Monday, September 15, 2008

Opinions Please

What do you guys think of this supplement? Steve, Kevin, myself, and others we train with have all used it and all like it a lot. I just want to make sure I'm not killing myself with it.

I think it's similar to N.O. Xplode? I have tried N.O. Xplode before as well, but this stuff seems to work a lot better...


Phil Russell said...

Brent, make sure it doesn't contain anything on the IPF Banned Substances list. The list contains a bunch of stuff you'd never guess (like octopamine). I'd guess that basic creatine + glutamine is a safe bet, but avoid any "fat burners" and other stimulant products.

Nathan Beckmann said...

Supplement companies have a really bad track record of putting things not in the ingredients list into the product.

Seriously. Protein powder with anabolics, energy supplements with illegal stimulants, as well as just things that aren't well tested. It happens.

Not sure if this still goes on, but I avoid these kinds of vague, conglomerate products for that reason.