Monday, September 5, 2011


Incline Dumbbell Press:
90 x 5
95 x 5
100 x 5
105 x 5

There's no barbell incline set up at 4-star (the makeshift one scares me), so I just did dumbbell since there were heavy dumbbells.

Standing Dumbbell Press:

60 x 8
65 x 8
70 x 7.8

Tried the standing variant today and it was much harder on the lockout.

Dumbbell Bench Press:
90 x 8 @ 10, 8 @ 8+
100 x 8 @ 9

The first set at 90 felt very hard, so I repeated, but then it got much easier.

Wide-grip pull ups:
bw x 7, 8, 10, 8

Ughh.. getting fat? Why are these so hard?

Dumbbell Rows:
135 x 5, 10, 8

Got frustrated for doing only 5 reps on the first set, so I did 10 to spite the weight.

Finished with overhead shrugs and pnf stretching

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