Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Bench 3

295 x 3 @ 9
315 x 2 + 1f, ughasodjhashgagsf

That long press call kills me. Bagged it after 2 sets to work on pausing more.

Pause Bench:
275 x 1 + 3 @ 3 seconds (greg called out press right away on the first one, which was pretty funny)
285 x 3 @ 3 (+10 PR)
285 x 3 @ 3 harrrd
275 x 3 @ 3

I'm making progress on these, but man, i gotta get my off-chest strength up for the meet...

Däs SküllenKrüshürs:
130 x 12
160 x 10, 8, 8

Lat Pull Down:
stack x 15, 10, 15

Did some shrugs, hammer curls, and ghr abs

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