Box Squat (w/light bands - no suit): 135x3
225x1 PR
Rack Pull: 315x5
355x5, 5
ABS (weighted situps & leg lifts)
The Good Mornings were getting stale and going nowhere, so I will see how the rack pulls feel. They are from just below the knee, and I feel like I am getting a lot of work in my hamstrings, glutes, and upper back. I will do the GM's for 4x8 on Friday and see if I can get them moving again.
Also, when I box squat now, I can really feel my hamstrings kicking in. Months of hard work are finally paying off.
Gj on the PR. I'm guessing the second movement is for deadlift assistance? Do you have a separate deadlift day right now? This also seems like very low volume, what's the rationale behind that?
I'm not really sure how I got down to this amount of volume. When I was doing all of the other stuff, I was pretty tired most of the time, and not making that great of gains. I lowered the volume, and hit key exercises hard. I'm getting stronger now, which is what counts.
The rack pulls are for squat/deadlift assistance. I figure that building my back, glutes, and hams will help my squat along with my dl, and it also has the added benefit of enabling me to strain a bit more. Never really figured out how to strain with GM's.
Side note: I feel that the low volume is working well for my lower body. I am getting stronger on bench, but i still feel that I am lagging somehow on my bench days. Other than close grip benches (and possibly cg inclines), i havent figured out an effective tricep move. With the dynamic days, the skullcrushers kind of aggravate the elbows after a while, so those are out.
How do you like dips?
I never manage to feel them in my triceps, always pecs. I was considering doing overhead lockouts in the rack (seated). I was reading through old Louie Simmons and Anthony Ditillo articles and they mentioned these as good tricep builders.
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