Tuesday, September 16, 2008


- Dumbbell row 70x12, 100x10, 120x12x3
Used straps for right hand on last few set.s
- Farmer's hold 120 x 20s x 2, 100 x 20s x 2, 25 bumper plates x 30s
I did these because I'm using straps on deadlift until the chalk I ordered arrives. They were difficult. Grip was dead for the rest of today.
- Pull-ups 12, 10, 12
- Power snatch/overhead squat 88x1/5x3
- Hang snatch 45x5
These seem to be a good way for me to practice getting under the bar. My problem seems to be rotating it behind me from a squat position.
- Stretching
- Soleus on machine
- Gastroc on hack squat
- Adductor on machine
- Upper back on pulldown, cable row
- Hamstrings w/ bar
- Seated groin
- Glutes
- Quads
- Hip flexors
- Foam roller

Rene was doing ME bench. He's having the elbow/bicep tendonitis. I gave him a few tips: rest, forearm wraps, volume biceps, ibuprofen. I know Dave and I had this problem before. Dave, do you remember anything else we did that helped? I don't have the problem any more but I can't isolate one thing I did that fixed it.


Jake Ceccarelli said...

Hang snatches are a good idea for helping get under the bar. So are snatches off of blocks. The higher the hang you start from the faster you'll need to drop.

Juggernaut, the said...

Recently, I've found that pulling motions and ME low-bar squats can aggravate the tendon. Once it's healed, actually workout out the bicep seems to keep it from getting reaggravated. Ibuprofen definitely helped ease the pain, but I don't like to rely on it as a permanent solution since it's only masking the pain.

Jake Ceccarelli said...

Nathan, I hate to break it to you but you're on the path to becoming a weightlifter. That's pretty much how I started.

Nathan Beckmann said...

Eh, worse things could happen. I'd have to go SHW though.

Jake Ceccarelli said...

Well, technically same here. I'm just short enough to pull off the 105kg weight class and still be successful though.

Nathan Beckmann said...

I got your IM's, and you're right.

But there's always lifters like Caleb Williams who compete in both. I figure if I somehow pick up the technique at some point, I can take a 3-month break from PL and train then do an oly meet. Alternate every few cycles or something. For the time being, I'm a powerlifter though.

Also, since I'm a strong deadlifter, I don't know if it makes sense for me to go oly where that would basically be wasted.

Jake Ceccarelli said...

Well, the vast majority of your strength would be wasted...A YouTube comment of Caleb Williams says he holds the world squat record at whatever weight class he is at 330kg, but he only lifted 120/160 at the Olympic trials, which would place him at 20th place in the world (perfectly reasonable for a strong person of his weight class), but he is definitely losing to people who squat MUCH less (with a 330 squat you could be upwards of a 250kg clean and jerk). So, yes, virtually all of your strength would be wasted in deadlift, squat, and certainly bench because carryover is minimal.

BTW I am ranked 49 in the 85kg weight class nationally. That doesn't mean I'm good, it means weightlifting here sucks.

Jake Ceccarelli said...
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Jake Ceccarelli said...

Oh, Caleb Williams lifted at 69kg. Sorry for that run-on sentence too.