Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Highland Games

So, seriously, how are we going to practice the caber toss?


Kyle said...

Find a tree? LOL

What I think I will do is just practice high pulls and grappler abs to train for this.

Kyle said...

Or I remember some long pvc pipe laying around Drake statium that we could practice throwing, but it doesnt weigh enough. There are also some logs near my dorm room, but they are way too thick.

Jake Ceccarelli said...

Dude. I practice Olympic lifts all the time. But it is NOTHING like a caber, I guarantee it. I emailed my coach, hopefully he'll have an idea. I figure throwing rocks in a field or something should work for "throwing the weight." Farmer's walks are easy to practice. hammer throw maybe not so much, but at least practicing throwing should help.

We seriously need a caber.

Kyle said...

I agree wholeheartedly. Mainly for doing them in Wooden. That would be AWESOME!!!

Jake Ceccarelli said...

So, since Nathan is competing on the same day, I'm not going to compete :(

I still want to practice though and do some highland games stuff later on.
I really just want to toss the caber.

Kyle said...

Bummer man. And just looked at your earlier post, there are no farmer's walks. :(

It would be kickass if there was though.

Jake Ceccarelli said...

It says there are farmer's walks on the web site. Where else does it say the events?

Kyle said...

What is the URL for the website? I thought it was just the throwing events.

Jake Ceccarelli said...


Gotta practice the caber toss.