Tuesday, November 3, 2009


today was supposed to be max squat, but I just kinda sucked.
When I was hitting the depth I was basically doing a pause squat which I failed at 205 with. I tried again and hit it, but not with depth.
I find I have better form on later reps of a set because I get a better feel for it or something.
I want to work on hitting the hole and popping back up fast. I don't have a good feel for how far down I need to go. Also I'm doing something wrong at the bottom, but I'm not sure what. I guess I have to sit back farther and keep my knees in the right spot. I feel strong enough to lift about 245 so hopefully I can get my form down.

175x2 not really deep enough
205x1 not deep enough
195x1 not really deep enough
135x8 not good

Then I did at least 50 box jumps on the highest box. I could have done more

and then I did a bunch of ab work
100 crunches, 25 situps, 30 cycles, 20 leg raises... a bunch of other nonsense

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