Wednesday, November 18, 2009


275 x 5, 3 sets

Ah yes, the volume didn't feel as bad as it did with squats, but I am still out of shape.

Band-Lightened Bench:
365 x 4
375 x 4
385 x 4
405 x 2 + 1 Personal Problem

The bands were set up wrong on the last set and I couldn't muscle through being pulled out of my groove :(

Floor Press:
255 x 4 + 1 Fail*
245 x 5
235 x 5
235 x 5

*Matt (rightly) goaded me into doing more because I am weak on these.

Finished with some one arm tricep extensions for prehab

1 comment:

Matt Buttimer said...

I appreciate that you specified my goading to be right/justified, but it shouldn't be necessary as everyone should know or will learn...I am ALWAYS right