantly, scalable fashion. Other than that, after I get back up to my desired working weights (405/455 squat, 455/495 dl, 275 bench), the progression will be much more programmed now. :P

Sunday, November 16, 2008


I've never seen the gym this crowded, I used whatever I could.
Also no spotter.
155 x 10
165 x 8
175 x 6
185 x 3

Seated Dumbbell Press
40 x 8
45 x 7, 6, 7

Decline Bench
135 x 10
155 x 8
175 x 6

135 x 8
150 x 8
165 x 8

Bodyweight Dips
x 8, 7, 7

Ab Crunch Bench
35lbs x till failure x 3 sets

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Mock Meet Results

365 - Fail (Took it down too fast)
365 - Good (Easy)
405 - Fail (Hips shot up too quick, leaned forward)

275 - Good
300 - Good
315 - Good

Lifts felt solid

450 - Good
480 - Fail
480 - Good

365 + 315 + 480 = 1160

Most I have pulled off the ground in a while. Felt good. Found out by going wider in my stance and pulling my shoulders back helps with my back arch and lock out. Thank you Nathan for the tips.

Meet Day Logistics

(Updated to be a sticky-post until the meet)

Link to Official Meet Info

Who is driving?

I know I am. I can take 3-4 people.

Looks like it's 40 with no traffic from UCLA to the meet location.

Weigh-in is from 8:30-10am. I want to get there early so I can start eating again early. I'm guessing the competition will start around 10:15ish.

I will be leaving from the UCLA area at like 7:30. I will probably be late, but the goal is to show up early and weigh-in ASAP.

Who else is driving? I think Lucy will have her car which can hold at least 3 people. Is anyone leaving directly from Westwood?

What to bring?

Food. Srsly. There will probably be stuff there to buy, but it's much easier if you don't have to run around trying to find it between flights. Sub sandwiches are good.

If you're competing, make sure to bring a ton of gatorade for after you weigh in. If you have to dehydrate to make weight, you want to be able to rehydrate right away. Also bring something solid for quick energy / breakfast after you weigh in. I also bring a few Rockstars because I am a caffeine addict.

Those that aren't competing are free to make a food run (and maybe buy stuff for the rest of us). I would also bring a bit of cash. I don't think there will be any admission fee, but you never know. The most I've ever seen was $5?

What about that gear stuff?

Just as a reminder (to myself included), bring at least the following things:

  1. Singlet

  2. Knee-length Socks. I am not kidding about this. They will not let you deadlift without them, due to people getting blood everywhere.

  3. Chucks

  4. (updated) Your UCLA Powerlifting tshirt (if you have it) or some other UCLA-related shirt. Or something else awesome looking like with a dragon fighting a ninja riding a bear carrying a boy in a bamboo box. You need a tshirt at least for the squat.

Sadly, because of all this paper business, I haven't had time to check into whether we could get access to the UCLA wrestling singlets. So, I would make sure you have your own as a fall back.

If anyone has extra gear (e.g. wrist wraps, belts, etc.), it's generally useful to bring that too. You never know how the ordering will go so it's good to have extras.

Am I missing anything?

Friday, November 14, 2008

I also good morning more than I squat

30kg + 135lbs x 8
30kg + 185lbs x 5
30kg + 225lbs x 5

95lbs x 8
135lbs x 8
185lbs x 8
225lbs x 8

Dumbbell Pull Throughs
1 set of 30lb x failure
2 sets of 50lbs x failure

Glute-Ham Raises
Decline Abs w/ medicine ball

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Upper Back

Body-weight Wide Grip Pullups
x 14, x 8, x 7,  x 6

110 x 10
120 x 10
140 x 4 x 2

Reverse Grip Lat PullDown
110 x 10
120 x 10
140 x 8
130 x 8

High Row
160 x 10
180 x 10 x 2

Preacher Curls + Seated Hammer Curls

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Weight: 211. Time: 0:40. Last before the meet!

Squat 205x3 (50%), 250x3x2 (60%), 290x2x3 (70%)

Bench 135x3 (50%), 165x3x2 (60%), 195x2x3 (70%)

This week

Don't know if I'll ever get around to posting the actual workouts from this week. Basically, I trained myself into depression over the last 2 weeks so I cut the volume for this week (not the intensity). Last night I failed snatching 87kg (80). It wasn't even close. I'll probably just do the prescribed workouts with lower volume them go into the competition phase fresh (the last 2 weeks were some of the highest volume of the year). I literally trained to the point where I had strange, vivid dreams and didn't sleep well. Today I finally woke up refreshed but definitely not completely recovered. Hopefully this means that my strength with be insane once recover and enter the competition phase.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Walking around Boston Over the river and back


Gastroc on stairs

Hip flexors


We had this MASSIVE Indian dinner tonight ... and then my friend didn't finish his, so I had basically 1.5 of them. I decided I needed to do something cardio-ish that wouldn't drain me, so I just walked and saw the river at night. It was pretty.


185 x 5
185 x 5
175 x 5
195 x 3 (failure)
185 x 3
should have started low and gone up, not vice versa

Incline Bench
125 x 8
135 x 8
145 x 6
145 x 6 (failure)

bodyweight x 8 (warm-up)
20lbs x 6
20lbs x 6
20lbs x 6

Tricep Cable Pulldown w/ curl bar
50lbs x 30
70lbs x 10  (stopped at 10 because we supersetted with another tricep pulldown)
90lbs x 10

thank you to surrogate Dave for the past couple days


185 x 5 x 3
195 x 3 (belted)
205 x 3 (belted)
215 x 3 (belted)

Front Squats
135 x 5 x 3

Calf Raises

Hang Cleans
20kg + 45lbs x 8
20kg + 65lbs x 8
20kg + 95lbs x 5
20kg + 95lbs x terrible set

Monday, November 10, 2008


Bench 135x3 (50%), 165x3x2 (60%), 195x2x2 (70%), 205x1x4 (75%)

Deadlift 260x3 (50%),  315x2x2 (60%), 365x2x4 (70%)

Meet prep, very light.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Bench: 165x3

Shirted 2 Board: 225x1, 1

Incline Bench: 135x8
145x6, 6, 8

And some cable triceps & biceps to finish


185 x 5
195 x 3
215 x 0
205 x 1
215 x 1
225 x 0
135 x 17 (I have no idea what possessed me to do this many reps)

Incline Bench
135 x 8
155 x 5
155 x 4 (failure)
155 x 4
155 x 4 (failure)

Cable Triceps
double mini bands
50 x 6 x 3
60 x 6

Benching ZE

Last training session before the meet

(in the cutter)
315 x 1
365 off a 2 board x 1, two sets

Incline Bench:
185 x 8
205 x 8
225 x 8
255 x 3 + 1 fail

Cable triceps:
used band over neck
70 + purples
100 + purples
120 + purples

Threw in a few chest-supported rows between these just to stretch things out. Back to paper writing...


Weight: 211. Time: 1:00?

  Meet's coming up so everything is light until then.

Cardio - bike 135-145 bpm x 25 mins


Hip abduction 50x15, 100x15, 150x15x3

Felt this more in my glutes, but the left hip flexor (injured one) worked a little, at least.

Pull-ups BWx20 (PR)

Decided to just go for a rep PR on these to keep things light. Not the greatest form in the world, but since I'm heavier I'm quite happy with it.




Very tight today in hamstrings and lower back.

Upper back on cable row

Obliques on pull-up

Adductor on machine

Seated groin

Seated glute


Hip flexors

Back arch on ball

Foam roll hip flexors and IT band

Friday, November 7, 2008


Squat 205x3 (50%), 245x3x2 (60%), 290x2x2 (70%), 315x2x3 (75%)

Bench 135x3 (50%), 165x3 (60%), 195x3x2 (70%), 205x2x4 (75%)


Drop Snatch 75/2 86/2 x 4
Snatch 75/2 86/2 x 2 98/2 x 2 (missed 1) 100/2 x 2 (got 1)
Sn. pull Bel Knee 98/23 x 5
Sn. pu. to st. leg 108/3 x 3 118/2 x 2
BTN Press + OHS 3+2 x 4 125, 130, 130, 120 (had to push press a few on the 2nd 130 and the 120)

B. Squat 105/3 125/3 142/1 161/3 x 6 (85%)
Chinese-style bent row 28kg 17, 12, 6 These have improved way faster than I expected after that horrendous showing last time of only 3 x 8

Stretching 15-20 min.

Man Teaches Bear to Deadlift

Good advices for the youngin's

The tall guy pulled 925 back in the day.


Rack Pulls
(not including bar weight)
100kg x 5
100kg + 90lbs x 0
100kg + 50lbs x 3
100kg + 70lbs x 3

Stiff-Legged Deadlifts
(wasn't counting reps, none of the weights were particularly heavy)
30kg + 20lbs
30kg + 50lbs

Smith Shrugs
(had no grip after heavy deadlifts)
2 plates each side x 2 sets
3 plates each side x 1 set

Transverse Abs

my hip adductors are still sore from some exercise but I'm not sure which

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Last of The Deadlift: The Cycle Begins Anew

DL off of blocks: 355x5
395x3, 3, 3 (on this one I actually started to develop some speed)
405x3 PR

Stiff-leg DL: 205x10
255x6, 6

Smith Shrugs: 3 plates x 12
4 plates x 8, 10
3 plates x 20

Transverse Abs: 3 sets

Good stuff. Brent had a lot of fun ripping his hand open, and then going on to break one of his wrist straps.

Deadlift: the new frontier

Paper deadline in 4 days. I'm only in these workouts 20% mentally. My brain feels like mush and my cold is getting worse.

Rack pulls:
8" blocks. Bar was maybe 4" below the knee?

495 x 3
535 x 3
585 x 3
615 x 3
665 x 3

Felt pretty good. Last set was hard, but didn't feel like I "barely got it." This has restored some confidence in my lockout work since I'm generally über quick off the bottom and rely on my speed to get the final few inches. Now I know I can lock out at least 665 from a dead stop.

270 x 12
360 x 10
450 x 10
540 x 7
This last set was not one of prouder moments. I was so gassed from the block work that I couldn't get the bar up. Terrance and Brent helped me get it up so I could start shrugging :'(

Stiff-legged deadlifts:
(just for stretching)
205 x 10
255 x 10
255 x 10

57 x something
72 x something
72 x something + 40 second hold

Pump and Sculpt again

It's basically an arm workout with some cardio thrown in.

Min-Volume Week #2

None / no belt

Shoulder-Stance Back Squat:
325 x 5

Competition Bench Press:
315 x 2

Power Clean:
235 x 1


Weight: 211. Time: 0:45.

Cardio - bike ?? bpm x 25 mins

I'm getting better at cardio.



Hip flexors


Seated groin

Seated illiotibial

Lying glute

Danny said he did squats last Saturday and went up to 635. I really want to see this in action. Say's he'll get his gear (multi-ply) when he visits Israel for Winter.

David Jurgens/2009 Arnold

Found this off 422 wilks!? squash em dave.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Upper Back + Misc

Bent-Over Rows
25kg x 8
25kg + 10lbs x 7
25kg + 20lbs x 5

One Arm Dumbbell Rows
50 x 8
60 x 8
90 x 6

Wide-Grip Pullups
holding 20lb dumbbell between legs (no belt)
was the most difficult part
x 7
x 5
x 3

21's (Biceps)
60lbs completed
60lbs failure
40lbs completed

Machine Preacher Curls
50lbs x 63 (seat fell out from under me so I stopped)

Lots of Abs

Upper Back

Was having some digestive issues around lifting time, so not the best workout ever.

Pendlay Rows: 155x8

DB Rows (Chinese Weightlifter Style): 60x20/20
90x30/30 PR

Pull-ups: 4, 3, 3, 3

And a bunch of Biceps to finish

I like this style of DB row. At least for the regular DB (I think the fat DB needs the bench for extra support).

11-5 Another long workout

P. cl. + pu. j. + ohs 92/2+2+2 x 4
C&J 105,107,109,111,111 all 2+1 missed jerk on first 111
Cl. pull 111/3 118/3 x 3 132/2 x 3
Cl. pu. to straight leg 145/2 x 5
Press 135/4 145/3 140/4 135/4
Fr. Sq 102/4 127/5 x 4
DB Rows 110/8 x 3 Improving really fast
Pull ups 5,5,5,1 Also improving, but 5 reps is pretty gay
Very short stretching after


Bench 135x3 (50%), 165x3 (60%), 195x3x2 (70%), 225x2x5(80%)

Flies 30x8x4

Deadlift 260x3 (50%), 315x3x2 (60%), 365x3x2 (70%), 390x2x5 (75%)

Cardio Yesterday

Pump and Sculpt, 50 minutes.
Light stretching after


175 x 5
185 x 5
185 x 5

Decline Bench
135 x 10
155 x 8
165 x 6
175 x 4
185 x 5

Machine Flyes
160 x 9 x 4

One Arm Dumbbell Tricep Extensions
22.5 x 6 x 3

Lots of Abs

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Cut it short to watch election coverage at the bar.

Cardio - bike 135-150 bpm x 25 mins




Hip flexors

Adductors on machine

Seated groin

Seated illiotibial

Yay Obama.


Band Resisted Bench (purple): 135x4

3-board: 185x5
205x5, 5

Triceps Death: 95x1-5 board
115x1-6 board PR

DB Flies: 30x8, 10, 10

RDE Bench Day

I'm on the 4th rewrite of my quals paper. Mentally i'm only 20% into these workouts as all i can think about it writing.

Band-resisted Bench:
135 x 4
185 x 4
225 x 2
195 x 4
205 x 4

Board Press:
315 x 5
335 x 5
355 x 2 + 1 fail + 2 @ 315
315 x 8

Tricep Death:
185 all the way (baby)

Dumbbell flyes:
45 x 12
55 x 10
50 x 12
50 x 12

Min-Volume Week #1

Inzer Hardcore (squat suit)
Knee sleeves

Wide-Stance Back Squat:
For some reason the Hardcore was a lot easier to put on this time. Guess it stretched out a little.

All of this done with suit bottoms, belt and knee sleeves. I didn't feel like asking random people at Cardio Fit to put my straps up or wrap knees.

405 x 1
425 x 1
455 x 1
475 x 1
495 x 1

The 475 felt strong. I almost ate it on the 495, I shifted forward a bit and had to re-adjust my footing out of the hole. So basically, I muscled the weight up. Brutality++

On a related note, squatting in the Max DL is not even close to the same thing as squatting in the Hardcore. The Hardcore is provides ludicrous rebound and stops you in the hole, the Max DL not so much on either.

Super-Close* Grip Bench Press:
185 x 5
225 x 3
245 x 1
275 x 4

*Super-Close means that only my pinky is touching the knurling, the rest of my hand is on the smooth center of the bar.

Bodyweight, 1 x 5 (1 set of 5 reps)
Bodyweight + 25, 1 x 5
Bodyweight + 55, 1 x 2


135 x 8
155 x 7
155 x 7
165 x 6
185 x 4

Dumbbell Lunges
40lbs x 6 x 4

Box Squats
185 x 4
Band-Resisted Box Squats (purples)
155 x 4
185 x 1
175 x 2
185 x 4 (belted)

planks on ball

Monday, November 3, 2008


Squat: 185x3
225x3, 2

Box Squat: 225x4
135+purple x 4, 4
155+purple x 4
185+purple x 4

Box Jumps and Abs to finish.

This just in!

The latest in sport science research has just been done by leading American scientists! It's this kind of knowledge that keeps America on top and in the game in the international sport scene.

Remember, this is ORIGINAL RESEARCH and definitely cannot be found in any other country.

Kyle Maxing on Squat

295 x 1

ME Squat


455 x 1 (suit + wraps)
495 x 1
550 x 3

Box Squat:
blues and purples together

135 x 4 (too easy)
225 x 4
315 x 4

That last set had to be getting close to 600 at the top. It definitely felt heavier than that 550.

Box Jumps
4 sets of 8

whatever that thing was that Dean taught us. These are killer after squat day. It felt like my abs were going to tear apart

2 sets alternating
2 sets w/ people kicking

Super long workout 75/4 x 5
sn. 75/2 x 3 84, 86, 88, 90, 93, 95x1 all the rest x 2
sn. pull 95/4 x 3 102/3 x 3 109/3 x 3
sn pull to st leg 120/2 x 5
bench 4x 4 - 185, 195, 205, 205
db row 105, 90, 90 x 8
fr. sq 85/5 105/4 x 5
ver jump sn grip 52/5 x 4

So the bent rows were done with a db and supported on a bench, whereas the previous bent rows were done Chinese style:
I guess it's harder.

Bench was hard....Which is gay. Although at least I got 205 x 4, so I can still bench 225 for sure. I suppose it'll go up quickly but I have a long way to go with upper body.

I think the strength I gain from finally doing some upper body will really help both my pull and my jerk.


Weight: 211. Time: 1:15.

Squat 205x3 (50%), 250x3 (60%), 290x3x2 (70%), 335x2x5 (80%)

Rene said last set was 2'' high. This is unusual for me, but it was the only set he watched. I'll need to do better with finding my depth at the meet.

Bench 135x3 (50%), 165x3 (60%), 195x3x2 (70%), 220x2x3 (80%), 235x1x3 


First one at 235 was slow. So Rene told me to get my head out of my ass, and I did.

Flies 25x8x4


Flexibility - hip flexors, hamstrings, seated groin

Foam roll

Ice knees

I've been doing this every day, almost -- just not logging it.

Random Facts from Sept. 2008 PLUSA

Kirk Karwoski is 5' 7". He competed in 242-SHW. Think about that.

Ed Coan is even shorter than Kirk.

Mike Bridges is even shorter than Ed Coan.

Bull Stewart's arms are so long that he locks out a deadlift just above his knees. This might translate to phenomenal deadlift performance....

Matt Poe presses snake. 'Nuff said.

John Kuc was the best 242-er ever. He was lifetime drug free. How did he get so good?

He originally trained up to the SHW class, won world titles, was having health problems and dieted down to the 242 class at a height of 6' 0". Essentially, he had the muscle mass of a SHW with almost none of the fat.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

For Jake

Be sure to add this to your overhead press training


In addition to a picture of this, there is a picture of us in the very back of the Sept. 2008 issue of PLUSA. Holla!


Time: 0:45. Weight: ??

Cardio - bike ?? bpm x 20 mins


Hip flexors



Seated groin

Seated glute

Adductor on machine

Gastroc, soleus on machines

Hamstrings w/ bar in hack squat position

Tight from good mornings on Friday.

Obliques on pull up