Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Can't do oly lifts the day before deadlifts. Don't know whose stupid idea that was.
- Deadlift (sumo) 260x3 (50%), 315x5x2 (60%), 365x3x2
(70%), 390x3x3 (75%)
- Bench 150x5 (55%), 180x5 (65%), 195x4x4 (70%)
- Dips Bodyweight x8x5
- Deadlift from knees (rack pulls) 260x3 (50%), 315x4x2 (60%), 365x3x2
(70%), 415x3x3 (80%)
Arched entire back, didn't have upper back issues.
- Lunges 135x5x5
Didn't look down at feet, took a BIG step. These felt good.

I was supposed to meet Danny @ the gym today, but I went to dinner in Boston w/ friends and missed him. One bad thing about the Z-center is it closes at 11pm, so I blitzed through this workout in a little over an hour. My longest rest period were switching between chucks and wrestling shoes. These days I only wear the chucks for bench (oly shoes for squatting) and assistance.

Aslo, the same douche-fuck that was blocking the printer earlier made me go back upstairs and write down my program today. That guy is going to die.

Finally, my weight was 211 after the shower today. I am dehydrated, but that is unacceptable. Time for a huge meal. I think that this eating + possibly my training has led to a huge hormone boost. I judge this by a few factors: (1) acne spike, (2) increased intensity at the gym, (3) I pop a boner at anything that moves these days. It's awesome.

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