Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Back on track

So after combining two workouts into one (basically just adding snatches instead of light clean and jerks) I am abck on track and will be going into the next test day as the Russians intended it: every other day workouts. I plan on being fucking huge.

power snatch 72/3 x 3
Snatch 82/2 x 3
Jerk 115/1 x 5
clean pull, bel. kn. 90/4 100/3 120/2 x 2
back squat 152/4 x 4


GH said...

And what are you doing for your diet to get huge?

Jake Ceccarelli said...

Uh...By huge I mean strong.

To "get huge" is to:
1) Actually get huge
2) Workout (go to the gym)
3) Be strong (much stronger than the people around you)

So, for example, to "win at hugeness" I generally am only referring to two of the three. Ironicall,y generally not the one involving actually being huge.

Incidentally, my dietary strategy of "try to not eat like a pussy" has catapulted me to an Earth-shattering 190 (post-dinner). The beer I consume at the pub tonight will hopefully lock in those gains.

Nathan Beckmann said...

You should shoot for one weight class per competition, like Phil in his early years. So in 3 (?) competitions you'd be SHW. I believe!

Phil Russell said...

Gallon of Milk A Day

Nuff' said