Saturday, September 20, 2008


- Oly
- Hang snatch 40x3x4, 50x3, 50x2
- Full snatch 50x1x3, 50x0
- Cleans 60x3x3
- Jerks 60x3x2
- Pull-ups BWx5, 25x5, 45x5, 70x3, 25x8
- Pulldown abs 150x10
I showed Rene these, he'd never done them before. He was being a pretzy with 80 lbs, so I showed him how to do them.
- Stretching
All the same as last time, except soleus as usual and...
- Standing adductor
Added these because adductor/hamstring insertion into knee was aggravated.

I've eaten a shit ton today. I woke up and had a snack. Then went to Indian buffet with roomies and had 2.5 plates. Then I had a big meal before lifting. And now I'm about to eat two chicken breasts and half a pack of riceroni. Weight was 210 this morning, 213 after the gym (dehydrated for both, then).

Its COLD here.


I figured I could be cool like Jake and list all my oly weights in kilos. Obviously all these weights are light. I'm just trying to learn the form.

As always, I left the gym today having a bunch of fun and feeling really healthy. It's a bit of a problem that I look forward to my rehab days more than the my Sheiko ones ... that's OK though, the novelty will wear off soon, and it's good to have something to motivate me through the *boring* stretching.

I have to say I've come a long way on the snatch. A month ago, 50 kilos would be quite challenging for me to keep balanced in an overhead squat. I still have a ways to go, but I'm happy that I overcame the first learning curve.

By the way, if you any of you feel that you have too much skin on your thumbs, I've found a great remedy: hook grip hang snatches.

(1) Hang Snatch 40x3
(2) Hang Snatch 50x2+FAIL With all of these, I would hit the set perfectly right before we filmed and then I'd fuck it up on camera. Oh, well. All of the snatches failed just coz of balance, which I guess is expected.
(3) Full Snatch 50x1 Rene said my first few full snatches looked like I wasn't getting any pop through the hips. I did a few that he said were great before filming this one. This one he said was "better" but not as good as the previous ones.
(4) Full Snatch 50x0, we tried again. And I missed it. Maybe the pull through the hips was better on this one, but I fucked it up so w/e.
(5) Cleans 60x4
(6) "Jerk" 60x3 At least what pass for jerks from me. All there is to say is that there's a reason you film these things...

Comments + constructive criticism are appreciated. From everyone, but I mostly care what Jake says.

By the way, Google video >> youtube.


GH said...

Video angle where you can see whats going on >> your video

Nathan Beckmann said...

I did not direct these movies. I was just the star. You need to contact Rene.

How's your training going anyway, Gary?

Jake Ceccarelli said...

I already talked to Nathan about this so I'm summarizing our conversation on his request to have an easy-to-find record of my tips.

One thing you're doing that strong people do with light weight is that you're pulling the weight over your head then squatting down. You need to train dropping all the way down and catching the bar at least below parallel.
Actually your hang snatches are REALLY good other than you pulling them high. I can see you jump backward a little which is good.
And it looks like the bar is close to you

TO train catching the bar lower you basically just have to do it. Don't duck your head though, you need to keep your body upright. You'll lose it forward if you duck.

You should work your way down to the floor for snatches and just do them from different heights all the time, even after you've got the technique.

On your pull your back starts rounded (which can only be fixed with flexiblity) but the problem is your ass shoots up really far so your back ends up almost parallel to the ground. Not necessarily that bad since you're over the bar. The problem is mostly caused by hamstring inflexibility. You need to be able to arch your back and bend over to an RDL position without rounding. Then you need to learn to find the RDL position as you pull from the floor.

If your back was arched I think your form would be fine.

Nathan: "but im just sayin should the bar start coming up when my ass does."

Yes. The angle of your back to the floor should be the same until your legs are totally straight.

Remember to release the hook for hang cleans/snatches, or use straps. I don't like straps for cleans because even my writsts aren't flexible enough (actually though it might be a good idea for increasing wrist flexiblity).

You should be so far over the bar that you're worried that you won't get back far enough for it to clear your body.

Refer to:

And stop it at 10 seconds to see how far he is over the bar.

Ok, on the jerks you're doing 2 things:

1) You're jerking it forward - look at your torso just before you go. It's inclined. It needs to be vertical. That's the main problem.

2) You need to catch the bar over/behind your head. This is related to (1) but is something to always keep in mind.

To split wider in the jerk just split wider, there's no other way to learn that.

Brent Tanaka said...

It's weird seeing you lift on a MIT platform. Also, I like your shoes.