Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Lower body PT Training

Week 2 of PT training

Crossover Lunges
105x10,10,10 Per leg

these DESTROYED my glutes/adductors/abductors

Single leg pistols
x7,7,7 per leg-  PR

Still noticibly harder on left.

Single Leg RDL's
Still Hard, not as hard as the first time but  I was dying by this point legs shaky, and out of breath

Finished with some Banded Twists for the Transversus abdominals.

Compared with The last 3 workouts before this, I'm sore more evenly in my body, as opposed to 1 glute being fried, 1 hamstring being fried. Both Glutes are sore as hell, and were working evenly, I haven't experienced this before, as well as equal hamstring distribution.My lower back is feeling more even too, that isn't quite 100% but A great step in the right direction. The weight I'm using is low, but these are hard.


Juggernaut, the said...

How do the cross over lunges feel on the knees? Do they twist at all?

Nick said...

No it's important to keep them tracked with the toes, I feel 0 pain or discomfort even with no sleeves. Miserable movement, low weight