Saturday, November 14, 2009

11/12 & 11/14 Training

11/12 - Deadlift

Conventional Deadlift (275 starting max - wanted to start reeeally light and work my way back to health from there)

235x8 (these are hook grip as well - the over-under puts a twisting strain on the back)

Good Mornings: 45x20

and some Curls to finish up. My bicep strength is so pitiful that I can't mention poundages yet.

11/14 - Push Press

Push Press: 95x5
125x10 PR (started to feel hard at 5, but I took Jake's advice to move myself around the bar, and I got 5 more reps - BIG difference)

T-bar Rows (strict, from floor) - 135x10, 10, 10, 8, 7

Dips: BWx10
+40 (255lbs)x9, 8, 8, 6

This training session went well too. The t-bar rows off the floor are pretty humbling, but should really help my pressing and deadlifting strength (as the guys at Diablo said).


Jake Ceccarelli said...

If you want a huge overhead press try to imitate the technique of the Russians from before 1972. Then go and dominate WSM.

Kyle said...

The funny thing is that I've always done a sort of "Russian Press". When I reach my sticking point (about eye level), I naturally lean back out of instinct. I just need to exaggerate this a bit more and then I'm good lol.

Jake Ceccarelli said...

That's not right, that's just a cheated military press. I thought that was it too, but it's not. It's actually more like a jerk. Go here:

And watch Vladimir Golovanov's press frame by frame. He is NOT pressing the barbell then leaning when he hits the sticking point. He accelerates the bar off of his chest with his legs and pushes his body backward and down. It's actually more like a jerk.

Compare with the Americans Joe Dube and Paul Anderson. Dube's press is ok, he's just slower and less flexible than the later lifters. Anderson's is basically like what you described: he leans back when he hits the sticking point, but essentially presses it with the arms. You want to avoid pressing with the arms at all costs.

Kyle said...

Huh. Its almost like the bar stays in the same place for 90% of the lift. He levers it off his chest, and then manuvers himself under the bar. I gotta try that.

Juggernaut, the said...

Are your good morning weights in kg?

Kyle said...

Sadly, no. Thats about all my back can take as of yet. Dont worry, the weights will go up soon.