Thursday, September 18, 2008


- Oly
I really like these and they leave me feeling very healthy.
- Hang snatch 44x5, 88x3x5
I did these with as little dip before the pull as possible. Would catch with a half-squat, then go the full squat and back up. I'm feeling pretty good about snatches... Just need more practice keeping the weights light.
Also working on my hook grip, my thumb feels awesome.
- Full snatch 88x2x2
These messed me up a bit and I felt less stable. I can see why some people say to initially pull slowly.
- Clean and jerk 132x2x4
These felt worse than my snatches, actually. I felt like I wasn't cleaning forward, and having to lean forward to clean it up. I also have NO dip on the jerk unless I really concentrate.
- Rehab
- Side kicks on disk
- Single-leg squats on disk
First time doing these on the disk. Didn't feel too bad, I'll keep them up.
- Stretching
- Back arch on ball
- Foam roll IT band
- Seated groin
- Seated glute
- Bent-knee hip flexors
I had switched to the standard hip flexor stretch a few weeks back. My hips felt bad lately, and I really felt them on this stretch. Definitely keeping this one.
- Gastroc on hack squat
Skipped soleus today, some pretzy was using machine.
- Hamstring w/ bar
- Back on cable row
- Adductors on machine

Jake -- do you have tips on the C&J? I really wanted to get a video today but Rene wasn't there. I'll do it next time he's in. I've realized that Jake might be right about me getting into oly. I just like the lifts so much, and theres no depth calls, no press command, etc. -- just fucking lift it. My current theory is I could switch to oly for a few months after raw nationals '09 and do a meet w/ Jake, then switch back. Would be a good break from PL without actually detraining. But it's all talk at this point, I'm still awful at the lifts.

I got my chalk today. I finally understand what Dave and Phil are talking about. One of the blocks will last me a year, and they send you like 10 blocks. For $10. So .... if anyone is near Boston and wants some chalk, let me know.

1 comment:

Nathan Beckmann said...

OK...blogger randomly decided to post this from yesterday, but w/e.

IN OTHER NEWS, operation bloat is proceeding nicely. I weigh ~213.