Thursday, April 9, 2009


(belt on)
309 x 8 (10 second rest between 7th and 8th rep) PR
Slight hitch on the 7th rep. This set was pretty hard.
183 x 5
Tried to use perfect technique on this set, but probably should have upped the weight a little.

Good mornings
155 x 5
165 x 5
175 x 5

Glute hams
BW x 12, 12, 12

Standing ab pulldowns
90 x 10
100 x 10, 10


Kyle said...

what was with the 183x5? Just form practice?

For form, I'd practice singles. After all, there is no negative on the deadlift so for form work, there's not much need to work on reps (for someone like you).

Vit said...

I'll keep that in mind. I was trying to work on using good form but I was really tired from the previous set so I picked the weights kind of lazily and ended up going way too light.

So should I use moderately heavy singles if I'm practicing form then?

Kyle said...

yeah, about 65-75% of your max (this is what Diablo does on speed days)