Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Today I went way heavier than necessary for the oly lifts. I should cut back and just work on technique--I think it's better with less weight for this, anyway.
Today Rene tried on the shirt so I had tons of time to do random crap.
- Power snatch/overhead squat Up to 110x2/4x5
The crazy thing about this is that 110 is very easy, but I can tell that 135 would be failure. I have no technique at all on these -- I tried to drop to catch once and nearly died.
- Clean and jerk 155x2x4
Cleaning this was easy, but I can't jerk shit. All of these were horrible press out and I kept losing my balance. This was also way too heavy for a pure deload/rehab day.
- Full cleans 45x2x3
I'm actually able to do these fairly well so long as I have a raised heel. I can drop to parallel at least to catch it.
- Balance
- Single-leg squats on bosu ball 10x2
- Kickbacks on disk 20x2
- Side twists on half foam-roller 10x2
- Stretching
- Soleus on machine
- Gastroc on hack squat
- Hamstring holding bar
- Adductors on machine
- Seated groin
Best stretch ever for my adductor issues.
- Seated glute
- Hip flexor
- Upper back on cable row

OK so today Rene tried on the shirt. He's pretty jacked but about my size, so the shirts fit almost perfectly. I love seeing people the first time in the shirt because they never have a clue what they are getting themselves into. We first tried the METAL, and he was nowhere close to touching going up to 275. (He doesn't know how to use a shirt.) At this point, he was like "This hurts like crazy!" and it was pretty hilarious. Then we put on the PHENOM! Lol. I didn't tell him it would hurt like 20x more. He also couldn't touch with 275 on this one, we tried twice. But his expressions were pretty hilarious. We got it to touch with 295, but he was in so much pain he couldn't press it up. Then he resumed his normal workout and hit 285 raw. So he has some work to do before he can really use a shirt, LOL.


Jake Ceccarelli said...

You shouldn't bother increasing the weight on the Olympic lifts. On your jerks you need to make sure that you're getting the bar behind your head. If you look at yourself in the mirror from the side while the bar is over your head I'm sure that your arms are at an angle instead of straight up and down. That's what's throwing you off balance and is also not good for your shoulders. For snatches the catch should be the same as the jerk but with your hands wider, so your arms again need to be perpendicular to the floor. If you can do a full overhead squat then you're flexible enough to snatch so just keep working your way down (catch the bar lower and lower as you go).

The limiting factor is shoulder and calf flexiblity for you probably, and since you're already working on that there's really nnot much else to say. Except include shoulder flexibility in your stretches.

Oh, and stay upright when you catch cleans and snatches, don't bend over like you would for a powerlifting style squat.

Juggernaut, the said...

the Phenom is TEH MAXX CUTTAR. I got a bit of a back pump today and it hurt from my lats rubbing where the 48 shredded my triceps and armpits. I srsly think I need to duct tape my skin when I use that thing.

Juggernaut, the said...


I did this one. plz get it in the future

Nathan Beckmann said...

Lul Dave, you and Jake are pieces of shit. But keep up the tagging anyway.