Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Injury updates

So my hip is still kind of messed up. I may have come back into lifting a bit too fast & furious. The good news is that I can do front squats and deadlifts without pain.

What this means is that starting in the fall I will be following the split as best as I can, substituting front squats for regular squats, and otherwise working around the hip irritation.

In other news, it looks like the November meet is pretty much out for me (unless I go bench-only lol). And aside from the 22:30 crew, I may be a ghost to most of the team with EMT training Monday - Thursday from 18:00-22:00 starting Monday of 1st week.


Juggernaut, the said...

Go to physical therapy and get it fixed. Fix the root cause of the problem rather than switching exercises and not training as effectively. (You're a doctor, you should know this.)

Also, i have some fun things in the works for november, so you should still plan on competing.

Luke said...

the problem is the meet is already full