Sunday, September 14, 2008

Bench Training

So after about of being sick, not eating enough, and weak I'm finally back in the gym. I tried to DL Tuesday, only to be pissed off and sick. I pulled 525x1 and did some box squats 255x2x10. Anyway, feeling about 90% better and was able to get in a decent session in today.

Bench Press (wrists wrapped)
315x3 + 2 forced

6in Board Press (wrists wrapped)
365x1 +2forced

Could have hit 2 on 365, but my set up was crap so I was off balance. Hit the 2nd rep easy, then was pretty much shot on my 3rd.

Incline Bench Press (Pause at bottom)
205x4 +1
225x4 +1

Standing Cable Flyes

side note: My dad was training with me and was out repping me. Hes 44 and around 185lbs. Going to try to get him in a shirt and see what he can do. Hah!


Nathan Beckmann said...

Guess there is something to genetics after all... I'm mad you got 525. I need to out deadlift you at least. Was that sumo?

Brent Tanaka said...

Haha. Steve Sr. vs. Steve Jr.

Juggernaut, the said...

"So after about of being sick, not eating enough, and weak"

Ah, yes. The ol' jurgens' get-sick/starve/sleepless technique. I fully approve of this training tactic.

Also your lifts are impressive as always. Did you guys make your own boards or are you still using stacked weights? I was thinking about making some more boards when I get back so maybe we could all get in and make whatever

Stephen Hokama said...

525 was conventional. I was going to do sumo, but then brent decided to go conventional. So I said what the heck. Thinking about doing more work on my sumo. I squat more wide stanced, so I'm figuring that I'll be able to DL more that way once I get it right.

As for the boards, it was just something I threw together. I saw something like it on a powerlifting youtube video. Down to make some "real" boards though once Dave is back.