Friday, May 13, 2011


In the movie Rocky, it has been said that "women weaken legs." Well, this is the first excuse I'm gonna throw out about yesterday's workout lol. Also, 6:30 group had no chalk and I have sweaty palms.

345x2 (well, more like x 1.88, had the weight but it slipped out of my hand because no chalk)
345x2 (used Mis' straps on this set, but still had grip issues due to Mis' straps being so thick/new)
315x3@9+ no chalk no straps no excuses

Low Box Squats:
SS Bar hadn't gotten to Wooden yet, so I just used the normal bar.
I should've gone heavier on these, but Ross and Max were sandbagging as well (I'll let them explain in their own posts if they want, I think it was due to their heavy DLs though), so it didn't really motivate me to do big weight.

Deficit Deadlifts (Standing on a non-bumper 45 plate):
Max and Ross decided they had had enough. I considered doing more, but once again the aura of the sandbag was too much to resist

Overall, a very meh day of training :(


Juggernaut, the said...

I think we have a box of chalk that the team purchase. Let's see if we can get a few blocks from it to crew members in the 6:30 group so you guys always have a constant supply.

We have the chalk technology.™

Scott Salomon said...

That would be much appreciated