Friday, September 16, 2011

Bench Assistance. Fri. 9/16.

Incline Bench 4x5
120, 120, 120, 120

Db Shoulder Press
40dbs x6, 40dbs x5, 35dbs x7, 30dbs x 10

Pendlay Row 3x8
115, 105, 105

Shrug Machine
3pes x12, 2.5pes x15, 2pes x25

Lat Pulldowns 2x20
110, 110

Nail Bending
-> took 10-12 compression attempts to almost fully bend the nail from being straight to both ends near touching
-> used the "white" Iron Mind nail (which is the easiest one they have haha goodness)

Turkish Get-Ups (Core)
20db x 6 reps, 20db x 6 reps

Cherry Pickers
45db x20, 35db x 40


Luke said...
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Luke said...

Ben is this the Turkish get up?

Luke said...

I tried to make the link so you can click it, that's why I deleted my first comment, but I don't feel like redoing again so just copy and paste the link or try this one Turkish Get Up

Greg said...

That would be awesome for a demo.

Ben said...

Hahahaha!! That is quite the Turkish Get-Up!! Something to work up to haha!!