Friday, September 19, 2008


- Bench 135x5 (50%), 165x4x2 (60%), 195x3x3 (70%)
- Flies 30x10x3 (10%)
- Squat 205x5 (50%), 250x4x2 (60%), 290x3x3 (70%)
Same weights as Monday, but all of these felt great, very explosive. This week off was definitely a good thing.
- Dips Bodyweight x8x3
- Good mornings 165x5x3 (40%)
- Cardio 160 bpm x ~20 mins
The gym has this sweet bike machine where you basically play a video game racing against other virtual bikers. It's surprisingly motivating. They have terrain and shit so the resistance changes and you have to change gears, steer, etc.. You can also race against your best time on a track.

Starting the real thing next Monday ... and hopefully getting some oly vids tomorrow or Sunday.

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