Tuesday, September 23, 2008


- Oly
My goals for today were to the train the points Jake gave me: drop on snatches; keep back same angle until legs extended; shoulders in front of bar for cleans; jerk up, not back; larger split on jerk. My main concern with today is my back got very tired from catching the weight out of a snatch. I need a solution for this other than just dropping & restarting every rep.
- Drop snatches 20x5x2, 40x5x3
These were to get me dropping and warm-up.
- Hang snatches 40x3x5
These felt good, except I'm not sure I'm getting the "pop" through the hips. But I was definitely catching the weight lower than usual.
- Snatches off 6 block 40x3x3
I can build blocks out of these enormous lego-things. These were kind of awkward to set up properly, but they felt pretty good once I had that somewhat figured out.
- Full snatch 40x3x2
I discovered that the reason I was shooting hips up is because the bar was too close. If I move it out, I don't seem to have a rounded back at the start, either.
- Cleans off 6 block 40x3x4
These were basically hang cleans, maybe higher even. I dropped very low to catch these and focused on shoulder position and extension. I don't know how well I accomplished these goals, though.
- Jerks 40x3x5
I did the first 2 sets focusing on a big lunge. Then I did 2 sets focusing on jerking back/up. I realized that if I move forward on the platform so I'm not worried about going off backward, I seem to jerk up without any extra cues. I judge this because I didn't feel the need to step forward.
Jerks are still awful, though.
- Full snatch 40x2
A couple more for fun.
- Rehab
- Hyperextensions 50, 15
To get blood in my lower back. Second set was cramping, so I stopped.
- Kickbacks on disk 20x2
- Single-leg squats 8x2 on disk, 5 on ground
* Flexibility
I'm so much more flexible than the beginning of the summer, its ridiculous.


Jake Ceccarelli said...

I noticed but forgot to mention that when you drop the bar to the hang to start the next reps that you're using your back a lot to brake the weight. Catch it in your legs and don't bend over to reset.

What do you mean the "bar was too close" in the full snatches? Unless it hits you in the face the bar can never be too close...

Otherwise, based on your comments, soudns like things are going pretty well.

Nathan Beckmann said...

Bar was too close to me when I started off the floor. So it I pulled straight up, it'd hit my knees. If I move it out over my toes a bit, I no longer round my back and I can stand up without shooting the hips up.

Also, what do u mean by catch on the legs? I can try to figure it out but I don't really get it.

Jake Ceccarelli said...

Um...By catch it with your elgs I just mean when you lower the bar for the next rep just keep your body upright and try to avoid using your back.

I'd like to see video/pics of where the bar was and where the bar is now on your start. You might be starting with your hips too low, but in general closer to you is better, even on the start. If you hit your knees it's because you aren't keeping your back angle constant. You are increasing it with respect to the floor on your start, pulling it into your knees. If you keep your back angle constant then your knees should move out of the way before you hit them, although the bar should still be close.