Monday, November 23, 2009

11/23 Training

Squat: 155x4

BB Lunge: 95x10, 10, 10
105x10, 10

GHR Abs: 6, 6, 6

Finally working my way up to handling some real weights in the squat again. Lunges afterwards felt super duper hard though. Fewer abs today, b/c my abs are still thrashed from the Rainbow Dragonfly Ponies.

Also, no calf work today, because I walked all the way from my apt on Gayley to OSH on Bundy - a 3 hour trip in sandals. So tired.....

Bench tomorrow


Juggernaut, the said...

dude, those rainbow dragonfly ponies are death. darvin and i were sore for like a week afterward.

Kyle said...

Especially if you haven't done them in a while. It felt like my abs were tearing while I was doing the situps they were so sore.