Thursday, November 19, 2009


Current goal: copy and paste Vit's entire workout

349 x 4+shame (PR)

Stiff legged deads
221 x 8
231 x 8
241 x 8

Power cleans
111 x 5
131 x 4+f
111 x 5
121 x 5
Dropped weight to correct form, still not that good but not horrendous.

Standing abs
110 x 4 x 8

Not really a good day for me today: everything looked ugly, the first 349 felt harder than that 375 a while ago, and after that last set of stiff legs I was a few steps away from this: Hoping it's the soreness from the volume work that's getting to me.


Juggernaut, the said...

Ughh... that video is awful.

You'd better catch up to Vit. Are you stronger than Greg now?

Vit said...

You will never catch up to me. I am Vit the Immortal.

Darvin said...

Dave: my deads are hovering near the same place but my other 2 lifts are behind. Thinking about it, would we be the only ones directly competing against each other in age and weight classes?

Vit: there can be only one

Kyle said...

The best part of that video? She got 3 whites. Yeah!

Greg said...

It's a battle now -- I'm ready, bring it boys.