Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Ryan Shirted Bench 1/31/12

Bench w/ shirt-
225 raw x1
275 x 4 board, 3 board
295 x 4board, 3board, 3fail board
315 x 3, 3 board
335 x 3, 2 couldn't touch
345 x 3, 2 board
355 x 2 board
315 x 2, 2fail (exhausted)

Chest supported rows x3
Shrugs x3
tricep iso x3
Close Pulldowns x3

Danny Salzetti Deadlift


Suit on

First Attempt

Second Attempt
525x1 (PR)

Then, I did some rack pulls but my back was completely dead

Monday, January 30, 2012

Ryan Deadlift 1/30/12

Deadlift Suited-
445 x1
495 xf (grip gave out)
495 x1
505 x1

Rack Pulls (Straps Up)
445 x3
495 x3
465 x3

Glut Thrusts-
A lot of weight x reps

Hamstring curls

My back is destroyed

Deadlift 1/30/12

Deadlift (suited):
245 x 1
265 x f
265 x f
Couldn't lock either of those out, likely for stupid breathing reasons and not for strength. Will fix that at the meet.

Rack Pulls:
275 x 3 x 5
Failed a handful of these (4 or so) not to locking out, but just getting caught on my thighs and wussing out -_-.

GHRs, Banded Hamstring Curls, Glute Thrusts

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Cool stuff this week

295 x 3
305 x 3 x 2
Last set might've been high. And a note I forgot from last week, I was having trouble with 285 until I tried loosening my belt one notch from where I usually put it. Good to know I'm clearly getting fatter.

190 x 3 x 2
195 x 3

Speed pulls (conventional)
275 x 3 x 8

Dumbbell bench (1 min rest)
70 x 3
75 x 3 x 4

Military press
115 x 5 x 2
120 x 5
125 x 5 (PR?)
Don't like the seated press at 24Hour since the bar is way too far and way to high for me to do it without a liftoff and also I have no friends

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Bench Assistance. Fri. 1/27.


Bench 3x8
115 (@8), 115 (@8), 115 (@8)
-> (elbows feel so-so, maybe I shouldn't even barbell bench twice a week).

Dumbbell Bench 4x12
40dbs (@6), 40dbs (@7-), 40dbs (@8+), 40dbs (@8+)

"Desert Eagle" Shoulder Raises
20dbs x5, 20dbs x5, 12dbs x15, 12dbs x15

Wide-Grip Cable Rows 4x5
120 (@8), 130 (@9+), 120 (@8), 120 (@8)

Close-Grip Lat Pulldown 4x10
130 (@9), 120 (@9), 120 (@9), 120 (@8)

Rear Delt Machine 4x8 (w/ vertical grip)
115 (@8), 115 (@8), 115 (@8), 115 (@8)

Hammer Curls 3x15
15dbs, 15dbs, 15dbs

Romanian High Chair Core Db Raises 4x8
-> all w/ 10db (could have gone heavier)

Deadlift Assistance. Thur. 1/26.

Speed Pulls 6x3
185, 225, 225, 225, 225, 225

Standing Calf Raise Machine 3x20
-> all w/ 20lbs

Hip Adduction Machine 3x10
295 (@10), 265 (@7), 265 (@8)

Hip Abduction Machine 3x10
160 (@10), 130 (@9-), 115 (@8)

Bench Triples. Tues. 1/24.

Bench 3x3
145 (@9), 155 (@10-)x1+->spotter took second rep (I had messed up my flare but I still had the weight) 155 x2 -> just racked it, wasn't feeling this

Pause Bench 3x3 @ (3 sec.)
115 (@8), 125 (@9), 135 (@10)

Pendlay Rows 4x3
135 (@8), 145 (@10-), 145 (@10-), 145 (@10-)

Close-Grip Weighted Pullups 4x5
BW+25lbs, BW+25lbs, BW+25lbs, BW+25lbs

Db Curls 3x12
-> all w/ 15dbs

Squat Triples. Mon. 1/23.

Back Squat 3x3 (belted)
205 (@9-), 205 (@9-), 215 (@9)
-> (squat sessions have just been like a boring march down the same street every monday ... it's been over a year since I hurt my achilles and before then I hit 225x4 on squats ... lately the best I done with 225 is 2 reps ... my form is also horrible ... working on improving it and keeping my torso upright)

Band-Lightened Squat 4x3
-> w/ the big greens
3pes (@7), 3p+15lb.es (@8+), 3.5pes (@9+), 3.5pes (@9+)

Safety Squat Bar Pause Squats 3x3 @ (3 sec.)
+35lbs (@8), +40lbs (@10-), +40lbes (@10-)

Foam Roller Transversus 3x16

Standing Calf Raises 3x10
60lbs (@7), 80lbs (@7), 100lbs (@8+)

Friday, January 27, 2012

Luke 1-27-12 Bench

Bench in Dave's size 48 Inzer Phenom (aka cutter) which fit about how a 42 katana fits, pretty easy to get on and touch in
185 x 4 board, 3 board, 2 board, chest
205 x 3 board, 2 board chest
225 x 1
235 x fail I got good pop off the bottom, but couldn't quite lock it out, more 2 board work...

Seated Dumbbell Shoulder press
50's x 10
55's x 10
60's x 7
65's x 5

I did some rows and pulldowns, but I was feeling really shitty and hungry so I left early... Also I waited over half an hour to start lifting.

Bench Assist. 1/27/12

Band-lightened Bench:
95 x 3 x 2
100 x 3
105 x 3
110 x 2, f
Pink band/same pins; way easier than last week for some reason.

Dumbbell press:
25(2) x 5 x 4

Wide-grip Cable Rows, Close-grip Lat Pulldowns, Reverse Flyes, Biceps, Abs
Could only do a little of the reverse flyes because they really aggravate my shoulder.

Luke 1-26-12 Deadlift assist

Band Resisted Deadlift (bands lift 400 pounds of plates partially off the ground at the top)
135 x 3 x 2
185 x 3 x 4

Low Box Squat
185 x 5
225 x 5

Safety Bar Slight Pause Squat
2 plates per side x 3 x 4

Glute Thrusts
425 x 5 x 2

abs, jumps

Deadlift Assist. 1/26/12

Speed pulls (suited):
135 (1 purple band) x 3 (easy but seems harder than raw)
185 (1 purple band) x 3 (couldn't lock any of these out)
135 (2 purple bands) x 3 (couldn't lock any of these out either)
135 (1 purple band) x 3 x 2

Wide-stance Low Box Squats (suited):
135 x 5
145 x 5
155 x 5 (finally starting to get that speed)
165 x 5 (easiest set of them all)

Box jumps

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Been too long since I've last posted

Hey guys, sorry for my absence from the blog. I have been working out, just forgot to post stuff. Gonna try to be better. As you guys may know, I won't be competing in the Feb meet anymore because I have a job career day and potentially some interviews.


Incline Bench:

accessory work

Luke 1-24-12 Bench

Bench in my katana
225 x 3 board, 2 board, chest
225 x 2
235 x 1 PR slow ass lockout
225 x fail, fail with belt on

2 board in shirt
235 x 3
245 x 3 PR

Ultra Wide Grip Bench
155 x 8 x 3

135 x 5
155 x 5
175 x 5

Close Grip Lat Pulldown chinups grip
200 x 5
stack (250) x 5, 4

Triceps Pushdowns
stack (150) x 15 x 3


Ab Wheel

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Hey guys. Hope school and training is going well for everyone.

I switched to a smaller size super centurion (size 38) which is a wide stance instead of a regular like my old one. The wide stance is a better fit for me now since I have gradually moved my feet out wider. Haven't hit depth with the suit yet, but I have 7 more training weeks until the USPA state meet on March 24th so hopefully it happens before then lol.

Still working technique in the shirt on bench. Not much exciting news to report here.

I switched to sumo style deads recently as I am able to keep my back more upright and in a better position throughout the pull compared to conventional style. Also, using the wide stance super centurion (same as squats), I can get some poundage out of the suit. Here is a video from tonight:

Good luck to everyone competing in the USAPL state meet!

Ryan Bench 1/24/12

Weigh in, 202

Bench Shirt (First time ever)-
275 - 3board
295 - 3board
315 - 3board
335 - 3board, 2board fail
335 - 3 board, 2 board (clean)

Ultra Wide Grip Bench-
135 x8
145 x8x2

Pendlay Rows x3
Tricep Iso x3
Shrugs x3

Bench 1/24/12

Bench (shirted):
115 x 3 board, 2 board, 1 board (fail)
105 x 2 board, 1 board, 1 board (I think, can't remember this part of my workout to the end)
105 x chest (nope), chest (nope), chest (yay, I didn't feel this at all)
105 x chest (nope), chest (yay) (I think that was it)

Cable triceps
Shoulder is messed so nothing else today; GP appt. soon.

Max 1/24 Bench

215x2 =(

Something's wrong and I need to fix it...

Paws Bench
175x3 2 sets
180x3 3 sets

Chest-Supported Bros
135x3 1 set
145x3 4-5 sets (I forgot)

Dips, pull-ups, etc

Squat 1/23/12

Squat (Suited, Straps Up, Knees Wrapped)
1x3 at 375 lbs
1x3 at 395 lbs
1x3 at 405 lbs

Band-Assisted Squat
1x3 at 425 lbs
1x3 at 445 lbs
1x3 at 455 lbs

Safety Squat Bar Pause Squats
3x3 at 225 lbs

Monday, January 23, 2012

Luke 1-23-12 Squat

Squat in suit
405 x 3 @ 8+
425 x 3 @ 9-
445 x 3 @ 10- knees wrapped, high

Band Lightened Squat single greens from top
455 x 3
465 x 3
475 x 3
495 x 3

SS bar pause squat
plate + quarter x 3
2 plate x 3 x 2



Squat 1/23/12

Squat (suited):
185 x f,f,f (I didn't sit back on these and kept stumbling forward)
185 x 3 (almost depth)
205 x 1, f (again, need to sit back)
225 x 1 (not deep enough, but sat back at least)
185 x 3
Triples obviously didn't happen today, but I'm getting more used to the suit. It feels like nothing will ever get me used to the knee wraps though -_-

Band-lightened Squat
185 x 3
195 x 3
215 x 3
Purple bands.

Safety Squat Bar Pause Squats
bar x 3
bar + 15 x 3
bar + 25 x 3

Ryan Squat 1/23/12

Weight in at 200lb. 220 by Feb 23.

Squat (first day with suit)
315 x3 x2
345 x1
365 x1+f (lost tightness, straps up)
365 x3 (i'm sure all were high)

Band Assisted-
425 x3x2
445 x3
465 x1+F

SSBar Pause Squat-
205 x3
225 x3x2

Good Girlsx3

Bench Assist. Fri/Sat. 1/20-1/21.


Band-Lightened Bench 5x3
155 (@8), 165 (@9), 175 (@10), 165 (@10-)
-> w/ purples (doubled)

Standing Press 4x5
65 (@8), 75 (@9+), 75 (@9+), 75 (@9+)

Cable Flys 4x10
35lbs (@7), 50lbs (@9), 50lbs (@9+), 45lbs (@9+)


Wide-Grip Cable Rows 4x5
130 (@9+), 130 (@9+), 130 (@9+), 130 (@9+)

Close-Grip Lat Pulldowns 4x5
170 (@9+), 170 (@9+), 170 (@9+), 170 (@9+)

Rear Delt Fly Machine 4x10 (vertical grip)
85 (@7), 100 (@9), 115 (@10), 115 (@10)

Hammer Curls
30dbs x7, 30dbs x6

Preacher Curls (outer open grip) 2x6
50lbs, 50lbs

EYH Bads (wrist extensors)
-> greens x20 reps, yellows x10 reps, yellows x10 reps

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Bench Assist. 1/21/12

Band-lightened Bench:
85 x 3
95 x 3 x 2
100 x fail (not sure what happened here but this was impossible for some reason)
95 x 3 x 2
All with pink band.

45 x 5 x 5

55 x 8 x 3

Wide-grip cable rows, close-grip lat pulldowns

Friday, January 20, 2012

Squat. Mon. 1/16.

Back Squat 3x5 (belted)
185 (@8), 195 (@9), 205 (@10-)
-> (working on staying upright)

Band-Lightened Squats 4x3
-> all w/ purples (singled)
275 (@9), 275 (@9), 275 (@9), 275 (@9)
-> (focusing on straight torso w/ "chest to chin")

Safety Squat Bar Pause Squats 5x3 @ (3 sec.)
+1pes (@10), +40lbes (@10), +35lbes (@9), +35lbes (@9), +40lbes (@9+)

Hyperextensions 3x30 BW

Hip Adduction Machine 4x30
40lbs (very easy), 85lbs (easy), 130lbs (medium), 175lbs (tough)

Aerobics Ball Transversus Crunches 4x12
57.5lb (@8), 57.5lb (@9), 57.5lb (@8+), 62.5lb (+ 10 sec.) hold (@10)

Bench Assist. Fri. 1/13.

Band-Resisted Bench 9x3
-> all w/ minis (red)
95, 105, 115, 115, 125, 125, 135, 145, 135

3-Board Bench 4x3
155 (@8), 165 (@9+), 170 (@10-), 175 (@10-)

Shoulder Press 3x8
65, 65, 70

Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown 4x8
120x8, 120x8, 120x8, 110x8

Cable Rows (med. grip) 4x8
140x5, 110x8, 110x8, 110x8

Shrug Machine (facing in)
3pes x16, 3.5pes x10, 3.5pes x10, 3pes x ?

Db Bicep Curls 3x8
-> all w/ 25dbs

Deadlift Assistance. Thur. 1/12/12.

Speed Pulls 8x3 (no belt)
225, 245, 245, 245, 245, 265, 265, 245

Box Squats 5x5 (belted)
135 (@9), 135 (@9), 135 (@9), 135 (@9), 135 (@9)
-> focusing on squatting straight up

Lunges 3x10
95 (@8), 95(@8), 95 (@8)

Reverse GHR Sit-Ups
-> all w/ green medicine ball behind head
7 reps, 8 reps, 10 reps

Free Motion Seated Calf Press
100x10ea, 160x10ea, 160x10ea, 100x10ea

Luke 1-20-12 Bench ASST

Band Lightened Bench (blacks from 6, took off nothing from 4 board+ and about 70-80 at the bottom)
225 x 3
245 x 3
255 x 3 x 3 @ 10

Seated Military Press
95 x 5
115 x 5
125 x 5 @ 9

135 x 10
145 x 10 x 2 @ 8-, 8

Wide Grip Cable Row
160 x 8
180 x 8 x 2

Close Grip Lat Pulldown
180 x 6
200 x 6
220 x 6

Band Pull Aparts


Decline Situps
BW x 12
BW +10 x 6

Deadlift 1/19/12

Deadlift (suited):
245 x 1 x 3
255 x 1 x 2 (last one hitched...getting stuck on my thighs)
I'm having a hard time getting down in the suit so all of these singles were pulled off of 35 plates. Right shoulder is messed so couldn't do rack pulls.

Banded Hyperextensions, GHRs, Glute Thrusts

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Luke 1-19-12 Deadlift


405 x 3 @ 8+
445 x 3 @ 9+ PR

Rack Pulls from lowest pin in rack
405 x 3
425 x 3
445 x 3
465 x 3

GHR the new machine feels much better
BW x 10 x 3

Floor Sweeper Abs
3 sets

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Luke Bench 1-17-12

used Greg's 42 super Katana... still suck at shirt

205 x 3board, 2 board, chest
225 x 2 board, chest x 2 PR
225 x fail

2 board press
195 x 3
205 x 3
215 x 3

ultra wide grip bench
135 x 10
155 x 8
165 x 8

Pendlay Rows
185 x 3 x 2

Weighted Chin Ups
BW + 45 x 5
BW + 90 x 4
BW + 70 x 5



Max 1/17 Bench

200x5 2 sets
They said I could've hit 205, but I REALLY doubt it.

Paws Bench
185x2 failed 3rd
175x3 2 sets

Chest-Supported Bros
145x3 3 sets

Other stuff

Squat 1/16/12

Squat (Straps Down, Knees Wrapped)
1x5 at 345 lbs
2x5 at 375 lbs

Band-Lightened Squat
1x3 at 315 lbs
1x3 at 365 lbs
1x3 at 405 lbs
1x3 at 425 lbs
1x3 at 455 lbs

Safety-Squat Bar Pause Squats
1x3 at 175 lbs
2x3 at 225 lbs

Luke 1-16-12 Squat

no suit today. felt amazingly shitty today. went hard last night on the keg.

315 x 5 @ 8
345 x 5 @ 9+
375 x 5 @ 10- ties PR

Band Lightened Squat greens
455 x 3
475 x 3 x 3

Safety Pause Squats
1 plate x 3
1 plate + quarter x 3
2 plates x 3 @ 10+


Monday, January 16, 2012

Squat 1/16/12

Squat (suited):
155 x 5
165 x 5
175 x 5 (B+ knees)
All of these were low but mostly not at depth (did hit depth at the end of the second set). 175 (raw 1 RM) was so painful that I couldn't concentrate on anything but getting through it so I wasn't paying attention to sinking it, but overall the weight felt easy.

Band-lightened squats:
185 x 3
195 x 3
205 x 3
215 x 3

Pause squats:
135 x 3

Saturday, January 14, 2012

I don't like this pattern of mine

295 x 3 x 2 @ 9+
305 x 3 @ 9+
325 x 1 @ -10
335 x f

185 x 3 @ 9
190 x 3 x 2 @ 9
205 x 1 @ 9+
215 x f

Speed pulls
275 x 3 x 12
No bands so I went with ~60-65% of what my 1RM is and pulled hard and fast

Dumbbell bench
65 x 3 x 6
70 x 3 x 6
at most 60 seconds of rest in between

Marx 1/13/12 Bernch

Barnd-Resisterd Bernch
185x3 4 serts

3-Broard Prerss
245x3 3 sets

Wride-Grirp Lart Pulldrown
180x5 3 serts

Shourlder Prerss, Currrls

Friday, January 13, 2012

Bench Assist. 1/13/12

Band-resisted bench:
weighted orange bands x 3 x 2
It was way too much of a hassle to switch bands so I only did a couple sets of these and focused on shirted 3-board.

3-board (shirted):
95 x 3
105 x 3
115 x 3
125 x 3

45 x 7 x 3

Cable Rows, Wide-grip Lat Pulldowns, Shrugs

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Luke 1-12-12 Dead Asst

Green Band Resisted speed pulls with my creative setup
135 x 3 x 6
185 x 3

Low Wide Box Squats
225 x 5
255 x 5
275 x 5 x 3

Glute Thrusts
425 x 5

Abs Floor Sweepers

Box Jumps

Deadlift Assist. 1/12/12

First time in the squat suit.

Speed pulls:
Tried to get a couple of these but couldn't lock out, but I'm not sure that I've ever been able to do plate + purple bands.

Box squats:
135 x 5 (medium-high box)
135 x 5 x 2 (bench)
135 x 5 x 2 (low box)

Glute thrusts
245 x 6 x 4

Box jumps

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Luke 1-10-12 Bench

185 x 3 @ 8+
195 x 3 @ 9-
205 x 3 @ 10
215 x 1 @ 10-
215 x 1 @ 10-

Incline Bench
135 x 5
155 x 5
165 x 5 x 3

Chest Supported Rows
3 plates x 6 x 3

Neutral Grip Pull ups
BW + 30 x 10, 8, 10

Skull Crushers
70 x 10
80 x 10
70 x 10


Ab Wheel

Bench 1/10/12

First shirt day. Holy crap, ow.

Bench (shirted):
75 x 3 (4 board)
75 x 3 (4, 4, 3 board, didn't hit the last board)
80 x 3 (4, 3, 3 board, can't remember how this set went)
95 x 3 (3, 2, 2 board)
100 x 3 (3, 3, 2 board, last one really solid)

I have the gnarliest/awesome-ist welts from the shirt. Pulling the bar down is really difficult but once it's down it pops back up like nothing...1 plate bench here I come :D

Incline Bench:
55 x 5 x 3
60 x 5

Chin-ups, skullcrushers

Mx 1/10 Bnch

Bnch Prss

215x1 wth wrst wrps
225x1 wtht

ncln Bnch
mvd grp n bt
165x5 3 sts

Chst-Spprtd Rws
135x5 3 sts


Bench 1/10/12

Bench (Shirted)
1x3 at 225 lbs (3-Board)
1x2 at 245 lbs (3-Board, 2-Board)
1x3 at 245 lbs (3-Board)
2x1 at 235 lbs (1-Board)

Bench Triples and Singles. Tues. 1/10/12.

Bench 3x3, 2x1
145x3 (@8), 155x3 (@10-), 155x3 (@10),
165x1 (@10), 165x1 (@10)

Incline Bench 4x5
115 (@8), 115 (@8+), 125x4+f -> (stopped on the last rep because I flared too wise and my right shoulder just felt off - didn't want to risk anything so I also skipped the last set)

Semi-Bent Over Rows
95x15, 135x5, 95x15, 135x5

BWx10, BWx8, BWx9, BWx10

Weighted Dips 3x4
BW+35lbs, BW+35lbs x3+f, BW+25lbs x3+f

Db Bicep Curls 3x6
-> all w/ 27.5 dbs

Squat Triples and Singles. Mon. 1/9/12.

Back Squat 3x3, 2x1 (belted)
205x3 (@8+), 215x3 (@9-), 215x3 (@9),
235x1 (@9), 255xf -> (I had that squat!! However, I didn't drive my legs enough while focusing so much on staying semi-upright and then I still caved in and my torso flopped so I lost my chance of squatting the weight further up)
-> (the weight was do-able though - and it didn't feel heavy on my back - just a technical mistake)

Good Mornings Off Pins 5x5 (belted)
225 (@8), 245 (@9-), 245 (@9), 245 (@9), 245 (@9)
-> (w/ pins at squat rack level #10)

Hyperextension Machine (in courtyard) 4x8
-> all @ 35lbs, keeping explosive

Reverse GHR Sit-Ups 3x8
BW+10lbs, BW+10lbs, BW+10lbs

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Luke 1-9-12 Squat

First time back in gear since meet

405 x 3 @ 9-
415 x 3 @ 10-
435 x 3 @ 10- knees wrapped
455 x 1 @ 10 I think I can go heavier, but I always feel shitty by this point

GMOPS pin 10? decent ROM
225 x 5
275 x 5
315 x 5
335 x 5

Band Resisted SS bar box squats
45's x fail, x 1

Leg Press


Luke 1-8-12 Bench Asst

Pause Dumbbell Bench
up to 75's x 5

Dumbbell Shoulder Press
50's x 10 x 3

Wide Grip Lat Pulldown

Cable Rows



Squat 1/09/12

Squat (Straps Up)
1x3 at 345 lbs
1x2 at 375 lbs
1x3 at 375 lbs (knees wrapped)
1x1 at 405 lbs (knees wrapped)
1x1 at 415 lbs (knees wrapped)

Good Mornings Off Pins
5x5 at 245 lbs

Transversus Abs

Squat 1/9/12

135 x 3 x 2
145 x 3
165 x 1 x 2

Good Morning Off Pins:
155 x 5 x 2
165 x 5
175 x 5 x 2

Had to leave early for TA prep stuff.

Squat Monday 01-09-11

225 X 3
245 x 3
255 x 2 + fail

265 x 1 @10-
265 x 1 @8+

185 x 5
225 x 5
205 x 5, 5

Safety Bar Box Squat
135 x 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 ,3

Heavy Walkout


Sunday, January 8, 2012

Heavy Rack Pulls (doubles) and some bench assistance. Fri. 1/6/12.

Sumo Rack Pulls 3x2 (belted)
365 (@8), 385 (@9+), 405 (@10)!!!!
-> (I was incredibly happy to hit 405!!! My PR for this is 405x3 ... my grip was slippping a little while putting down the second rep but I felt good).
-> (pins were 1-2 inches below my knees)

Good Mornings Off Pins 3x4 (belted)
225 (@9), 225 (@9), 245 (@10)

**** (came back to the gym later at night for some bench assistance work) ****

Incline Bench
125x5 (@9) -> my left collar bone area was hurting so I just stopped, I didn't want to risk anything

Close-Grip Lat Pulldowns
120x12, 180x6

Iso-Lateral High Row Machine
1.5 pes x 15, 1.5 pes x 15

**** (gym closed & I ran out of time) ****

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Bench Assist. 1/7/12

Band-resisted Bench:
45 x 3 x 9 (orange bands off dumbbells)

95 x 3 x 4

Seated Overhead Press:
45 x 5, 6
45 x 6 (band-lightened a la Dave :P)
35 x 6

Lat pulldowns, Cable Rows, Shrugs, Biceps Biceps Biceps, Abs

Friday, January 6, 2012

Winter Break Update

In Boston I was training with Big Mike (coach of the northeastern team and founder of iron revolution) along with some of the team members of NU and iron rev.  I had a great time and learned a lot about gear.  Without even seeing your gear I can now tell you it's not tight enough -- it never is.

Notable PRs...

441 lbs (used THP knee wraps instead of my own. they're stiffer and felt better)

299 lbs

Bench Assistance 1/06/12

1x3 at 315 lbs
1x5 at 315 lbs
1x3 at 335 lbs

Rack Pulls
1x3 at 315 lbs
1x3 at 335 lbs
1x3 at 355 lbs
1x3 at 375 lbs

Glute Thrusts
2x8 at 315 lbs
1x8 at 335 lbs

Glute Ham Raises

Transversus-Focused Abs
3 sets

Deadlift 1/6/12

Yaaaaaay it's so great to be back :> I missed everybody!

185 x 5
205 x 5
A little light, but I was groggy from a nap.

Rack pulls:
185 x 3
225 x 3 x 3

Glute thrusts:
185 x 8
225 x 8
245 x 8
265 x 8
(Everything about these with the team makes me giggle).

GHRs, abs

Luke 1-6-12 Deadlift

First time deadlifting since hurting my back after the meet

365 x 5 @ 9+
385 x 5 @ 10/10+ uhg felt super shitty. I've lost strength in every lift

Rack Pulls
405 x 3, 3 with straps, 1 these felt really shitty. I'm not accustomed to the heavier weights and I was afraid to go heavy cuz my back.

Hamstring Curls
Leg Extensions

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Luke 1-4-12 Bench

185 x 5 x 5 @ 10-
I have regressed in strength. Maybe this is due to my tiredness recently. My body weight is up a little bit too. I just feel like shit whenever I try to lift heavy.

Incline Dumbbell
60's x 8
70's x 8 x 2 with some assistance

Bent Over Rows
205 x 6
225 x 6
245 x 6
265 x 6

Triceps Pushdowns
150 x 15, 15, 12

Weighted Chin Ups
BW + 45 x 10, 7, 5

Ab Roller

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I was waiting for the PDF

Now that we have an official workout for the new cycle I wanted to return to using the blog. Nothing interesting happened in the month of doing screw around workouts except for a lot of cleans, culminating in
175 x 1 x 2 (PR)

And now for the split
275 x 5 x 5
Not feeling it

315 x 5 x 5

(Extra) Low box squats
225 x 3 x 6
Minimized rest time between sets for these

175 x 5 x 2
180 x 4
175 x 5
175 x 4
I'll attribute this to doing shoulder stuff on Sunday

Incline bench
145 x 5 x 4

Bent over row
185 x 5 x 2
195 x 5 x 2

Chin ups
BW x 15 x 2
BW x 12 x 2

Skullcrushers and cable flyes

Bench 1/04/12

Bench Press
5x5 at 155 lbs

Dumbbell Bench
4x5 at 50 lbs per arm

Bent-Over Rows
4x5 at 185 lbs


1x8 at 65 lbs
1x6 at 65 lbs
1x5 at 65 lbs
1x8 at 55 lbs

Cable Flies
3x10 at 50 lbs

Luke 1-3-12 Squat

Squatted Raw because I'm still at home. I felt super tired today, fell asleep like 3 times before workout, and I had zero motivation.

315 x 5
325 x 5
335 x 6 @ 8 I wanted to do 10, but the bar slipped down too far. A lot of my reps were high.

squat walkouts
435 x 3

up to 275 x 6


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Lower Body Progress

Hey guys,

Happy New Years to all of you! Just thought I'd post up some recent PRs. I finally hit a deadlift PR since my scalene injury from February. Also, I've been walking around 201lbs BW so I'm filling out my weight class (no longer doing a paleo diet).

495lbs SSBar Box Squat (straps down)

565lbs (not 555lb) Conventional Deadlift

Congrats to everyone that has qualified for nationals so far. I hope more people qualify after the Feb meet.

Take care,

The Miz

Squat 1/03/12

Squat (Suited, Straps Down)
1x5 at 275 lbs

Squat (Suited, Straps Down, Knees Wrapped)
1x5 at 315 lbs
1x5 at 335 lbs
1x5 at 355 lbs
1x5 at 345 lbs

Good Mornings Off Pins
1x5 at 225 lbs
1x5 at 245 lbs
1x5 at 265 lbs
1x5 at 255 lbs

Safety Squat Bar Box Squats
1x3 at 175 lbs
1x3 at 195 lbs
2x3 at 205 lbs
1x3 at 215 lbs
1x3 at 225 lbs

Walk-Outs (10 seconds)
1 at 395
1 at 365

Bench Doubles. Tues. 1/3/2012.

Bench 4x2
145 (@8), 155 (@9-), 165 (@10-), 165 (@9+)
-> (for most of this past quarter, 165 has been tough for me when just hitting singles so it was good to knock out some doubles with this weight!! -seasonal PR).

Floor Press 4x4
135 (@8), 145 (@9+), 145 (@10-), 145 (@10)

Dumbbell Bench 4x8
45dbs (@8), 50dbs (@9+), 55dbs (@10), 50dbs (@9)

Cable Rows (medium grip)
120x12, 160x6, 120x12, 160x6

Rear Delt Fly Machine 3x12
-> all w/ 10lb.es.

EYH Bands (wrist extensors) 3x20
-> all w/ white bands (easiest level)

Monday, January 2, 2012

Squat Doubles. Mon. 1-02-2012.

Back Squat 4x2 (belted)
205 (@8+), 215 (@9), 215 (@9), 225 (@10)

Box Squat 4x4 (belted)
145 (@8+), 155 (@9), 165 (@9+), 170 (@10-)

Form Focus Squats 4x8 (belted)
115 (@7), 135 (@9), 115 (@7), 115 (@7)

Standing Calf Raises 3x15
-> standing on a 1 inch wooden board and using shrug machine
1 pes, 1 pes, 1 pes

Rotary Torso Machine (core) 3x12
80, 80, 80

Bench Assist. Fri. 12/30/11.

Incline Bench 4x5
115 (@8), 125 (@9), 135 (@10)->P.R.!!!!, 120 (@8+)

Weighted Dips 4x3
BW+25lb (@7), BW+35lb (@9-), BW+45lb (@10)-> P.R.!!!!, BW+35lb (@9)

Cable Flys 3x12
100, 100, 100

Lat Pulldowns (close-grip)
200x6->P.R.!!!!! (this was the whole stack at my local gym)!!!,

Dynamic Shrugs (on shrug machine)
4pes x20, 3pes x40, 3.5pes x25, 2.5pes x44

Iso-Lateral High Row Machine
1.5pes x12, 2pes x10, 1.5pes x12, 2p+10lb.es x6
-> (all very explosive with good control)

Bicep Curls 3x10
25dbs, 25dbs, 25dbs

EYH Bands (wrist extensors) 3x12
-> all w/ white bands (easiest level)

Deadlift Assistance. Thur. 12/29.

Sumo Rack Pulls 4x4 (belted)
315 (@7+), 335 (@8+), 355 (@9), 365 (@10)

Good Mornings Off Pins 4x2 (belted)
-> (w/ pins at the 11th hole of the squat rack at my local gym)
225 (@8+), 245 (@9), 265 (@9+), 275 (@9+)
-> (last 2 sets were kind of a semi-squat/GMOP)

Standing Calf Raises 3x20
-> all BW

Weighted Sit-Ups
25dbx5f, 10dbx9, 10dbx6+f
->(w/ 20 seconds rest between sets, gym closed early. I ran out of time.)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Deadlift 12/30/11

235 x 3
Worked up to a medium triple after being off for a week.

Good mornings:
145 x 5 x 4

Learned to snatch, woo :)! Was too tired to set a max with weight but I look forward to practicing.