Monday, April 27, 2009

Week A #1

None / no belt
Chucks (Dave is borrowing my squat shoes for today)

Shoulder-Stance Back Squat:
375 x 1
345 x 2/3
335 x 4/4
315 x 2 (back felt blah)

Man, squats sucked. This is basically because:
1. I was sick last week
2. I maxed out last Friday
3. I did Highland Games training on Saturday
4. I ran up the San Hill o' Death on Sunday

Basically, this means that I need to start sprinting Tuesday/Saturday for 2 miles to get some basic conditioning back in.

Medium-Grip Bench Press:
335 x 1
295 x 5/4/5
275 x 7

Stiff-Leg Deadlift w/ Quarter Plates:
345 x 7/8/5

Man, that second set felt crazy easy, then I got tired on the third. Still, good progress.

170 x FAIL (this would have gone if I had swung it a bit)
155 x 1 (Judge Brent approved this lift)

Also, Judge Brent got on video. So remember, to get a big curl and deh biceps, never curl.

1 comment:

Juggernaut, the said...

You curl record will only stand until I show up to 4-star next.