Thursday, September 25, 2008

Deadlift + OMNOMNOM

Sumo Deadlift: 205x5
315x3 (rest paused) (PR)

Sumo Rack Pull: 295x5

High Pulls: 115x6
135x5 (snatch grip)
145x4 (snatch grip)

GHR: 6, 6, 8, 8

Banded Decline Abs: purple x 8, 8, 7, 5 + no band to failure

All in all a good session. Despite hand tears, grip was not a problem up until the later sets of Rack pulls. All Deadlifts done double overhand with no chalk (only duct tape on left hand for protection of raw skin - fixes everything).

On my heavy deadlifts I really felt my upper back rounding/chest sinking (ala Konstantinovs). Is this a bad thing?

In the sumo theme, my post workout meal constisted of 3 cups of brown rice, protein smoothie (75g gemma protein + 1lb frozen strawberries), turkey sandwich, and an apple.


Nathan Beckmann said...


You must have a beast of a grip to hit a deadlift PR double overhand. Do you hook-grip?

Some people don't think upper back rounding is a problem. If you don't feel like you're about to get injured, you might get away with it.

Good eating too... suspiciously healthy, though.

Kyle said...

mkay. it didn't feel bad, and it helped me get the weight to lockout better.

as for the grip, those fat bars have really helped my grip. been training all DB work with them about half of the summer. now holding onto the bar really isn't much of a problem.

and as for my eating habits, I just feel better stuffing myself with good food rather than a bunch of pizza and crap. Plus it keeps that cholesterol low :)

Jake Ceccarelli said...

What's in pizza that's so bad? Oil? Cheese? Both of things are perfectly healthy if the right oil/cheese decisions are made. "Bad" foods can still be healthy (most of the time people thing foods are bad because they are calorie dense). Also, fat is not a bad thing to eat and generally "healthy" foods are low-fat and therefore have poor calorie density.

Kyle said...

Sorry about the misleading dietary statement. I know that fat is not bad and that most "crap food" can be turned into a healthy meal (about 30% of my daily calories come from fats like almonds, peanut butter, and eggs).

The things I was referring to were in the dining hall context. If I was going to eat a massive meal at the dining hall, pizza and pastries would not be the best choice for gaining quality mass.

Hamburgers, eggs, chicken breasts, rice, beans, bread, fruits and veggies are pretty much my dining hall staples.