Wednesday, February 29, 2012

2/28/12 Squat + Bench

Squat w/pink Bands:
315 x 5 @7+
325 x 5 @8+
335 x 5 @9+
345 x 5 @10
315 x 5 @8+
Pause Squat:
275 x 3
285 x 3
295 x 3

165 x 5 @ 9
165 x 5 @ 9-
175 x 5 @ 10
165 x 5 @ 9-
165 x 5 @ 9-
2-Board Press:
195 x 3
205 x 2 (Didn't go for the third)
195 x 1 (Gassed? Lost tightness)
185 x 3
Dumbbell Bench:
55 x 8
60 x 8
65 x 5
65 x 7
Pull Overs:
90 x 10
100 x 10 x 2
115 x 10 x 3

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Bench 2/28/12

65 x 5
70 x 5 x 3
75 x 5 (5 lb PR)

Shirted 3-board:
125 x
135 x 2 x 2 (woo 1 plate)

Dumbbell Press:
20 (2) x 8 x 4

Pullovers, Reverse Flys

Squat 2/27/12

155 x 5 x 2
165 x 5
175 x 5
185 x 3 (failed on 4th from instability)

Heavy Walkouts:
225 x 1
235 x 1
245 x 1

Band-Resisted SSB:
bar + 15 x 3 (for some reason i thought we were doing x 3)
bar + 15 x 5 x 2

Hamstring Curls

Luke 2-28-12 Bench

175 x 5 @ 8
185 x 5 @ 8+
195 x 5 x 3 @ 10-

Shirted 3 Board
225 x 3
245 x 3
265 x 3 belted
275 x fail belted, idk what happened, but I had no tightness in the shirt
my left elbow and bicep started hurting after this so I skipped the dumbbell press

4 sets up to 4 plates x 10

Reverse Flyes
115 x 12 x 3 on machine

Weighted Crunch Bench
30 x 20, 15
40 x 15

Max 2/28 Bench

205x5 4 sets, failed the last rep =(

Paws Bench
185x3 2 sets
185x2 2 sets =((

Cable Rows
190x5 4 sets

Ahnold Press
40x8, 7, 6, 7

Preacher Curls
65x8, 8, 7, 6

Luke 2-27-12 Squat

Squat with straps down (Peter's 34 super centurion)
365 x 5
375 x 5
385 x 5
405 x 5 @ 9 light self knee wrap
415 x 5 @ 9 PR light self knee wrap

Walkouts @ 10 seconds
475, 495, 515

Band Resisted SSB Squat
155 + reds x 5
165 + reds x 5
165 + reds + blacks x 5
205 + blacks x 5

Leg Press
up to 6 plates x 10

superset with hamstring curls

foam roller transversus

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Max Effort Elevated Deadlift. Fri. 2/24.

Max Effort Elevated Deadlifts 3x1
-> (standing above floor level with a standard 45lb plate under each foot, feet were ~1.5 inches above platform while weight rested on the platform)
315 (@9), 345 (@10), 335 (@9+)

Good Mornings 4x5
135 (@8), 145 (@8+), 155 (@9), 165 (@10-)

D.E. Box Squats 8x2
first set @ 115, sets 2-8 all @ 135

Standing Calf Raises Machine 3x10
60 (@6), 100 (@8), 120 (@10)
-> (achilles don't feel great but also don't hurt)

Friday, February 24, 2012

Bench Assist. 2/24/12

50 x 5
55 x 3 (was going for 5, nope)
50 x 5
55 x 3

Triceps Death:
55 x 1
50 x 2

T-Bar Rows, Chinups, Cable Flyes, Biceps

Deadlift 2/23/12

Good Mornings:
155 x 5 x 2
165 x 5 x 2
175 x 5

135 x 5 x 3

Glute Thrusts:
245 x 5
225 x 5 x 2

GHRs, Box Jumps, Abs

Luke 2-24-12 Bench Assist

Close Grip Bench
175 x 5
185 x 5 x 2 closer than last week

Triceps Death
155 x chest, 10, 2, 3, 4 PR?
135 x same

Chest Supported Rows




Luke 2-23-12 Deady

275 x 5
315 x 5
335 x 5
365 x 5

275 x 5
315 x 5 x 2 second set felt much easier as I kept my upper back tighter

Glute Thrusts
up to 445 x 6

Box jumps


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Building up my power levels

Last time on Dragonball Z
285 x 5
295 x 5 x 2
Sidenote: pretty sure I gave myself whiplash when doing cleans for this week

185 x 5
190 x 5 x 2

Deadlift (conventional)
355 x 5 x 2

This week on Dragonball Z
295 x 3
305 x 3 x 3

Front squat
175 x 5 x 4
185 x 5 x 2

machine accessories

that anti rotation thing
I don't think I did it right because I had no trouble getting out of bed or moving the next day

190 x 3 x 3
195 x 3

Floor press
175 x 5 x 3
185 x 5 x 2
pendlay row superset
175 x 5 x 5

Dumbbell triceps extensions
25 x 10 x 4

Chin ups
BW x 15 x 2
BW x 12 x 2

Bench 2/21/12

65 x 5
70 x 5 x 2

Floor Press:
75 x 5 x 5

Pendlay Rows:
85 x 5 x 5

Triceps, Chinups

Bench Assist. 2/17/12

Close-grip Bench:
65? x 5 x 4

Triceps death:
45 x 1
50 x 1 x 2

T-bar Rows, Cable Flyes, Chinups

Luke 2-21-12 Mardi Gras Bench

185 x 3 @ 7
205 x 3 @ 9-
215 x 2+fail I thought I would have had this, the first 2 felt easy. 215 x 3 was my PR over summer
205 x 3 @ 10-

Floor Press
185 x 5
205 x 5 x 2
215 x 5 PR

135 x 5
155 x 5
175 x 5
185 x 5

Neutral Grip Pull Ups
BW x 22, 15, 12

Incline Skullcrushers
70 x 12
90 x 10 x 2

Ab Wheel

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Max 2/21 Bench


Didn't go for the last rep on the last two.

Floor Press
185x5 some sets

Chest-Supported Bros
135 3x5, 145x5

Triceps, chinups, burrito.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Luke 2-20-12 Squat

Squat in Peter's size 34 super centurion regular stance
365 x 3 straps down
405 x 3 @ 8-
435 x 3 knees wrapped @ 8
455 x 1+ fail lost balance, definitely could have hit 3 reps tho, would have been PR

Front Squat
135 x 5
155 x 5
175 x 5
185 x 5
195 x 5

Leg Press
Hamstring Curl
Ab rotation strap thing

USPA West Coast Open 2/18/2012

Hey guys,

So I did my 3rd meet with Diablo Barbell on Saturday. This was my 3rd meet in 5 months. (Ted believes me and the other new guy should compete as much as often as we can). I was aiming high for a 1600 total but only got 1503.

Weight Class: 198
BW: 197

1st attempt - 573 - 2 Reds No Lift (You could see how loose I was at the bottom, too much time between last warm-up and first attempt)

2nd attempt - 573 - 3 Whites (got xtra low)

3rd attempt - 600 - No lift; I was coming up nicely out of the hole but couldn't lock it out. This pissed me off bc I hit 595 in the gym without knee wraps. Oh well...

Here's 595 in the gym with no knee wraps:

1st attempt - 363 - 3 Whites
2nd attempt - 385 - 3 Reds; butt came off
3rd attempt - 385 - 3 Whites; butt stayed on :)

Deadlift (conventional)
1st attempt - 545 - 3 Whites
2nd attempt - 562 - 3 reds; Couldn't lock it
3rd attempt - Ted pulled me off the platform bc I almost passed out from my 2nd attempt. Didn't take my 3rd.

Total: 1503 (previous meet in Dec was 1432). Vids to come

Congrats to those going to Nationals and to those that hit new PRs! Hope you guys are doing well!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Luke 2-17-12 Bench assist

Close Grip Bench
165 x 5
175 x 5
185 x 5 x 2 @ 10- PR

Triceps Death
135 x all
145 x all
135 x 2 extra reps on last board

Chest Supported Rows

BW x 10 x 3

Tri and Bis baby


Max Effort 1-Board Press. Sat. 2/18.

1-Board Press 3x1
-> (using a 10lb plate as a substitute for a 1-board)
155 (@8+), 165 (@9+), 170 (@10-)

Decline Bench 3x5
155 (@8+), 155 (@8+), 165 (@10)-> P.R.!!!

Seated Row Machine 3x10
-> (w/ medium, horizontal grip)
70 (@8), 85 (@9), 85 (@9)

Seated Row Machine 3x6
-> (w/ medium, open grip)
100 (@8+), 100 (@8+), 115 (@9+)

Db Bicep Curls 2x8
25dbs (@8), 25dbs (@8)

Weighted Sit-Ups (on a bench)
-> (holding weight behind head)
15db x5, 15db x7

Friday, February 17, 2012

Max Effort Band-Resisted Box Squat. Fri. 2/17.

M.E. Band-Resisted Box Squat 4x1
-> w/ purples (singled)
165 (@8), 185 (@9), 205 (@10-)->P.R.!!!, 215xf ->(torso not upright enough, caved over).

Good Mornings 3x5 (belted)
135 (@8), 135 (@9), 135 (@9)

D.E. Box Squats 8x2 (no belt)
-> all w/ 115

Standing Calf Raise Machine 2x20
20 lbs, 20 lbs
-> (kept very light, achilles felt so-so)

Deadlift Assistance 2/16/12

Stiff-Legged Deadlift:
175 x 3 (fail, still wrecked from the meet)
155 x 5 x 2

Zercher Squat:
85 x 5
95 x 5 x 4

Banded hyperextensions, hamstring curls

Bench 2/14/12

65 x 5
70 x 5
65 x 5

Floor Press:
65 x 5
75 x 5 x 3
85 x 3 (fail)

Pendlay Rows:
65 x 5
85 x 5 x 4

Lat pulldowns

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Luke 2-16-12 Deadlift

Deadlift in suit
365 x 5 @ 7
415 x 4+plates fell off @ 9- PR
435 x 5 @ 10+ PR of 30 pounds. The last rep was locked out, but I couldn't really hold it, nothing baby powder and chalk can't fix.

Zercher Squats
185 x 8
205 x 8
225 x 6 uhg these feel shitty, I know I can heavier, but shit

BW x 12 x 4


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Luke 2-14-12 Bench

I hurt my back on sunday because my roommate stood on it to hang up a decoration... so I skipped squats. My calf/ leg is feeling mostly better from when Ryan wrapped it and my back feels better today.

185 x 5 @ 8+
195 x 5 @ 9+
195 x 5 @ 10

Floor Press
185 x 5 x 2
195 x 5
205 x 5 @ 10- PR

135 x 5 x 2
155 x 5
185 x 5

Lat Pulldowns
160 x 8
230 x 6
250 x Ro


Car Pushing

Ryan Squat 2/13/12

Really focused on keeping my knees out and chest up, so I widened my stance significantly and flared my feet. This helped a lot with keeping my knees out and chest up, but was much more difficult to hit depth, and was also more difficult to squat.
245 x5 @8
265 x5 @9
All my lifts were either at, or only slightly below parallel and were tough.
Brought my stance in a few inches on each side but kept a big flare.
275 x5 @9-
Bringing my stance in a little made hitting depth a lot easier, and I was also able to easily keep my knees out, and the lift was easier and quicker overall. I like this stance.

105 x3
145 x3
165 x3
185 x3
205 x2
225 xf

Leg press-
5, 6, 7, 8 plates each side x8 reps

Hamstring curls x3
calves x3

Monday, February 13, 2012

USAPL State Championships 2/11/12

Body weight: 66.1 (145.4) (dehydrated too much for this)
Weight class: 67.5 (148.8)

67.5 (148.8)
75 (165.3) (2 red lights on depth, at parallel)
77.5 (170.5) (5 lbs less than my 1RM, but I consider it a success in light of being injured)

Had 4 Advil about 30 min before warming up and couldn't feel a thing, but definitely feel it today.

Bench press
35 (77.2)
37.5 (88.2) (3 lb PR)
42.5 (93.5) (ha, noooope)

107.5 (237.0)
120 (264.6) (lost balance and leaned forward a bit so missed the top 3 inches)
120 (264.6) (same as my 1RM)

Total: 77.5 (170.5) + 37.5 (88.2) + 120 (264.6) = 237.5 (523.6)

Qualified for Collegiate Nationals (raw) again. Was hoping to make some big PRs, but at least established some state records! Hopefully the hip will feel better soon and I can squat bigger.

Danny Salzetti CA State Championships

Body Weight: 96.7 kg (212.75 lbs)
Weight Class: 100kg (220 lbs)

1st: 202.5 kg (445.5 lbs) 2 whites, 1 red
2nd: 215 kg (473 lbs) 3 whites
3rd: 227.5 (500.5 lbs) No lift

1st: 120 kg (264 lbs) 3 whites
2nd: 130 kg (286 lbs) 3 whites
3rd: 137.5 kg (302.5 lbs) 3 whites

1st: 215 kg (473 lbs) 3 whites
2nd: 227.5 kg (500.5 lbs) No lift
3rd: 227.5 kg (500.5 lbs) 3 whites

Total: 580 kg (1276 lbs)

Best Lifts:

2nd Deadlift:

On my 2nd Attempt Deadlift, I think I pinched my Sciatic Nerve. I warmed up again in the back room before hitting my 3rd attempt. I've had really bad back pain since then. At least I qualified for nationals (by 1 pound).

Saturday, February 11, 2012

M.E. Incline Bench. Sat. 2/11.

Incline Bench 3x1
135 (@9+), 145 (@10)-> P.R.!!, 135 (@9)

Decline Bench 5x5
135 (@8), 145 (@9), 155 (@10-), 155 (@10-), 155 (@10-)

Seated Row Machine 4x8
85 (@10-), 85 (@9), 85 (@9)
-> (w/ horizontal grip)

D.E. Bench 8x3
-> all w/ 95 lbs

Shrug Machine (Dynamic Shrugs) 2x25
-> all w/ 3pes (facing in)

Db Curls 2x10
-> both w/ 20dbs (didn't push it)

Ab Crunch Machine 3x10
30lbs, 20lbs, 20lbs

Friday, February 10, 2012



Conventional Rack Pulls 3x1
-> (from 2-3 inches below knees)
355 (@9), 365 (@9+), 375 (@10-)
-> (I haven't done conventional rack pulls in a very long time and I felt like my form was breaking down so I didn't go for an all-out single)

Good Mornings 3x8 (belted)
115 (@9), 115 (@9), 115 (@8-)
-> did these with strict form (going down to where back was parallel with the floor) but didn't go as heavy after rack pulls

Dynamic Effort Low Box Squats 10x2 (no belt)
95, 115, 115, 135, 135, 135, 135, 135, 115, 115

Standing Calf Raise Machine
80x5, 100x5, 60x9
-> going a little havier but not until failure

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Today I am a man

225 x 1 (PR)

oh also from earlier
355 x 1
I thought this was a PR until I calculated the plates

Deadlift (conventional)
405 x 1
Maybe this is coming back up? I don't know

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Slowest Squat Award

515 x 1
540 x 1
560 x 1 (+5 PR)

(just skip to 1:35 and get ready to wait)

I was feeling pretty beat up from 2 hours of GPP on saturday followed immediately by 2 hours of ultimate frisbee, so I wasn't sure if my legs would hold up for today's squat singles. The lower back felt great from the extra recovery, so I just rolled with it. Clearly, the speed was down, but I was still able to grind up the weight for a 10 second squat, hahaha. I feel good about what I could hit rested now too.

Afterwards, we did some sets of core work with this:

Definitely the best oblique and anti-rotation movement, I've ever tried.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Danny Salzetti Squat


Suit on, Straps down

Straps up, Knee wraps

1st Attempt

2nd Attempt

Danny Salzetti Bench


Shirt on
205x2 (4 board, 3 board)
225x2 (2 board, 1 board)

1st Attempt
245x1 (misload, 2 plates and 2 tens on one side, just 2 plates on other side)

2nd Attempt

Friday, February 3, 2012

Luke 2-2-12 Squat

really shitty day in terms of personal problems

Suited Squat
405 x 1 @ 8
435 x 1 @ 9+
465 x 1 @ 10 PR of 2 pounds. I actually stopped on this rep, sunk a little, then finished the lift so it was a red light lift, but it wasn't too heavy. this was the first rep I did with knees wrapped. I need to wrap earlier. Ryan's wraps were too tight to be the first wrapping of the day. If I had a better feel of the wraps I might have been able to go down faster and just pop right up. I used the higher rack for this set so I wouldn't have to bend down as much to start, but I needed help unracking, which threw off my setup. I hurt my calf on this rep.

Band Lightened Squat greens from top
455 x 3 oww

banded Hypers


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Squat 2/2/12

155 x 1
175 x 1 (high)
175 x 1 (fail, rolled forward)
Not. A. Good. Day. Going to rethink my weights for the meet.

Band-lightened Squat:
205 x 3
215 x 3 x 2
225 x 3
Last rep of last set I messed up something in my left hip, sort of felt a small pop. Tried to go in for pause squats and that didn't work at all; hopefully it's not serious and can be taken care of with some ibuprofen/foam rolling (thanks Dave) before the meet :/.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Luke 1-31-12 Bench

Raw Bench
205 x 1 @ 8
225 x 1 @ 10 slow lockout, but pretty smooth, ties PR

Shirted board press
245 x 4 board, 3 board x 2
255 x 4 board, 3 board x 2 added belt
265 x 3 board x 3
275 x 3 board x fail then reset, 3 board x 3 PR but with some Gregging. This is 40 pounds over my raw 3 board.

70 x 10
80 x 10 x 2

Barbell Curls
70 x 8
80 x 8

135 x 4 neck was hurting
135 x 5
155 x 5

Ultra Wide Grip Bench
135 x 8
155 x 8
145 x 8

Pull Ups
BW x 12, 15

Luke 1-30-12 Deadlift on monday

Deadlift in suit
435 x 1 @ 9+
465 x 1 @ 10-
495 x f, f
505 x f I wasn't planning on doing another attempt after 465, but I saw the weight on the bar and wanted to lift it

Deficit Sumo Deadlift in suit
335 x 5
355 x 5 x 2 hard

Glute thrusts



Bench 1/31/12

Bench (shirted):
95 x 3 board, 2 board (warmup)
105 x 1 (no commands)
105 x 1 (just made this one)
115 x f (shirt not down enough...=choking)
115 x f (belted but that made it way too tight)
Personal problems. Also worked up to my 1st attempt in warm-ups so that might have been part of the problem.

Pause bench:
65 x 3 x 4

Cable Triceps, Shrugs
Shoulder is doing a lot better but still a bit eh, so laying off of it until the meet.