Saturday, April 25, 2009

Event Training

So, I went to Drake tonight and messed around seeing what I could use for the highland games events. I wound up using 2 ~25lb sandbags, a cement block, and a giant pole to train.

I practiced:
  • sandbag toss for height over a bar
  • sandbag/rock toss from shoulder
  • caber toss (with the 12-13' pole - too light, but good for technique)

All of it was feeling pretty good. My distance throwing could use some work though. I also thought up of some ways to help train for this kind of stuff in Wooden, so keep your eyes peeled for some wacky exercises.

1 comment:

Phil Russell said...

Gary and I practiced too. First we found a goddamn tree log and caber-tossed that. Then we found two big rocks and tossed them around.


Upgrade your arsenal, city boy