Thursday, September 25, 2008

Min Volume Week #2

I did this at Wooden while Dave & Co. did their Deadlift Marathon. I got done in < 45 minutes.

Nothing / no belt

Olympic-Style Front Squats:
185 x 3
225 x 3
245 x 3
265 x 3 (10 lbs PR)

Felt easy

Close-Grip Flat Bench:
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
325 x 1 (+INFINITY PR)

Ridiculously easy. I've never maxed out on close-grip.

Rippetoe-Style Bent-Over Row:
155 x 5
205 x 5 (added the Jurgens 50)
225 x 5 (10 lbs PR)

All in all great session. Saw Dave deadlift 600 x 3, saw Brent do "OK", met Kyle and Brent's roommate. Also, reminded how small everyone at Wooden is.


Jake Ceccarelli said...

So do you consider this deloading or just lowering volume so that you can bump up the intensity of your training? Also, why did you choose this time for lowering the volume in relation to your next planned competition (if you have one in mind)?

Phil Russell said...

This is intentionally lowering the volume while maintaining a high level of intensity to allow super-compensation to occur without loss of fitness. I've evolved into training on a 2 Week High/1 Week Low format based on past experience.

I've essentially taken Intermediate-level programming and modified it to my needs (high intensity/more recovery). I can't improve week-to-week anymore, but I can improve every 3 weeks.

On the recovery end, I stripped out most of the accessory work to work with higher intensity on the main lifts.

The 2 Week High/1 Week Low is my main non-competition format. My next couple of weeks will be Competition cycles with full gear. You'll see the format starting Monday.

As for Deload, I'll only be doing speed work the week before competition to prepare.