Friday, September 30, 2011

Max 9/27 Bench and 9/29 Deadlift Assistance

195x5 4 sets
Less than I thought I'd do, but still not bad, and all were good work sets.

Close-Grip Bench
175 5x5, failed last rep of last set, so not a bad weight, I'll keep using it until I get stronger.

Bored Press
205x2 VERY hard, didn't go for the 3rd
195x3 very hard
195x2 failed 3rd rep
Depressing, Dave blames weak triceps and Sheiko and I'd have to agree; it was like my arms just wouldn't extend. I'll work on it.

Shrugs, curls, rows etc

275 3x5
Unbelted, and rather solid. Me gusta.

255 3x5

Banded Hypers, traversus, and miscellaneous shenaniganry.

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