Tuesday, September 23, 2008

DL solo session

So Mr. Tanaka is pretty much in Westwood now for school and I'm left partner less. Which sucks on push days, anyway. If you guys know anyone who trains and is in the area I'm down for whatever. I could get them into the gym no problem.

Training today was as follows:

Raw Sumo Deadlift
455x1 + 2 Miss

When the weight starts to get tough my hands start to drag along my quads more and it gets me stuck. I'm not sure whether it is a form technicality or if baby powder is the answer. Other than that, the lifts felt good.

Banded Sumo DL for speed

Definately felt the burn in my lower back on these. Really tried to focus on ripping the weight off the floor while keeping form.

Adduction + Abduction Superset
10 x 4 each

Banded Hypers
10 x 4


Juggernaut, the said...

Your training is insane as usual! I'm going to have to start training even harder if I'm going to keep up with you!

Also, about sumo lockout, I have the same problem with the hands causing lots of friction. I just end up using baby powder in practice. It's not a great solution, but getting stuck because of friction is lame.

You might also try doing some rack pulls sumo style and see where you start sticking. You might try quickly switching form at the top to more of a stiff-legged deadlift so the bar is slightly farther away from your legs at the top. This is brutal on the back, but can work.

What kinds of bands are you using for sumo and hypers?

Nathan Beckmann said...

Having the hands drag on the thighs is kind of a good sign, too. It means you are keeping the bar close to you. I'd suggest trying baby powder and see if it fixes things before changing your form...

Phil Russell said...

Steve, the easiest way to test the bands is to get a fishing scale (the ones that use a spring). Sporting goods stores should have them. Measuring reverse-band (lightened) is easy, just place the bar in the bands and keep adding weight.

Also, check out OC Strength Club. I think they're relatively close to you. There are some strong dudes there (Mike Tronske totals 1700+ @ 220, Steve Denison totals 1900+ @ 275, etc.)

Jake Ceccarelli said...

Where do you train?

And I agree with Nathan on the comment. Baby powder yourself and drag it up your thighs every time. It's supposed to be close to you.

Nathan Beckmann said...

The bands pull the same resisting or assisting (ignoring the band's weight). Just judge the distance w/ reverse band a translate to normal-bands.

Stephen Hokama said...

Train at LA Fitness. Its whatever, going to look into a nearby powerlifting gym when I get the chance.

Going to get myself some baby powder soon.