Wednesday, September 16, 2009

9/16 Bench

Neutral Grip DB Bench: 50x10
80x8, 5

OH Pin Press (eye level, seated, BTN): 95x8
155x3, 2

Pullover (parallel bar, bent arm): 65x12
75x11, 7 PR

Pulldown Abs: 90x20

I tried to do some normal benching, but my right wrist doesnt like that position for some reason, so I did the DB presses. I also lowered the notch for the pin presses as well - that made a huge difference lol, but I felt my shoulders getting into the lift more.

But the star of this workout was easily the pullovers. I feel these in my triceps even more than the Dave-style skullcrushers, but there is no wrist or elbow strain with these. We'll see how well these work over the next few months.


Vit said...

Just curious, I know you've backed off on deadlifts and squats because of your lower back, but is that also why you aren't flat benching?

Kyle said...

No, my right wrist just felt a little funny when I went to bench today. No sense in hurting another thing lol.

Juggernaut, the said...

What kind of pull overs are you doing? I think pull overs primarily work the pecs, lats and serratus, so I'm not sure how triceps factor in. The exercise sounds good though, so post a link or picture if you can.

Kyle said...

Kind of like this, except I find the triceps bar to be a little easier on the wrists while still providing the same stimulation.

Kyle said...

And this is where I got the idea from:

Juggernaut, the said...

still seems like it would be a lot of lats, except for the last part of the extension, but it's worth a shot.

Kyle said...

You would think so, but I feel them in the long head of the tri. We can try 'em out at one of the group session. My triceps are already hurting b/c of them lol.