Wednesday, September 2, 2009

9/2 Press

Incline Bench: 165x6, 4

Seated Press: 135x7, 5 PR

OH Pin Press: 135x7, 3, 2 (tired)

Well, today was an interesting day at the gym. Got in feeling kinda tired and started warming up. I hit 6 reps at 165 on the incline, which is ok (more than last week). Then I got to the seated press. It turns out my boxers were a bit too small, so I was fighting against potential castration every single rep. Despite this, I managed to pull out a big all-time PR at 135 though. Win. I was going to do my usual extension crap for triceps, but I figured that they needed more weight (hence the pin press).

Also, where did everyone else go? It seems like only Vit and I are lifting haha


Nathan Beckmann said...

I'm on vacation until next Wednesday.

Kyle said...

Nice. Where are you vacationing?

Nathan Beckmann said...

Lovely Los Angeles.

Kyle said...

Where are Dave, Brent and Jake? Have they fallen off the face of the earth?

Nathan Beckmann said...

I think Jake has been sick?

Dave's laptop has been broken -- maybe that's why?

And Brent has apparently quit the sport.

Jake Ceccarelli said...

I took a week off because my training had been sucking anyway, I was starting to get sick, and I haven't had any time off from training in a really long time. Plus, after discussion with Nathan, it's time to try something new. I wrote a new plan for myself kinda based off of the RTS manual with an Olympic lifting twist.