Thursday, September 1, 2011

Luke 9-1-11 Deadlift

Another shitty deadlift day. Looks like I may need to lift equipped to qualify for nationals as a 165, because RAW I really need at least a 450+ deadlift.

Sumo Deadlift
375 x 3 @ 9
405 x 3 @ 10
435 x 1 @ 10 I knew I wasn't gonna get this for 3, but I wanted to lift something heavy(ish)

Conventional Deadlift
315 x 3 @ 8-
365 x 3 @ 9
395 x 3 @ 10
I was pissed about how shitty my recent deadlift workouts have been so I tried conventional deadlifts to see how I was at them. The hardest part was about 3 inches from the floor to just below my knees and lockout felt super easy.

Hamstring Curls
why are these so hard x 80 pounds x 8 x 3 sets

Hyper extensions
BW x 50



Greg said...

Just in general, but especially right after pulling sumo, it's very impressive that you were able to conventional deadlift 395 x 3.

Enough with the flattery though, have you taken your measurements and compared to the link Vit sent out about what body styles fit which deadlift style? (not implying you should switch at all, just curious if you had done so)

Greg said...

Also, you should definitely go equipped in Nov. to get the experience down whether or not you can qualify raw.

Doing an equipped meet is fairly different from raw.