Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Starting Strength articles

Found Here

I'd recommend reading all of the free ones when you get the time. Otherwise, pick & choose.

EDIT: here's a video on hip drive.


Jake Ceccarelli said...

Uh...By the end of this video the kid's form is worse. In the beginning his hips didn't rise before his back, at the end they did.

This chick has it right:

Nathan Beckmann said...

Thats hawt.

Nathan Beckmann said...

Also, check out Andrey. He has pretty good form under the heavy weight, at least thats what I hear.

Crazy Russians.

Nathan Beckmann said...

In soviet russia, weight squats Andrey. (Different Andrey, skip to 1:00).

Since when did this become the Russian squat thread?

Whatever, here's some skinny chick squatting 280kg.