Saturday, September 26, 2009

Nathan : 9/24 - 9/26

1. 9/26/09 - Sat - BENCH LOCKOUT

Weight: 222 (after gym). Time: 2:00.

  Decided to go early today because it fit my schedule better. I felt really tired and everything felt difficult, even though the weights themselves went up OK (but not great). I'm going to try not to go early in the future.

  No videos today -- battery is dead.

Warm-up on bike 10 mins

Rev band bench w/ purples warm-up, 275x4x3 @ 9, 285x4x3 @9-10

Did 295 for triples last week, so this is OK. Lower back and quads were very tired from all the other work in the week, so my arch felt a little weird. I think it loosened up by the end though.

Floor press warm-up, 225x4x6 @10

I'm really bad at floor press. These were sloooowwwwww, as Frank can attest.

Dips bw+45x6x4

Feeling pretty done by this point. These dips are around 270#, though, so I'm happy.

Pull-ups bw+25x6x3, bwx8

2. 9/25/09 - Fri - DEADLIFT

Weight: ??. Time: 1:30.

  I was working on some paper bullshit and Dee had work to finish up, so we didn't make it to TPS until 1:30 before closing. Made this a very abbreviated workout.

Warm-up on bike 10 mins

Conventional deadlift warm-up, 365x4 @8 (warm-up), 385x4x4 @8, 405x4 @8, 405x4 @9

I tried focusing on arching just the lower back and letting the upper back do whatever. It felt OK, but I don't think it looks much different on the videos.

20090925-conv dead warm up 365x4

20090925-conv dead first set 385x4

20090925-conv dead second set 385x4

20090925-conv dead fifth set 405x4

20090925-conv dead sixth set 405x4

Squat w/ chains warm-up, 275+120x2x6 @9

I was going really fast through these because all of the sets had to be done in 15 mins. I was also feeling very tired (sleepy) at this point for some reason. My eating has been awful lately, I suspect this contributes. But regardless, these sets varied a lot in how easy/hard they were. I got lazy on form on the fifth one and dropped really fast, which I'm trying to avoid this training cycle. Otherwise, success.

Rack pull 2'' below knee


Abs - V-ups


3. 9/24/09 - Thu - CARDIO

Don't remember what happened today, but it was the same shit as always.

Bike - cardio 30 mins

Flexibility - usual

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