Sunday, November 8, 2009

Meet Report


Competed in the RT3 (18-19 yrs, 165 weight class)
I weighed in at ~156lbs, less than I've ever weighed myself, probably because I weighed in in the morning before eating anything.

235 (3 whites) easy opener
260 (3 whites) quads fired first after hitting depth easily, so it was slightly good-morning like but I still hit it easily
286 (3 reds) hit depth easily again, but went too slowly on the way up and the spotter helped me too early, if Brent were back spotting me he would have let me fail which is what I would have wanted; however, the back spotter grabbed me before I had a chance to struggle and I basically got the weight up by myself anyway (I don't think the side spotters helped it up at all)

questionable whether I would have hit this completely by myself, I should have gone lighter in order to total 900+ (personal goal)

195 (3 whites) trivial
226 (3 whites) not trivial but still a pretty easy weight for me in general
236 (3 reds) apparently I didn't have perfect form on this one because the side judge called for the spotters to "take it" before I really had a chance to grind it out (just like the squat)
I've hit this weight in practice a few times before so I should have had it, but I need to just get stronger so I can nail it easily

350 (3 whites) easy
380 (3 whites) pretty easy
402 PR (2 whites, 1 red) Glad I received at least 1 red for this lift otherwise I would feel bad about being The Ultimate Hitch-Master. The baby powder saved me from getting 3 reds. Overall not the toughest deadlift I've ever had but definitely slower than the previous 2 lifts. Also this lift clinched the win over my primary 73 year-old competition.

Overall a pretty good first meet. Very glad I hit at least 1 of my last 3 attempts (the deadlift), and went 7/9 overall, so I didn't completely bomb anything. I definitely left some of the business behind though and am ready for the next meet to finish off what I left behind as soon as I can. Could have easily totaled 900+ had I went more conservative on my last attempts for squat and bench, but was still pretty successful anyway, as I thought I wouldn't be able to hit depth on any of my squats.

Thanks to Dave and everyone else there for repping UCLA powerlifting and psyching me up when I needed it.


Trey said...

ultimate congrats to the ult hitchmaster.. great job.

i'm sure you'll be hitting your 900+ next week

Brent Tanaka said...

Greg..way to smoke that 73 year old man..haha! Nice lifting man.

Now, it's time for you to get back in the gym with the goal of totaling 1000 at your next meet.. you and i both know you're good for 900 right now!

Greg said...

My next goal is to qualify for collegiate nationals (total 1075). I just need to train equipped now.

Kyle said...

If you want to borrow my squat suit, you are more than welcome to.

Greg said...

Thanks for the offer, I may take you up on that, although more than likely I would be swimming in it so I may just get my own if I really decide to try going equipped.