Monday, November 30, 2009

Hot Girl

While this is a lifting blog and I by no means intend to spam it...please watch the video and enjoy the beautiful girl in it (as discussed at our training session today).

Everyone lurvs squat depth

I saw this on MIT's blog, and thought it might be useful. Now I can feel even more sad when you guys red light my squats :'(

Fu Manchu

225 x 5
225 x 5(failed somewhere along the way, don't remember where)
235 x 2+f
225 x 3

Band resisted box squats (purple band, weird box, weird pad)
135 x 4
185 x 2+horrible failure
155 x 4
165 x 4

111 x 5
121 x 4
131 x 3
141 x 2
151 x f

Kneeling cable crunches

Awful day for me, all but forgot what made low bar last week go so well and felt like I messed up pretty much every work set. I think I'm going to have to take some extra time to get a feel for it. Every time I get under the bar it doesn't feel quite secure on my back.

11/30 Training + Judgement

Lower Back felt kinda iffy today b/c of studying all day. Scrapped the squats, and just did Leg Presses, Calves, and Abs.

Also, I lost the beard competition by a whisker (haha), and shaved it down tonight. Max Effort Goatee.

11-30-09 Heavy Bench/Beard

Bench with full pause
185x3 felt pretty easy
195x1 I forgot to pause at first so I lowered the bar down and did a full pause. Originally without the pause it felt like it was gonna fly right up, but after lowering it the second time it was brutal lifting it.

Foam roller bench
205x3 easiest set
215x2 Matt told me to touch lower on the last one and I could not lift it from there.

Stability Bench
37.5 dumbbells each side with red minis halfway out on the bar x 8 reps x 3 sets

Incline Bench
145x4+1 helped

No Shave November complete. I award myself most volume of beard hair.

11.30.09--Heavy Bench

I don't know exactly what happened to me, but something clicked for me and I was just in the fucking zone!

Beard Growing Competition:
There's a reason why the competition is 30 days long. Maybe it was the long weekend or something, but my growth came on very strong to give me a new beard PR and the winner of the best effort category.

Bench Press:
165x1 (New PR...old PR was 160. I probably could have done more than 165 the way I was lifting today. I really just was tucking well, keeping the core and scaps tight, arching well, everything was working for me.)

Foam Roller Bench:
185x3x2 (PR)
Once again, I probably could have tried 195 for my last set. Everything felt easy today.

Stability Bench:
20s with minisx8x2 (too easy)
30s with minisx8 (definitely the challenge I needed)

Incline Bench:

If there were some brick wall that was holding my bench press back before, I felt like I knocked it down like Juggernaut in X-Men 3:The Last Stand.


225 x 5, 5
235 x 3, 3
Most of these reps felt shitty since my lower back is still sore from pulling on Friday.

Band resisted box squats (on ~10" box + 3" foam pad)
135+purples x 4
185+purples x 4, 4 -Dave made me move up since I Clay was doing 135.
195+purples x 2+1fail
Form was pretty shitty on these. I kept on rocking too far forward on the way up.

115 x 6 per leg
135 x 6
145 x 6

Kneeling abs
4 sets


405 x 5
435 x 5
445 x 3
455 x 3

Squatting still sucks. I don't think I've been training deep enough and it's come back to bite me. I widened my stance and added more flare. It felt amazing for pop out of the hole, but apparently I was still 1" high, so that was probably why. Most of the reps were below thanks to constant harassment.

Right forearm is still wrecked. I had to tape it and then use a knee wrap to compress it further to lessen the pain.

Band-resisted Squats:
275 x 4
315 x 4, 4, 4

I purposefully held back on these due to increase pain in the forearm.

131 x 5
151 x 4
181 x 3
201 x 2
221 x 1

In a strange miracle, these didn't hurt at all? Started light just in case.

Finished with some kneeling cable abs.

11/30/09 Heavy Bench

225 x 5
245 x 3
250 x 3
265 x 1 EASY

Bench on ~4" manpon:
255 x 3
275 x 3
295 x 2.5
295 x 2.5
285 x 3

Stability Bench (55s w/ minis):
x 6

Incline Bench:
185 x 5
185 x 5
175 x 5
these were pretty brutal after the stability bench

QE Bench

Didn't get a chance to workout over break due to family commitments. Today got cut short due to even more stuff.

Standing Press:
185 x 5, 4, 3
195 x 2, 1

Close Grip Pin Press:
225 x 5
255 x 3
275 x 3
285 x 2 + 1 fail

Finished with Dips and Sub-scap pulls

Sunday, November 29, 2009

nov 29

3x5 165 pause
2x3 175 pause

Zercher Squat
1x5 135
1x5 155

Close Grip Bench
3x8 135

Saturday, November 28, 2009

11/28/09 DE Squat, Accessory Uppers

Speed Box Squat (~14" box, against greens):
205 x 2 for 8 sets

I had strained my right hamstring on 11/17 and took 11/24 off from squatting to get it in order. Normally I lift thru things like this, but I felt like it would heal quick and I would only miss one lift (instead of lifting thru it and prolonging the injury). I made the right choice, the missed lift allowed it to heal and the speed squats felt fine.

Band (green) Pull Thrus:
3 x 10

Shoulder Pin Press:
155 x 5 for 3 sets

Upright Rows:
135 x 8 for 3 sets

Incline DB Curls:
40s x 6 for 3 sets

11/28 Training

Push Press: 110x5

CG Floor Press: 155x10, 10, 9, 9, 6

T-bar Row: 135x10, 10, 10, 8, 8

Leg Raises: 20x3

Don't really know what happened with training today. Maybe I trained too close to when I woke up, maybe it was all of the dairy products last night, or maybe I was just being a pansy. Anyways, the push press was close to a PR today, and the weights in the accessory exercises were pretty much a repeat of last week.

Squats and Beard Evaluations on Monday.

Friday, November 27, 2009


205 x 5
215 x 5
225 x 5

Shrugs 315 x 6 x 3


Block pulls (from about 1 inch below the knees)
315 x 5
325 x 5
335 x 5
345 x 5

Power cleans
135 x 5
145 x 5
155 x 5

Lying leg curls
90 x 12
110 x 10, 10


Snatch 80/2 @ 7, 85/2 @ 7,7
Jerk 97/3 @ 7,8,8
Front squat 142/2 @ 9,9,9,miss,miss

Thursday, November 26, 2009

11/26 Thanksgiving Training

Deadlift: 210x5
265x5 (felt pretty good on the low back and everything)

RDL: 135x10x5

Chinups: BWx8x5

Pre Turkey Bench

Bench (paused)
155 x 5
165 x 5, 5

Floor press
165 x 5
175 x 5, 5, 5

Incline dumbbell press
55s x 9
60s x 7, 6

Rope pushdowns
55 x 3 sets

11-23, 11-25

Snatch 90/2 @ 8,8,8,(1+miss, miss), 7 Weird misses there.... didn't feel that great coming in though

Snatch pull 100/3 @ 8,8,7,7,7
Jerk 110/2 @ 8 112/2@ 8.5 110/2 @ 8,8.5
Front squat 125/2@ 8,8,8,8 130/2 @ 8

Clean and Jerk 105/2+1 @ 8,8 105/1+2 @ 8,8 112/1 @ 8.5 120/1 @ 9,9,9
Jerk 120/1 @ 9,9,9,miss
Clean pull 120/2 @ 8,8,8,8
Back squat 125/2 @ 7 134/2 @ 7,7,7,7
Good workout, especially on the jerk. The squats didn't feel great, my hips are a little tender from all the heavy squats.

11-25 was also ME Egg Nog day. For those of you trying to gain weight, the holidays are the perfect time, because of the magical concoction known as The Nog.
Yesterday I successfully downed 1/2 gallon of egg nog. Not really because I'm trying to gain that much weight. I just love The Nog. But, since it has about twice the calories and more protein than milk (not to mention doesn't upset my lactose intolerance at all), it is truly God's gift to strength athlete. Drink some Nog.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

nov 25

Bench 4x5 165 no pauses
Press 1x5 95
Hyperextensions 4x12 weighted


135 x 5
145 x 5
155 x 5
The friend I had spotting me was kind of iffy on the pauses but definitely know this is an improvement from before

BW x 10
+10 x 10
+25 x 8
+35 x 8
+45 x 5
+55 x 3
Don't know why I did so many of these

Seated pin press
95 x5
115 x5
125 x 4+f
125 x 4

Triceps pushdowns

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Back Squats:

Band Assisted Squats (greens):

Pause Squats (3 seconds):

Lunges and Mule Kicks


11-24-09 Squat

225x5 PR!
225x5 the last 3 were assisted a little

Green Band Assisted Squat

Pause Squats with 3 second pause
185x3 last one was a grinder as Matt said

50 pound dumbbells each arm x 6 each leg x 3 sets

medicine ball throws: 3 sets
rainbow dragonfly ponies: 9 total

11/24 Training

Bench: 155x5
195x9 PR

Military Press: 110x6, 5, 5, 5, 4

Pull-ups: BWx9, 8, 8, 8, 8

I have not had the chance to sleep much for the past few days, so the bench weights felt kind of heavy today. That being said 195x9 is an excellent PR for me, and it feels like my benching strength is really going up with this system. I think it may be all of the overhead pressing. Speaking of overhead pressing, I think I will alternate between lighter and heavier assistance work each week in order to get some semblance of weight on the bar, but still allow for proper recovery.

Deadlift and ME Turkey on Thursday.

Upper back

365 x 10
405 x 6
455 x6, 8

BW+55 x 5
BW+65 x 5
BW+70 x 3.5
BW+45 x 7

Seated cable rows
190 x 8
200 x 7, 7
210 x 7

Rear delt raises
30s x 12, 10, 10

supersetted w/ EZ bar curls
70 x 8, 8, 7

QE Bench

Had to catch a plane flight so went in early

275 x 5, 3 sets

Felt much easier than last week. Had a hard time find spotters though

Standing Pin Press:
right below eye level
205 x 2
185 x 4, 3 sets

Tried doing a set of cable flyes, but the right forearm started feeling awful. Rather than further irritate it, I stopped there.

11-23-09 Heavy Bench

170x5x3 Hard, but not any harder than last week. The pause may have been slightly less than one second for some of them, but all were done with full pause and press commands
Floor Press
175x5, 165x5, 170x5
Triceps Pulldown
110x10, 130x10, 150x10, 130x10 did these with the small metal v shaped bar

I was pretty tired from the basketball game and rally. Scott and I got on tv a few times, pretty sweet. I think my bench may be going up.

11.23.09--Heavy Bench

I don't know exactly why, but I was having a pretty shitty lifting day. I either got too ambitious with my weights or I was too tired from the Basketball game and the Bonfire (FUCK 'SC).

Bench Press:
135x4-fail on 5th
135x3-a little bit of help on 4th, failure on 5th

Floor Press:
135x4--fail on 5th. "FUCK IT"

Triceps Pull Down:

Monday, November 23, 2009

I just discovered low bar squats

205 x 5
215 x 5
225 x 5 (PR)
235 x 4.5 (PR)

Band-lightened squat (blue)
405 x 4
425 x 4
455 x 2(assisted)+fail
435 x f
435 x 4+Dave
Totally burned out my CNS after that 455 attempt and lost my balance on the first 435. The 435 I completed needed quick tap ups on the last 2 reps.

Pause squat
195 x 3
195 x 3
205 x 3

95 x 6
115 x 6
115 x 6

Some of these weren't quite deep enough since I'm trying to get used to low bar squatting and having to sit back more but it felt pretty good overall.

RE Squat

405 x 5
415 x 5
425 x 5
435 x 5

Better than last week, worse than what I wanted. Squats are averaging 60% below parallel with the rest at or slightly above. Also not what I want, but at least I'm getting the calls now so I can adjust.

Band-lightened Squats:
reverse blues
545 x 4
585 x 4
615 x 4
635 x 4

heavvvvy. I feel pretty good when sinking these deep though. Hopefully I can use that to adjust where I think below-parallel needs to be

Pause Squat:
315 x 3 @ 3 sec, 3 sets

Felt exhausted. Sprained my right forearm on the first set when my hand slipped out too far and the wrist bent back.

Glute Thrust Machine:
Too dead to do lunges.
stack x 8, 10, 10, 10

Overall, a productive workout. Things are coming back, but I have a lot of work to do get get everything in shape for january.


215 x 5
225 x 5
225 x 5
235 x 5 -this set was hard and the last rep was a grind

Band lightened squats
405 x 4
425 x 4
455 x 2+fail, 1+fail
435 x 4

Pause squats (3 seconds)
195 x 3
195 x 3
205 x 3
-Need to focus on keeping my knees out and arching my lower back hard throughout the movement

95 x 6
115 x 6
135 x 6


185 x 5
185 x 5
195 x 4

Seated Pin Press
95 x 2 + 115 x 3
105 x 5
115 x 10

Incline Dumbbell Press
50 x 7
55 x 8
60 x 8


11/23 Training

Squat: 155x4

BB Lunge: 95x10, 10, 10
105x10, 10

GHR Abs: 6, 6, 6

Finally working my way up to handling some real weights in the squat again. Lunges afterwards felt super duper hard though. Fewer abs today, b/c my abs are still thrashed from the Rainbow Dragonfly Ponies.

Also, no calf work today, because I walked all the way from my apt on Gayley to OSH on Bundy - a 3 hour trip in sandals. So tired.....

Bench tomorrow

Sunday, November 22, 2009

This week

Power clean 93/3 @ 7,8,8
Clean and jerk 102/1_@ @ 8,8,8,8
Jerk 102/2 @ 7, 107/2 @ 8,8, 109/2 @ 8

Came back in pm and did
Clean pull + clean 102/2+1 @ 7, 105/2+1 @ 7,7,7
Front squat 139/4 @ 9,9, (3+miss) 125/3 @ 8,8,8

power snatch + OHS 80/1+3 @ 7,7,7,7
power clean + Jerk + OHS 92/1+1+2 @ 7,7,7,7

Power snatch 80/3 @ 7,7,7
Snatch 80/2 @ 8,7,7 90/2 @ 7,8 102/1 @ 9,9
Sn. Pull 102/2 @ 9,9,9,9
Jerk 97/3 @ 7,7,8
Back squat 125/8 @ 7,8 125/4 - got lazy I guess...

Sn. pull + Power snatch 80/2+2 @ 8,8,8

This was a rough day so I just stopped there

Power clean 105/2 @ 8,8,8,8 110/1 @ 8.5 115/1 @ 9.5
Clean and Jerk 110/1+2 @ 8,8,8,9
BTN Jerk 110/2 @ 8,8 115/2 @ 8,8
Clean pull 115/3@ 8,8,7,7
Front squat 142/3 @ 9, 142/1+miss

This was a really good workout for the clean and jerk. It may have drained me a litle for the squat, but I'm ok with that for now.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Bench Assistance

Standing Press
105 x 5
115 x5, 5

Close grip bench (2 second pause)
135 x 5, 5, 5

Overhead pin presses
135 x 5, 5, 4+1fail

Dumbbell rows
110 x 8, 8, 10

DE Bench

Band-resisted Bench:
felt too lazy to go get the dumbbells to anchor the minis, so I just used to the blue bands yoked to the rack.

95 x 4 (took easy)
135 x 4, 4
155 x 4
185 x 4, 4

Standing Press:
175 x 5, 5, 4
165 x 4
155 x 4

I got exhausted on these.

Close Grip Bench
(going for 5 on all sets)
225 x 4 (ughhh)
215 x 4 (ughhhhhhh)
205 x 5

Cable Rows:
stack x 10, 10, 10

Legs are fried. Picking these off the bottom actually felt hard. I can't wait for monday when i feel better.

11/21 Training

Push Press: 105x3

Close Grip Floor Press: 155x10, 10, 10, 8, 7

T-bar Row: 145x10, 8, 8, 7, 6

Rainbow Dragonfly Ponies: 4, 4, 4

A decent day of training. Push presses felt a little unstable, which means that I need to do a little more ab work. The close grip floor presses felt awesome, and they will be my main tricep exercise from here on out. T-bar rows off the floor felt awesome as well (so much harder than the normal ones).

Squats on Monday.

Friday, November 20, 2009

11-20-09 Deadlift

261x5 PR!

Stiff Legged Deadlift


Cable rows

Rear Delt Flys
2 sets of 10

11.20.09 Surprise Deadlifting Day

Since I can't go tomorrow, I hit up the Wooden Center today (despite being a little sore still).

221x5 (1 Heavy Set)
175x5x2 (2 sets focusing on good form)

Stiff-legged Deadlift:

High Pulls:

At this point, my hands were so ripped up, I just said "fuck it."

Cable Rows:
40 (each hand)x10
45 (each hand)x10
50 (each hand)x10x2
60 (each hand)x8

Tonight and tomorrow afternoon I have the pleasure of jumping up and down and making a shit load of noise. GO BRUINS.

11/19/09 Speed Bench

Bench vs. doubled minis:
145 x 4 for 8 sets (varying wide grip and ultra-wide)

Standing Press:
135 x 5 for 2 sets
145 x 5 for 3 sets

Close Grip Bench (with 2-sec pause at chest):
205 x 5 for 3 sets


Thursday, November 19, 2009

11-19-09 Speed Bench

Purple Band Resisted Bench

Standing Press

Close Grip Bench with 2 second pause
155x5 with evil silent counting
155x5 with evil silent counting

Carried 95 pound dumbbells across gym

GHR ab raises with purple band
3 sets of 10

11.19.09--Speed Bench

Band-resisted Bench (purple doubled, alternating grips):

Standing Press:

Close Grip Bench (2 Second Pause):



Current goal: copy and paste Vit's entire workout

349 x 4+shame (PR)

Stiff legged deads
221 x 8
231 x 8
241 x 8

Power cleans
111 x 5
131 x 4+f
111 x 5
121 x 5
Dropped weight to correct form, still not that good but not horrendous.

Standing abs
110 x 4 x 8

Not really a good day for me today: everything looked ugly, the first 349 felt harder than that 375 a while ago, and after that last set of stiff legs I was a few steps away from this: Hoping it's the soreness from the volume work that's getting to me.


Felt like death today still.

600 x 5

Not a PR, but I was satisfied that I was still able to rep 600 out given how sore I felt today.

315 x 8
365 x 8

Right hamstring started acting up, based on tweaking it a few weeks ago. Decided not to push it.

Glute Thrust:
This was the only thing I figured wouldn't aggravate my hamstring while still providing any sort of meaningful assistance work.

stack x 3 sets

Finished with cable abs. The rainbow dragonfly ponies from Tuesday made my abs more sore than they have even been before. Even now, they are still tender to the touch. Cable abs felt awful as well.


349 x 5 PR

Stiff legged deads
221 x 8
231 x 8
241 x 8

Power cleans
131 x 5
141 x 5
141 x 5

Standing abs
110 x 4 x 12

11/19 Training

Deadlift: 195x3

Good Mornings: 95x10x5

and Preacher Curls to finish up

Today was a good training session. The 195 and 220 deadlifts felt like the speed weight that they should be, and 250 was only difficult because of the pain in my thumbs from the hook grip (which should go away eventually). Looks like my back is finally getting back in business. I have decided that I will not go over 5 reps for deadlifting any more, but just focus on trying to be as fast as possible. That should also let me keep going without deload weeks for longer.

In related news, my biceps are really really weak. Hopefully getting them stronger will help my bench a bit, but no guarantees.



135 x 5

135 x 5

145 x 4+f

Band-Lightened Bench (reds)

155 x 4

165 x 4

170 x 4

175 x 3+f

Floor Presses

135 x 5

145 x 5

150 x 5

155 x 5

Thanks to Victor for secretly microloading more than I asked for for both banded bench and floor presses. Keep this up and I'll eventually stop being the team's benching shame

Triceps Extensions

25 x 8 x 3

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Upper Back

T-Bar Rows
A lot
(UCLA colors x 2 + green) x a lot

Lat Pull Downs
160 x 10
170 x 8
170 x 8
180 x 8

Hammer Curls
a lot

11.18.09--Upper Back

T-Bar Rows
15kg x 10
25kg x 10
40kg x 8
60kg x 8x3
65kg x 8

Lat Pull Downs

Hammer Curls
25 x 7 (each arm) x 2
20 x 7 (each arm)

I guess all of those years jerking off with only my right hand has rendered my left arm a lot weaker than my right, which was really holding me back during the hammer curls.

11/18/09 Upper Back

T-Bar Rows:
225+bar x 5 for 5 sets

BW Pull-ups:
10, 10, 8, 7, 6

Hammer Curls:
50s x 8 for 4 sets


275 x 5, 3 sets

Ah yes, the volume didn't feel as bad as it did with squats, but I am still out of shape.

Band-Lightened Bench:
365 x 4
375 x 4
385 x 4
405 x 2 + 1 Personal Problem

The bands were set up wrong on the last set and I couldn't muscle through being pulled out of my groove :(

Floor Press:
255 x 4 + 1 Fail*
245 x 5
235 x 5
235 x 5

*Matt (rightly) goaded me into doing more because I am weak on these.

Finished with some one arm tricep extensions for prehab


Bench (paused)
155 x 5
165 x 5
165 x 4+1fail

Band lightened bench (reds)
185 x 4, 4
195 x 3+1fail
195 x 3

Floor press
155 x 5
165 x 5
175 x 5
185 x 3+1fail

One arm triceps
25 x 4 x 8 per arm

11-18-09 Upper Back

T-Bar Rows
15kg x 8
25kg x 8
40kg x 6
60kg x 6
75kg x 6
80kg x 6
90kg x 6

Lat Pull Downs

Hammer Curls
35's x 8 each arm x 4 sets

Uprr Bcck

T-Bar Rows:
A lot x A lot of sets

I tried doing more, but the legs gave out when trying to pick up the weight. Way to go legs.

Pull ups:
Widest grip possible for all definitions of possible.
bw x 10, 12
bw + 45 x 8, 8
bw x 16

Hammer Curls:
70s x 8
80s x 8
90s x 6, 5

Rainbow Dragonfly Ponies
4? 5?

Upper back

My legs are incredibly sore from squatting yesterday.

T-bar rows
180 x 5
190 x 5
200 x 5
210 x 5
160 x 8
170 x 8

Wide grip lat pulldowns
190 x 8
200 x 8
210 x 7, 7

Hammer curls
50s x 8, 8, 8

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

11/17/09 Heavy Squat

295 x 5
315 x 5 for 3 sets

It was my goal going in to hit 315 for at least a couple sets. I did much more than I thought I could and the weight wasn't too heavy. My second set at 315 was the worse one, and my last set felt great and might have been my best one. Just need to focus on burying the weight past parallel and keeping my fucking knees out.

Reverse Band (greens) Squat:
435 x 4
455 x 4
475 x 4 for 2 sets

This is a huge PR for me.

Pause Squats (hold at bottom for 3 seconds):
225 x 3

Only could get one set in due to flag football playoff game, but I BURIED the weight and it felt really light and easy. If I had more time probably would have went up to 245.

Flag Football Playoff Game:
Played against the best team in the league (who had previously beaten us) for 1 set

Game was great, extremely close, but yours truly had the game winning interception (had been tied 6 - 6) that I returned for a TD. Needless to say I dedicated that play and the game to UCLA Powerlifting.

Upper Back

T-Bar Rows
100kg x 6 x probably 4
I just realized that the last time I did these I was doing 120 kg so I will make sure to stop being a bitch

Pterodactyl Pull Ups
BW x 8
+10 x 8
+25 x 6
+35 x 4
+45 x 1 with slow negative
bonus set of chin ups for 5

Hammer Curl
35 x 6 x 2
45 x 6 x 2
50 x 6

Rainbow Dragonfly Ponies

11.17.09--Squat to cure Cancer

Back Squat:

Band assisted (greens) Squats:

Pause squats (3 seconds):

Mule Kick Machine:
210x8 (per leg) x3

I'm pretty happy that I hit good depth on a couple of squats. I'm still having some issues with rounding my back and I hope to hold the bar lower so it's not resting on my neck. Since today was the first day I hit depth, I guess I can call it a PR so now for an update:
Bench 160
Squat 135
Deadlift 280

600 Club here I come

11-17-09 Squat

Back Squat
I actually hit depth on these, which is a great improvement from last time

Green Band Lightened Squat
365x4 PR

Pause Squat 3 seconds

50 pound dumbbells x 6 each leg x 3 sets
Overall this squat day was much better than the last squat day which was max day. I hit depth on pretty much everything and improved my form. I still need to arch my lower back more.


205 x 5 x 4

Band-Lightened Squats
315 x 4
335 x 4
335 x 4
375 x 4 (belted)

Pause Squats
3 seconds each
175 x 3
175 x 3
155 x 3 (ben told me to stop messing around and hit depth)

Dumbbell Lunges
40 x 6
50 x 5
50 x 5

11/17 Training

Bench: 145x3
185x12 BIG PR (previous PR was 8 reps)

Military Press: 95x8, 7, 6, 6, 6

Pull-ups: BWx8x5

A good training session today. 185 felt light as hell, and I just kept repping it until I hit the 12th rep, which was kind of a grinder. I'm going to bump my max 10lbs instead of 5 for the next cycle, just so I can hit rep ranges in the single digits lol.

And my assistance work has all come together as well. Nothing too frilly, just the basics. We'll see how it goes.

Monday: Squat, Lunge, Calves, Abs
Tuesday: Bench, Military, Pullups
Thursday: Deadlift, GM's, Biceps, Abs
Saturday: Push Press, Dips, T-Bar Rows

Also, Jake - I tried the Olympic style of pressing today, but it just seems kind of funky. I need a lot more speed, ab, and tricep power to make it work properly, so for now I am just doing the push presses and militaries.

11-16-09 Heavy Bench

Bench with full pause

Band lightened bench
red bands 195x5
purple bands 215x5
purple bands 225x5 PR these flew right up, first time I've ever lifted 225

Floor press


triceps pulldown

"The Gripper"
2 plates x20
3 plates x15x2

11.16.09 Heavy Bench

Bench Press:

Band Assisted Bench Press:

UCLA vs. CSU Fullerton:

Floor Press:

Tricep Pulldowns:

Monday, November 16, 2009

11/16/09 Heavy Bench

225 x 5 for 3 sets with full pause commands

Reverse Band (purples) Bench:
275 x 5
295 x 5
305 x 4

Floor Press:
225 x 5 for 4 sets

JM Press:
85 x 12
95 x 12 for 2 sets


195 x 5
205 x 5
215 x 5 x 2

Band-lightened squat (green bands)
315 x 4
335 x 4 x 2
355 x 4

Pause squat
185 x 3 x 3

115 x 6 x 3


205 x 5
215 x 5
225 x 5, 5

Band lightened squats (w/ greens)
335 x 4
355 x 4, 4
365 x 4

Pause squats (3 second count)
185 x 3
205 x 3, 3 -these were tough

Glute kick back machine
190 x 10 per leg
290 x 7, 6

The plan was to do lunges but at the bottom I felt a bad soreness/pain in my upper quads that I think is from all the running last week. Hopefully it goes away in a few days.

RE Squat

ZOMG welcome to the volume. I haven't felt this beat up in over a year and a half for any leg day.

405 x 5
425 x 4 (ugh... going for 5)
405 x 5, 2 sets

Band-Lightened Squat:
495 x 4
515 x 4
545 x 4, 2 sets

Pause Squat:
315 x 3 @ 3 sec
355 x 3 @ 3 sec
335 x 3 @ 3 sec

185 x 1
Man, I was exhausted at this point, so I scratched the lunges

Glute Machines:
190 x 10 per leg
300? x 10 per leg, 2 sets

Substituted the glute machine for lunges so I wouldn't fall over.

Definitely deconditioned to high-rep work at the moment. The weight felt light, but the muscles wouldn't budget at times.


press commands (paused) here on out
185 x 5
185 x 5
195 x 4

Band-Lightened Bench
235 x 5
235 x 5
255 x 5

Floor Press
185 x 5
185 x 4
185 x 5
175 x 5

JM Press
65 x 8
55 x 8
55 x 8
55 x 8

11/16 Training

I have not started the 5/3/1 template for squatting yet, as I lack the equipment to run a full cycle over winter break. Just getting back in the groove with it, but using the same assistance work that I will use on 5/3/1.

Squat: 135x5
185x3, 3, 3 (beltless)

Barbell Lunge: 95x10x5

Seated Calves and Abs to finish. I've had some gluteal atrophy over the past few months, but lunges will definitely bring back the caboose haha.

Bench tomorrow.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Jerk 107/2 @ 8,8,8,8
Front squat 139/4

On Saturday I just made up the lifts I didn't get to Friday.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Light Bench

Bench (paused)
135 for 5 sets of 3

BW x 24(PR), 10, 10

BW x 24(PR), 12, 10

11/12 & 11/14 Training

11/12 - Deadlift

Conventional Deadlift (275 starting max - wanted to start reeeally light and work my way back to health from there)

235x8 (these are hook grip as well - the over-under puts a twisting strain on the back)

Good Mornings: 45x20

and some Curls to finish up. My bicep strength is so pitiful that I can't mention poundages yet.

11/14 - Push Press

Push Press: 95x5
125x10 PR (started to feel hard at 5, but I took Jake's advice to move myself around the bar, and I got 5 more reps - BIG difference)

T-bar Rows (strict, from floor) - 135x10, 10, 10, 8, 7

Dips: BWx10
+40 (255lbs)x9, 8, 8, 6

This training session went well too. The t-bar rows off the floor are pretty humbling, but should really help my pressing and deadlifting strength (as the guys at Diablo said).


RAW Deadlift (171lb BW):
525 X 1
575 X 1

Friday, November 13, 2009

This week's training

I'll work on getting it together and posting more regularly...

Power snatch 80/2 @ 8,8,7,7
Snatch 90/2 @ 8,8,8,8
Sn. Pull 100/3 @ 7,8,8
BTN Jerk 100/2@7, 105/2 @ 7, 110/2 @ 8,8
Front squat 134/5 @ 8,9,9,(4+miss) The last rep left me on the floor for a few minutes gasping for air, followed by my quads cramping a little.

Power snatch 70/3 @ 7,7,7, 75/3 @ 7
P. C. + Jerk 92/1+2 @ 7,7,7,7
Jerk from split position 60/3 x 2 65/3

Power clean + Jerk 92/1+2@7, 102/1+2 @ 7,8,8,8
Clean and jerk 105/1+2 @ 8, 107/1+2 @ 8,8,8,8,8
Jerk after bouncing up and down 100/2 @ 8,8,8,10
Overall this day had a lot of jerks... Still, I got them all and they weren't that hard.
Clean pull 120/2 @ 8,8,8,8

After this, one of the cheerleaders came over and was like "how much weight is" I responded with "Well, Bud Charniga just got back from China and told one of the strength coaches here that a 52kg girl clean and jerked 127... So I'm actually not any good.

Back squat 125/6 @ 7,7,7

Jerk from shallow split 80/3 @ 9, 70/3 @ 7, 75/3@7,7
Drop Snatch 70/3 @ 7, 75/3 @ 7, 80/3 @ 7

Power snatch 80/3@8,7,7
Snatch 90/2 @ 8,7 92/2 @ 7,7

Snatch pull + Sn. 92/2+miss, 92/2+1@8,8,8 Not sure how I missed that....Maybe I shouldn't combine the pull and the lift, or just drop pulls.

Front squat 139/4@ 9,10, (3+miss) Since I was definitely not 100% recovered from Monday, I was pretty happy with this. If I feel good this weekend then I'll hopefully be going for 5x4 at this weight Monday.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Car Pushing

These were done in Parking Lot 4 with 3 people pushing

Nissan Altima 2.5S x 3 laps
Best time: 1:23 done with Dave and Darvin

Volkswagen GTI x 2 laps
Best time: 1:21 done with Greg and Ben

GPP RE Pushing Cars


Official Car Push Competition Results
Courtesy Driver: Alex (lbs) 160
Special thanks to Matt and Vit for letting us push their cars, and Alex for driving

Car 1: Nissan Altima 2.5s
Curb Weight (lbs) 3,193 Total 3,353

Car 2: Volkswagen GTI 2.0
Curb Weight (lbs) 3,100 Total 3,260

Circuit: ~300m total, 130m slight incline, 20m flat turn, 130m slight decline, 20m flat turn

Team A: Matt, Darvin, Luke
Team B: Vit, Greg, Ben
Team C: Dave, Victor, Scott

3 "warm-up" laps

Car 1:
A 1:57
B 1:39
C 1:30
A 2:16
B 1:30
C 1:23
A 1:28
B 1:26
C 1:19 Best Lap

Car 2:
A 1:32
B 1:36
C 1:25
A 1:36
B 1:21
C 1:14 Best Lap

First Place: Team C
Second Place: Team B
Third Place: Team A

Nathan : 11/12

Another day with no gym clothes. Working out in my jeans kind of sucks.

Incline - 185x5, 205x1, 225x1, 245x1 (PR + ??), 185x5x3

This was the slowest rep ever ... not kidding, it took at least 15 seconds. I have no idea how I was able to finish the rep, but I'll take it. Not all that impressed with myself, but I haven't done incline very much for a long time, so whatever.

Pull-ups - bwx10x3

Dumbbell bench - 70x8, 80x8,7,8

11/11/09 RE Bench

Bench Press:
185 x 10 for 6 sets

Pin Press:
175 x 5 for 3 sets

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

11-11-09 Bench

Medium, medium wide, wide grip bench
These felt pretty easy

seated shoulder press
115x3, 95x3 got tired in the middle of this set and went down in weight


Bench press with varied grips:

Military press:

RE Bench

rotated between ring, middle, and index finger on ring (silver bar)
155 x 10
165 x 10
175 x 9
165 x 5 (bad set)
165 x 8
155 x 8

Skull Crushers and Abs

RE Bench

bench conditioning during the off week... bleh.

alternated wide, medium-wide and medium grip

225 x 10 (med)
235 x 10 (m/w)
245 x 10 (wide)
225 x 10 (med)
225 x 7 - going for 10(m/w)
205 x 12 (wide)

Military Pin Press:
bar set 2" above eyes
185 x 5
205 x 5
225 x 5

Meet Report (2)

Video compilation of Vit's lifts.


Bench (wider, normal, closer grips)
115 x 10
125 x 10 x 2
125 x 9+f
125 x 8+f
115 x 8+f

Seated Pin Press
95 x 5
105 x 5
115 x 5
115 x 3+f


Bench (varying grips)
135 x 10 for 5 sets
135 x 9+1 fail

Seated pin press
115 x 5
125 x 5
135 x 5
145 x 3+1 fail

Listen and learn

Yessis = the man

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Nathan : 11/10 Squats

Warm-up - walk for 10 mins

Squats - 295x5x4

Taking time off made me forget how to squat. It was interesting to notice myself re-learning squat form through the sets. Thanks to Rene and Dee for the tips. First two sets were way harder than they should have been, but last felt easy like it's supposed to.

Lunges - 135x5x3

Was going to do more, but then I started talking ...


Running w/ Sandbags
1 30lb sandbag each arm
3/4 mi in 100m sprints


ME Recovery

Ran with a sand bag in each hand
4 x 100m sprints

6-8 x 100m relay sprints

Finished with some plyometric jumps

11/10 Training

I have decided to start doing Wendler's 5/3/1 program, and today I started the first cycle (for bench and overhead press while I rehab my lower back). My training max for this cycle is 205.

Bench Press: 135x5
175x12 (goal for next session is 185x10)

Seated Pin Press: 135x10, 10, 10, 6, 7

Barbell Rows: 135x10
155x10, 10
165x10, 10

and then sandbag conditioning later (1 full stadium walking with 2 sandbags)


Interesting stuff on plyometrics for those of you who may be playing other sports.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Meet Videos

Hai Guys!

So my email has gone full retard and takes eons to attach video clips - not conducive to Dave posting videos. So what I have done is created a youtube account and uploaded all of the videos that I have. Here is the link to my channel

Nathan : 11/9

Working on a paper deadline, so I didn't have much time.

Foam bench press (2'' foam) - work up to 245x5x3

Got Jason to call "press" on these, because its too easy to bounce with the stiff foam.

Military press - 135x5x3

Working my way back. Need to stop eating right before the gym, because I felt like I was going to explode the entire workout.


225 squat, 185 bench press, i didnt know we were deadlifting on sunday so i didnt get to it

The Business

Dave gave it the business indeed.

Meet Report (2)

Side view of the 705 deadlift. I'll post the other videos as I get them uploaded to youtube.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

11.8.09--Max Deadlift

Sporting my black and turquoise high socks, I was in the fucking zone!

225x1 (PR)
251x1 (PR)
265x1 (PR)
280x1 (PR)
300-f (couldn't get it off the floor. Now that I have a better idea of my capabilities, I won't start my work-sets so low)

45x8 each leg
95--failed (on 3rd lunge on my right leg, a combo of my exhaustion from deadlift and shitty balance)
65x8 each leg

decline crunches

Totals for MAX WEEK:
Squat-0 (doesn't count until I can hit depth, but I think I can do 185)
TOTAL:440 (625 including my potential squat)

from this I can set some goals that I believe are attainable by the end of the school year:
Squat-225 with depth

Max Deadlift

353 x 1
375 x 1 (PR)
400 x f
375 did not feel bad at all, so I decided to go balls out and try for 400. Got it up to my knees but just couldn't finish and lock out. Glad I went for it instead of a slightly lower weight though, just to see what it feels like.

95 x 8
115 x 8 x 2

GHR abs


135x2 sumo
185x1 sumo and the rest I did from this point on were sump
235x1 PR
265xfail I couldn't start the bar moving, I started using the belt at this point
251xfail couldn't get it moving
221x1 easy
236x1 slow PR
251x1 slow PR
265x1 easier to start PR
280x1 PR
300x1 PR!
I felt really good about hitting 300. I was having a lot of trouble starting the bar moving, but once I got it off the ground it felt easy. 300 was the first weight that actually felt heavy once I got it moving. I was tired from doing so many attempts, but I think I could max higher if I started lifting the way I finished.

95x8 each leg
115x8 each leg x 2 sets

stuff that hurt to do on the GHR rack with weight situps with weight on a decline bench, 4 sets

This brings my totals to

Lift: Max this week (Max All Time) *goal*
Bench: 205 (215) *225*
Squat: 205 not deep enough (215 with possible depth) *275*
Deadlift: 300 (300) *375*
Total: 710 (730) *875*

11/08/09 Max DL

380 x 1
430 x 1
463 x 1
488 x 1 (PR)
503 x FAIL
My goal was to hit 500, but i think i fucked up my weight progression. My former PR was 479 and I wanted to make sure I hit a new PR. 463 was pretty easy, but I just didn't have enough confidence in myself to jump straight to 500+ so I went for 488. 488 was not really hard but it went up a little slow and took a lot out of my legs, preventing me from getting my 503 attempt.

3 x 8 each leg

Weighted crunches and oblique twists on physioball

Meet Report


Competed in the RT3 (18-19 yrs, 165 weight class)
I weighed in at ~156lbs, less than I've ever weighed myself, probably because I weighed in in the morning before eating anything.

235 (3 whites) easy opener
260 (3 whites) quads fired first after hitting depth easily, so it was slightly good-morning like but I still hit it easily
286 (3 reds) hit depth easily again, but went too slowly on the way up and the spotter helped me too early, if Brent were back spotting me he would have let me fail which is what I would have wanted; however, the back spotter grabbed me before I had a chance to struggle and I basically got the weight up by myself anyway (I don't think the side spotters helped it up at all)

questionable whether I would have hit this completely by myself, I should have gone lighter in order to total 900+ (personal goal)

195 (3 whites) trivial
226 (3 whites) not trivial but still a pretty easy weight for me in general
236 (3 reds) apparently I didn't have perfect form on this one because the side judge called for the spotters to "take it" before I really had a chance to grind it out (just like the squat)
I've hit this weight in practice a few times before so I should have had it, but I need to just get stronger so I can nail it easily

350 (3 whites) easy
380 (3 whites) pretty easy
402 PR (2 whites, 1 red) Glad I received at least 1 red for this lift otherwise I would feel bad about being The Ultimate Hitch-Master. The baby powder saved me from getting 3 reds. Overall not the toughest deadlift I've ever had but definitely slower than the previous 2 lifts. Also this lift clinched the win over my primary 73 year-old competition.

Overall a pretty good first meet. Very glad I hit at least 1 of my last 3 attempts (the deadlift), and went 7/9 overall, so I didn't completely bomb anything. I definitely left some of the business behind though and am ready for the next meet to finish off what I left behind as soon as I can. Could have easily totaled 900+ had I went more conservative on my last attempts for squat and bench, but was still pretty successful anyway, as I thought I wouldn't be able to hit depth on any of my squats.

Thanks to Dave and everyone else there for repping UCLA powerlifting and psyching me up when I needed it.

11-7 Meet Recap

2009 USAPL Southern California Regionals

Weight: 79.7 kg (175 lbs)


253 -3 whites
270 -3 whites
286 -3 whites (6 lb PR)

170 -3 whites
186 -3 whites
198 -3 whites: the plan was to try for a little over 200 but I decided to go slightly under to make sure I got this lift in for a 900 lb total; this still went up pretty slowly though

374 -3 whites
418 -3 whites (18 lb PR): I may have come up on my toes slightly and almost lost my balance at the beginning of the lift. It went up very slowly but I got it.
429 -3 reds: Probably got it like 3 inches off of the ground. I was way too exhausted by this point, mostly because of the second attempt.

Total: 902 lbs

This was my first meet and I had a great time lifting and it was awesome watching all the really strong lifters like Darren Matsumoto, Ryan Spencer, and Daniel Greene. Dave's 705 deadlift was definitely the most exciting lift to watch though. Overall, it was an awesome experience and I look forward to competing again.

Also, a big thanks to Matt, Dean, Trey, Ben, Darvin, and Brent for supporting the UCLA lifters throughout the meet.

Good case for belt squats

Not that anyone thought they were a bad idea anyway.

Bench Report

Yesterday was the meet, as you all know, and I competed in the Men's Open 100kg weight class (Bench-only).

First Attempt: 231
Pretty darn easy. 3 whites, nothing much to say here.

Second Attempt: 248
This one was kind of difficult, but it turns out that was because my hand spacing was uneven, so 2 whites/1 red.

Third Attempt: 259 (PR)
I was conservative with the number, but I think I shot a bit too low. I moved my grip in a finger, and evened it out, and the weight just flew right up. 3 white lights and went 3 for 3.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Meet Report

USAPL Southern California Regionals

The meet was well run and quick. Judging was inconsistent; several flagrant violations went uncalled, while several good lifts (in video replay) showed no evidence of what the judges redlighted them for. Overall, judging seemed strictest on the heaviest lifts.

The team did great overall, and people were very impressed.

573 - no lift; sides judges said I was high
573 - no lift; head just said squat before I ready and I took a step because I was off balance
573 - two whites

Squatting got off to a rough start. Judges in the warm up room said I was hitting depth. On the platform, a different set said I was high. I think I was slightly below parallel - which counts just as much as burying it. It was a tough day for the equipped lifters and many people got called for depth. The weight was never a problem, thankfully.

402 (PR)

402 felt the best; I was able to easily touch in the shirt, which meant less strain at the bottom.

705 (PR; CA open 198 record)

The lifts got faster the heavier I went. Very happy to finally break the 700 mark. I think there were several videos, which will be posted as soon as I get them.

1680 (PR)

A 71 pound PR. I definitely had over 1700 in me today, but those plans got a bit derailed by the squat debacle. Hopefully I can adjust a bit more and break 1700 at the next meet.

Friday, November 6, 2009


Snatch 70/3, 80/3, 85/2, 90/2 x 2, 95/1, 97/1, 102/1, 107/1, 109 - miss, miss

Clean and jerk 102/1, 111/1, 116/1, 120/1, 125/1, 130/1, 134 - missed clean

Front squat 125/1, 134/1, 142/1, 147/1, 152 - miss

Overall this wasn't a bad max day. I hit the formerly elusive 130 on clean and jerk, so I can live with my numbers.

Here's my plan for the next 10 weeks:
3 weeks front squat emphasis because I lifted only 113% of my clean and jerk (front squat should be at least 115% of clean and jerk, so this needs to go up).

3 weeks explosive strength emphasis (mostly power versions of lifts) because my power versions are slightly lower than they should be as well. The first week of this will also be my max front squat week, so there's a slight overlap as well. Squat maintenance will be performed here as well.

3 weeks competition cycle emphasising heavy (but reasonable this time) classic lifts and squats, with power-version maintenance.

1 week rest (meaning lifts in the 70-80% range for technique, flexibility, and active rest) for maxing.

Also, for the new guys, I'm in the same situation as Nathan, except I'm in Michigan now. Also, I compete in weightlifting, not powerlifting (though I did a powerlifting meet for fun during the summer). Also, my weights are in kilograms, not pounds (I don't suck THAT bad...).

Thursday, November 5, 2009


For all the new people, I'm Nathan and I graduated from UCLA in 2008. I am now in Boston, but I still post here.

I took a break from lifting for a couple weeks, so I'm just getting into the swing of things with some light lifting for a little while.

11/4 - Random upper body

Incline bench - 205 x 3 x ? - Second rep was really easy, then third was really hard. I stick like 3'' off chest. Not sure incline press really matters for powerlifting, though. Makes my shoulders tired, though.

Foam press (2'' foam) - 225 x 5 x 4 - Super fast and easy.

T-bar row
Dumbbell pullovers

11/2 - Random lower body

Front squats
Sumo deadlift

All really light. I need to do more lunges, I really feel it in my glutes (especially left side), and I think this is a weakness. I used to do them all the time on Sheiko, even though it wasn't heavy, and my glutes didn't bother me so much then. Front squats are fun too, but I have trouble staying upright with anything moderately heavy. Maybe thats telling me something...hmmmm....

Earlier this week I did more random crap I can't remember.

PS:   <3 Dave <3

Speed Bench

No one in group 1 showed up to deadlift today so I jumped in with group 2 for another bench day

Red Band Assisted Bench
165 x 4 x 2
175 x 4 x 2

Close Grip Bench
95 x 5
135 x 5 x 2
145 x 4+f

Incline Deltoid Raises

Looking at my close grip and considering I just worked out my chest and shoulders yesterday I have no idea how I feel about yesterday's 165 max.

11/05/09 Speed Bench

Reverse Band Bench (purples):
275 x 4 for 4 sets

Close-grip Bench:
205 x 5
215 x 5
225 x 5 for 2 sets

Front Raises/Lateral Raises (Shoulder):
3 x 10/10

11.5.09--Speed Bench

Band Assisted Bench:

Close Grip Bench:
135x4 (failed on the fifth)

Shoulder Isolation--Koala Lifts:
using 5's in each hand, 3 sets of 10 straight, 10 at 45 degrees, and 10 at 180 degrees on an incline bench.

Speed Bench 11-5-09

Purple Band Assisted Bench

Close Grip Bench
barely got the last rep in, but an improvement from last week where I failed on the last rep of the first set of 165.

Incline Deltoid Raises/ YTL/ Koala Reaches for Eucalyptus
10 pounds x 10 reps x 3 positions x 3 sets both arms

11.4.09--Bodybuilding Day

After a true nailbiter against Concordia, I went to the gym with Luke. This is what we worked:
Lat Pulls (wide grip):

Cable rows:

Bicep Curls (easy grip bar):

Overhand Grip:

Dumbbell Curls:
20x10x2 (each arm)

Wrist Curls:
25x20x2 (each arm)

Back and BICEPS!!!

wide grip lat pull downs
180x5 (Scott helped pull it down so I could get set)

cable rows

standing barbell curls
supersetted with overhand grip curls

Strength and Honor Curls (Hammer Curls toward opposite chest)
35x5x2 each arm
supersetted with Incline Curls

Forearm Curls
45x10x2 each arm

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Max Bench

95 x 5
115 x 5
135 x 2
155 x 1
165 x 1 (PR)
175 x f
170 x f
Did 155 without pausing and it practically flew up, then did 165 paused and it felt that much harder. This is like the 4th time this year I've reset my bench, but hopefully my form's starting to look better.

Seated Press
65 x 8
85 x 6
95 x 6
105 x 6
115 x 4

25 x 8
30 x 8
35 x 8


warmed up a bit and then:
340 failed, worn out from 335

close grip bench

Ab circuit

I wanted 340 today but maybe next time

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Upper Back

DB Row
60 x 6
70 x 6
80 x 6
90 x 6

Pull ups
BW x 8 x 3

Bicep Curls
so many

11.3.09 SQUAT

I really need to work on depth so I kept it light and didn't max. I got close to parallel a couple times, but really need to focus on keeping my lower back arched and my feet flared wide. Here's how it went:

135x3x6 or 7 (I don't remember)

second highest box until I got tired

situps, crunches, leg raises, etc. until I got tired

Also, partner stretching sucks a fat one.

11/03/09 Max Squat

355 x 1
385 x 1 (I was too slow on the descent, so I had trouble hitting the hole and was slightly high, but made it)
405 x 1 (FAIL - this was actually a better attempt than 385; I hit the hole much better and used the stretch reflex in my hips well, I just stalled out at about halfway. I am happy I got it out of the hole though, thats usually my sticking point. But in the end, I wasn't strong enough today)

Box Jumps:
4 set of 10


today was supposed to be max squat, but I just kinda sucked.
When I was hitting the depth I was basically doing a pause squat which I failed at 205 with. I tried again and hit it, but not with depth.
I find I have better form on later reps of a set because I get a better feel for it or something.
I want to work on hitting the hole and popping back up fast. I don't have a good feel for how far down I need to go. Also I'm doing something wrong at the bottom, but I'm not sure what. I guess I have to sit back farther and keep my knees in the right spot. I feel strong enough to lift about 245 so hopefully I can get my form down.

175x2 not really deep enough
205x1 not deep enough
195x1 not really deep enough
135x8 not good

Then I did at least 50 box jumps on the highest box. I could have done more

and then I did a bunch of ab work
100 crunches, 25 situps, 30 cycles, 20 leg raises... a bunch of other nonsense

Light stuff

Just some pre-meet lifting.


135 x 4, 4, 4

95 x 6, 5, 3

133 x 5
115 x 5


Light week this week to make up for my somewhat retarted last two weeks. I'll max one last time Friday then launch into a new volume cycle.

Power snatch 80/2 x 3
Snatch 80/2 90/2 x 3
C&J 102/1+2 x 3
Front squat 125/2 x 3

Monday, November 2, 2009

Max Squat

225 x 1
235 x 1 (PR)
245 x f

Box jumps

11/02/09 Max Bench

265 x 1 (a little slower than I would have liked)
275 x 1 (this was easier and quicker than 265)
285 x 1 (the minimalist of fails, reached my normal sticking point at between a 2/3 board got a slight nudge and then locked it out...soo close...)

Seated DB Shoulder Press:
70 x 8 for 3 sets

Cable Tricep Pushdown:
3 sets of 10


205x1 PR
210 x almost
My old max was 215, but 205 is a new max for this school year. It's the first time I've hit 200 this quarter. I think I will count it as a PR because the 215 wasn't with powerlifting form.

Seated Shoulder Press

Dumbbell Flies
25's x10
35's x10x2

Heavy Bench 11.2.09

160x1 (NEW MAX!!!)

Sitting Press:


Beard Growth:
ate spicy food

Im coming back

squats: 95x20
knee felt solid but I didnt want to push it too much

few sets of body weight lunges and some calfs

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Stiff Legged Deadlift

Deadlift off blocks
221x3x3 sumo stance

Zercher Squats

11/1 GPP

Joined Habitat For Humanity just so I could go out on the weekends and do some crazy house-building projects. It also serves as GPP.

Today's GPP:
4 hours of various digging holes, smashing things with a pickaxe, carrying rolls of sod, and operating a jackhammer to drill through rocky soil