Thursday, September 15, 2011

Fuck. Yeah.

I'm sick right now- low energy and congested, but like so many great lifters before me, I decided to lift some heavy fucking weights anyway. I realized it was my last chance to workout this summer at 24 hour fitness and it was time for some PR's.

45 x 10
135 x 6
225 x 3
275 x 2 (added wraps and belt)
325 x 1 @ 7
375 x 1 @ 8
405 x 1 @ 8+/9- slightly high, but really easy
425 x 1 @ 10/10+ (10 pound PR) definitely sunk this one deep, but both knees came in and the bar may have dipped on the way up. It didn't feel overwhelmingly heavy, just heavy enough to break down my form.

Sumo Deadlift
135 x 6
225 x 3
315 x 2 (added belt)
365 x 1 @ 8
405 x 1 @ 8+
435 x 1 @ 9+
455 x 1 @ 10 (15 pounds off my PR, but most I've hit since mini meet) this was not an all out effort, but it felt heavy in a shitty way. Sumo used to only feel heavy on the ground, but now that I don't have that issue so much anymore it feels very heavy throughout the whole lift.

well since I didn't hit a sumo PR I thought at least I could hit a conventional PR

Conventional Deadlift
405 x 1 @ 8 (10 pound conventional PR)
445 x 1 @ 9 (50 pound conventional PR)
475 x 1 @ 10+ (85 pound conventional PR, 5 pound all time PR) This one was really hard. I tried twice and couldn't pick it up the first time, but then I decided to pick it up. The lift was shaky between shins and knees, but lockout was smooth. I was struggling to hold it at lockout, but I think I held it long enough for a down command. I think I may switch to conventional, but for equipped I will use sumo because my suit is wide stance.

foam rolling, transversus, stretching


Scott Salomon said...

Damn! Nice PRs. I definitely recommend the switch to conventional. your squat and deadlift now almost outtotal my 3 lifts combined. Time for me to get stronger haha

Ben said...

What a day!!! Nice work Luke!! I definitely agree with Scott on considering the switch to conventional pulling!! Great lift!!