Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Books and Stuff

Here are some books I'd heavily recommend getting:

Starting Strength

The best book for teaching correct form on the lifts. It goes into extreme depth on all 5 basic compound lifts: Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift, Overhead Press and Power Clean. It is geared towards Novices, but since both Gary & I learned invaluable information from it, it can probably help you too.

The Strongest Shall Survive

Bill Starr is the Old Man of American strength, having Clean/Jerked well over 400 and pressed 300+ back in the late 60s. Don't let the title fool you, it's there to sell the book. What it really does is present an excellent intermediate-level lifting program that develops both absolute Strength and Power.

Practical Programming

The absolute best/most comprehensive book on modern periodization. More importantly, it lays out how a Novice/Intermediate/Advanced trainee should train, and how a Novice should not attempt to train like an Advanced lifter, since this results in sub-optimal gains per time.

The Purposeful Primitive

This book is mainly worth the price for its Iron Masters section, which profiles lifters such as Paul Anderson, Ed Coan and Kirk Karwoski. It lays out their training programs and mentalities. You will be extremely suprised at the differences in how world champions lift.

Also, here's some supplementary stuff information:
Starting Strength Wiki

Here is an article that is sort of the cliff notes to Practical Programming

1 comment:

Nathan Beckmann said...

Cool... I'd really like to read those bios/training programs. Do you get these on amazon?