Sunday, November 8, 2009

Bench Report

Yesterday was the meet, as you all know, and I competed in the Men's Open 100kg weight class (Bench-only).

First Attempt: 231
Pretty darn easy. 3 whites, nothing much to say here.

Second Attempt: 248
This one was kind of difficult, but it turns out that was because my hand spacing was uneven, so 2 whites/1 red.

Third Attempt: 259 (PR)
I was conservative with the number, but I think I shot a bit too low. I moved my grip in a finger, and evened it out, and the weight just flew right up. 3 white lights and went 3 for 3.


Jake Ceccarelli said...

Nice lifting. I'm going to need to work bench more to stay ahead.

Trey said...

nice lifting, kylie. great work, congrats