Thursday, May 19, 2011


Personal problem of the day: slept only 2 hours last night.

Thankfully I randomly ran into Nick so he was kind enough to handoff for me.
Bench (brief pause)
195 x 3 @8
205 x 3 @9 touch n go for some reason
215 x 3 @10- (PR) very brief pause
Elbows were trashed even before my first workset so I just moved on to isolation work after this.

4 sets of light high rep pushdowns supersetted with 4 sets of light lateral raises (12.5lbs)

Barbell shrugs (no chalk)
455 x 10
475 x 8
405 x 12
Couldn't hold onto these without chalk :( Chalk whore?

BW x 15, 15, 15
These were hard...but I weighed in at 199lbs after eating in-n-out post workout...