Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Lower Back

Went for a heavy triple today on conventional deadlift.

475 X 2
The first 2 reps were clean. The third one I got up, but I doubt it was clean. I think I hitched it and did some other illegal shit with it.

Box Squats (below parallel):
10 sets of 255lb X 2 reps with 60 second rest between sets. This was pretty tiring.

Seated Good Mornings (with wide stance):
185 X 6
225 X 6
225 X 6
255 X 6
275 X 7
Haven't done these in a while so I don't think my form was too good. Felt like I was working my hamstrings a lot. Also felt it in lower back so I think it served its purpose.

Adductors/Abductors Machines superset with calves:
20-25 reps for each


Nathan Beckmann said...

Shit, is there any way you can stop working out for a little while and let me catch up?

Nathan Beckmann said...

By RAW classification, and conservatively estimating 380/275/480 = 1,135, you are already Class I and well on the way to Master.

Nathan Beckmann said...

Also, by IPF classification, that means you should be lifting ~1300 geared.

Phil Russell said...


A. Good work! Conventional DL FTW

B. You might try keeping the total number of sets for the box squats to 6-8. In the articles and what not, you'll see the Elite guys doing 12 sets, but you have to remember they've built up enormous work capacities over the years and also frequently do box squats in supportive gear (double-ply suit bottoms or briefs, essentially the same thing). So doing box squats in just a belt (or no belt) is much more taxing.

Brent Tanaka said...

Yea, that was the first time I tried a box squat workout like that with really short rest periods and only 2 reps. I'll definitely tweak the workout next time I box squat.