Sunday, September 14, 2008


- Power snatch/drop snatch 88x1/5x4
Drop snatches are getting better.
- Clean and jerk 88x3x4
Full clean, jerks felt better. Very light weight though, so doesn't mean anything.
- Balance
- Single-leg squats on bosu ball 10x2
- Kickbacks on disk 20x2
- Side twists on ground 8x2
Taking a step back because balance has been difficult on these lately.
- Stretching
- Hamstrings w/ bar
- Glutes
- Seated groin
- Hip abductors
- Upper back on cable row
- Gastroc on hack squat
- Soleus on machine
- Adductor on machine
- Foam roll
- Ice knees

Danny was there today doing curls with 95kg (209#) for reps. We talked about the random rehab shit I was doing and he had an interesting perspective. He said that he thought doing random shit like this was no more effective than going for a walk, and he thought that having light days in the gym was bad psychologically. He only goes to the gym for heavy lifting, so when he gets in the gym he's always max intensity ready to lift. This makes a lot of sense to me, but I really need the gym resources right now for the stretching and rehab-specific exercises.

It's extremely foggy and cloudy right now. It rained earlier today, which was awesome. The only downside is that it is ridiculously humid. It makes 70-degree weather feel like 85 degrees if you do any kind of physical activity.

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