Sunday, February 20, 2011

2-19-11 Meet Writeup

Division: 181 Men's Junior (equipped)
Weight: 81.0 kg (178.2 lbs)
396 lbs - good/3 whites
418 - no lift/3 reds
418 - good/ 2 whites 1 red

253 - no lift/3 reds
253 - good/2 whites 1 red
265 - no lift/3 reds
(7 reds on bench - PR lol)

402 - good/3 whites
435 - good/3 whites
473 - no lift/3 reds

Total - 1107.5 lbs/502.5 kg (+49lb PR)

Well, I didn't reach the 1145 qualifying total that I was gunning for but I still think it was a good meet overall. Weight loss definitely made my gear fit less tight since even after eating/drinking during the day I was still about 10-12 lbs below the bodyweight that I trained at for the meet. I am glad I was able to grind out that last squat and basically all 3 bench presses despite the gear not fitting right. As for deadlifts, I was able to get 473 lb to my knees and had the same sticking point that I desperately need to work on. I look forward to focusing on raw strength for a while now since these past 6 months have been centered around geared lifting for me. Finally I'd like to thank everyone who came to support us/help out and send a congratulations out to all the guys who competed. Couldn't have not bombed out without you guys lol.

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